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 River Name  Run Name  Class  Flow.Gauge  Forecast  Gauge Update
 Skykomish  1 - Index/Powerlin..  III+(IV+)    B  877.cfs  NWRFC | Page   07-26-2024 15:15:00
 Sauk  2 - Whitechuck Riv..  III+(IV)    B  1890.cfs  NWRFC | Page   07-26-2024 18:30:00
 Snoqualm..  4 - Concrete bridg..  III (IV)    B  291.cfs  NWRFC | Page   07-26-2024 18:15:00
 Green  2. Kanaskat Palmer..  III-IV    B  139.cfs  NWRFC | Page   07-26-2024 18:00:00
 Stillagu..  2 - Mallardy Creek..  III+    B  3.63.ft  NWRFC | Page   07-26-2024 18:15:00
 Tilton  2. Bremer to Ike K..  III-IV    B  91.9.cfs  NWRFC | Page   07-26-2024 17:45:00
 Lewis, E..  2 - Sunset Falls t..  IV(V)    B  77.9.cfs  n/a   07-26-2024 18:00:00
 Toutle  Highway 504 Bridge..  III+(IV)    B  742.cfs  NWRFC | Page   07-26-2024 17:45:00
 Wenatchee  4. State Play (Lea..  III    B  947.cfs  NWRFC | Page   07-26-2024 18:15:00
 Snoqualm..  6. Twin Falls Stat..  II+    B  106.cfs  NWRFC | Page   07-26-2024 17:45:00
 White Sa..  4 - BZ Corner to N..  III+ (IV+)    R  830.cfs  n/a   07-26-2024 18:00:00
 Pilchuck..  1 - Lake Cavanaugh..  IV    B  189.cfs  | Page   /2017 07:45
 Stillagu..  3 - Verlot to Gran..  V    B  3.63.ft  NWRFC | Page   07-26-2024 18:15:00
 Jefferso..  Elk Lake to Hamma ..  V    B  79.1.cfs  NWRFC | Page   07-26-2024 18:00:00
Flow Key   Unknown   Below Min   Recommended   Above Max 
Beta Updates:
Elwha by BUZZNooksack, N. Fork by WiattVLittle Wenatchee by water wackoRapid by DirtyKalama by chipmaneyDosewallips by BUZZDeer Creek by water wackoChelan by water wackoSultan by NateW Nisqually by fiddleyak
River Alerts:
 Peshastin Creek - Posted by: JayB on 5/30/2017   Snoqualmie, Mid.. - Posted by: megspk on 4/15/2017   Snoqualmie, N. .. - Posted by: megspk on 4/7/2017   Peshastin Creek - Posted by: kurle on 4/4/2017   Stillaguamish, .. - Posted by: JoesKayak on 4/1/2017 

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Professor Paddle  11:23 | 7/17
Whitewater Womens Happy..  08:44 | 3/22
Sat. Boating  21:59 | 3/21
Rescue/repair/bailout kit  16:48 | 3/21
Skook Tide Predictor Link  15:38 | 2/14
Bueller, Bueller?  15:28 | 2/5
Bulkhead retrofit  10:54 | 11/11
Be kind Rewind  20:30 | 4/19
Washington Legislature ..  14:51 | 2/11
SeaGnar 10  17:18 | 2/5
Sotar Raft Wanted  12:45 | 1/18
First descent  23:00 | 10/6
I broke the private mes..  17:54 | 8/17
1/4mile slide rapid  13:30 | 7/3
Weekday paddling?  15:39 | 6/9
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Bring your cameras, bring your swim shorts! Chelan Gorge is a new classic Washington summer run, with big drops, a sweet gorge, and the warmest water in the state! - Fish
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