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Tye    1. Surprise Creek to Alpine Falls (Upper)™ ©
Class V.3
Play Rating (1-10): 1
River Mapplet
Put In Longitude : -121.16494 Putin
Put In Latitude : 47.7118416
Take Out Longitude : -121.22473 Take Out
Take Out Latitude : 47.7176399
County : King Shuttle
   Gauge Information (Professor Paddle updated levels from SKYKOMISH RIVER NEAR GOLD BAR at 8/12/2024 7:02:21 AM)
Gauge Forecast Height Current Flow Authority Physical Update
SKYKOMISH RIVER NEAR GOLD BAR | FC Page 4.68  599 cfs  USGS - NWIS 08-12-2024 06:30:00
Minimum Recomended Level:  3000 cfs     Maximum Recomended Level:  8000 cfs 


East of Skykomish on Hwy 2

  Putin Details

Just off FR67, or the Falls State Park off HWY 2 but you will miss Spout and Skin so smooth.

  Takeout Details

HWY 2 Bridge Just before Alpine Falls.

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Features on this run

Feature Name Class
Slide Falls IV+
Double Drop Falls IV-V
Spout V.3
Skin So Soft V
Monkey Cage Falls IV-V
Crack in the Earth V.7
Log Choked Falls VI
Box Drop IV-V
Paranoia V.5
Stairway To Heaven V
Godzilla V
Witches Brew IV+
Alpine Falls VI
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  Other Issues

Best gauge can be found at

Look for flows between 5 and 6 feet. 5.8 ft is medium high, 5.2 is a nice medium. Keep in mind that this gauge is below the confluence with the Beckler so correlation will not be exact. It does provide a much better correlation than the Gold Bar gauge.

The forecast image link is to the SF Sky @ Skykomish.

Below is a correlation of feet to river level compiled by WA-boater, added May, 2012…

Trips from 2011:
6.2' = 3-4" over tree
6.1' = 1" over tree
6' = tree level
5.9' = 1" below tree
5.8' = 2" below tree
5.4' = 6" below tree

  Fun Facts

The Top Tye is featured in a bunch of Kayaking Video’s. Most of the drops look a lot bigger than they really are on film. Another cool thing about the Top Tye is the final drop called Alpine Falls. This is of course not part of the actual run for most people, but if you can talk a buddy into hucking it, enjoy because it is a spectacular waterfall with every ounce of risk and fun you could ask for.

   Run Description [Season: Fall, Winter, Spring]

The Top Type is a classic class V creek run. That said it is also a great creek for paddlers to hone class V boating skills with less consequence for a missed line than on other class V runs in the area. This river can best be described as a pool drop type run with a few sets of continuous class IV-Iv+ boulder gardens in between the bigger drops. Beware as this run has a few nasty drops that are portaged on most peoples trips.

A lot of people have started putting in a Monkey Cage Falls instead of at the top, above The Spout. However, putting in at the top when the water is high is always an option. Start out with class V drops like The Spout, Skin So Soft, and Double Drop to get the adrenaline pumping.

The Top Tye is a great training ground for creeking. Many of the drops allow for safety to be set easily, which makes this run great for a solid Class IV boater with some creeks under the belt that is ready to start venturing into class V. And when the water gets high it's a great run to hone those race skills on.


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SubmissionBeta Submitted BySubmitted On
JoesKayak's 5/2/2012 Run SubmissionJoesKayak5/2/2012 10:52:00 PM
water wacko's 5/2/2012 Run Submissionwater wacko5/2/2012 10:19:00 PM
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water wacko's 2/1/2011 Run Submissionwater wacko2/1/2011 4:46:00 PM
The OAC's 5/1/2007 Run SubmissionThe OAC5/1/2007 10:31:00 PM
James's 4/9/2007 Run SubmissionJames4/9/2007 8:26:00 PM

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