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Sum Dum Guy

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  Quote James Replybullet Topic: May Day
    Posted: 30 Apr 2012 at 2:39pm
Anyone going to Mayday?

I personally hope the thing is a success. Although I disagree with a ton of what some of the protestor's think it is a good route, I personally think that Capitalism died long ago and I think a bunch of the nonsense that people think will help is tom foolery. BUT none the less Unlike our political candidates might PITCH, we truly do need a change! And that change will never happen in our current system or with our current election process. So rather than keep going down that road, I look forward to one and only one thing.

Watching people protest, get their asse$ pwned and find out how much freedom's have been stripped away already... Constitutional Republic with democracy.... ahahah

I hope allot of people go... I would but I have to work !!!! (I hope some can find the humor in that)

Edited by James - 30 Apr 2012 at 2:39pm
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septimus prime
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  Quote septimus prime Replybullet Posted: 30 Apr 2012 at 3:42pm
Hey James,

no need to worry, its not about "change" anymore, its about moving forward...right into our graves:
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Sum Dum Guy

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  Quote James Replybullet Posted: 30 Apr 2012 at 5:41pm

Thanks for the link, had not yet seen the new video. I won't get mad at you for the little bit of vomit that I just tasted... after all I could have closed the window.
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Rio Banditos
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  Quote jP Replybullet Posted: 30 Apr 2012 at 9:47pm
I don't need to vomit right now, so once I saw what I was in for, I elected not to click on the link.

No, I "had" to work today, or should I say, I wanted to. Besides, why spend the trouble to physically go somewhere to get blacklisted when I can just type my opinions about Cispa here?

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Rio Banditos
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  Quote jP Replybullet Posted: 01 May 2012 at 9:24pm
Well, May Day has (just about) come to pass.
After a particularly hectic day at the job, damn if I didn't just need to go to Happy Hour somewhere and get me a beer. Seems like my locale ain't got nothin but sports bars, other than wannabe sports bars (variations on a theme). fu*k this town. Ain't gonna be around much longer. I go to a local bar, imagining myself sipping sum suds while watching a game that I really don't giva rats ass about. Sounds appealling after a day like today, ironicly. I coulda gone and boated the Green at a sweet medium flow (2590), but my current plan sounded much more appealing after blocking out reality by paddling the Green for 5 out of 7 days.
So here at the local pub on the TV screens, I witness an entirely different game than the one I expected, as the effects of MAY DAY IN SEATTLE unfolded on the local news-distortion show.

Already throughout the day I had resented getting yelled at by someone who has proven himself silmultaneously an asshole AND an idiot- sorry, dude: you gotta choose. You can't be both thats just reckless. I resented going to work on May Day for this jerk. Ok fu*k it pass that Cispa bill. No, bossman can't have my password to whatever. He's small potatoes anyway like the rest of us. But anyone who wants to cross THAT line with me, go ahead. Anyway, I felt resentfull for working because I dig symbolism, and May Day is a historicly symbolic day, if you know history. But, the fact is, I was there out of self interest, so fu*k it. And, while I work, I apply myself with sincerity to the task(s) at hand, even if my supposed leader acts in self sabotaging ways. But, yelling at me, being hostile, now, That's startin to cross a line. I'm sincere, I work hard, and really I'm just trying to keep my head above water. I'm f**king flush drowning in this rapid called modern America. My f**king fault for choosing a bad line in the approach, but here I am...

Anyway, while I watch the news coverage with the sound off, all I get is the footage of the riot cops, and the window smashers, and the text banner scrolling cross the bottom telling me how much parking sucks in Seattle. May Day Meyhem it said. Looks like your boursoisie events are gonna get cancelled. Boo Hoo.

So its easy to see how quickly and effectively thousands if people with legitimate greivences get marginalized, trivialized, and delegitmized. Am I sounding like a black preacher yet? No? Well, my WHITIEwater audience, I guess I should keep going...

So in walks some variant of a blue collar worker w/ his lady, and before long he's commenting on the spectacle on TV, repeating many of the basic comments you csn hear on any talkshow that is designed to counter these events and tamp down any meaning that might reach the general populace.
   I don't want to be insightful to my new bar stool companion and his lady, but some of the dumb generalities he threw out deserved rebuttal, so I provided it in a freindly way. Saying stupid sh*t like how all those protesters are "students who are just there to get laid". No, dumbass: people are loosing their homes. People are paying back loans for degrees that can't employ them. Yeah, it is lame that a small percentage smashes windows at these events, and the news is reporting the vandalism of cars, which is outrageous.
A) this is a small (and admittedly unfortunate and embarrasing) fraction of the whole
B) in some cases even (any critical thinker needs to entertain this possibility, as history bears it out) PROVACATUERS. looks like I misspelled that word. Still...

I went downtown during most of the days during the WTO event of 1999. Or was it 2000? I don't have to remember. I was there. Anyone else remember? I didn't invoke any meyhem there. In fact, while I was there to participate in the protest, I also was there as an observer. Yeah, CISPA, fu*k you. File all this away. I am a free man who does not steal or engage in violence. fu*k you.
So I gently explained to my bar stool friend that, yes, there are all sorts of folks of all sorts of ages at these protests. Yup. There are plenty of hipster self described Anarchist fu*ks who make trouble. Plenty of "bad apples". But most are pretty sharply educated about why they are there, despite the fact that the media only interviews the clueless 'tards...

The bottom line is this:
When so many people gather like this, clearly some sh*t ain't right on a massive scale. Especially when it occurs as often as it does these days. People can draw their own conclusions, but its clear to me that things have been gradually unravelling for a few decades.
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Rio Banditos
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  Quote jP Replybullet Posted: 01 May 2012 at 9:35pm
Ha! Another incident that is funny, in a detached sense, is that Phoenix Jones-
Yall heard of this dude? Self appointed "superhero" of Seattle?
I guess he ***ok: Alledgedly ***pepper sprayed a bunch of protesters and all hell brokr loose. Pretty soon all sorts of tear gas was flying.

So then the whole Entropic Inertia of the throng just takes its own momentum and unfolds...
And while I might understand what draws so many people out to protest, this kind of circus sh*t just makes me want to shake my head and give up.

Voting does no good ( certainly on a national level)
Contacting my so called representatives does no good (definitely a waste of time on the national level. Maybe if I had several million I might have a voice)
Protesting does no good (just gets ya on the no fly list, and hell, posting this will probably do the same. fu*k it. Too many peeps watching "Everybody Loves Raymond" re runs or whatever the hell that show I never saw is called. Lets make another trip to Slaveway for some Ben N Jerries).

Dudes, the sh*tball is spiralling irrevocably out of control. Might as well try to stay out of the way and watch it crash. Laugh with tears streaming down. Hopeless.

Edited by jP - 01 May 2012 at 9:42pm
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water wacko
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  Quote water wacko Replybullet Posted: 02 May 2012 at 2:51am
It goes on as long as we keep paying for it. I feel ya, JP. Haven't figured out how to change the world yet, just myself. AND... Ben & Jerry's did re-issue Rocky Road, which I love.
"Don't ask yourself what the world needs. Ask yourself what makes you come alive, and go do that, because what the world needs is people who have come alive." ~Howard Thurman
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Rio Banditos
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  Quote jP Replybullet Posted: 03 May 2012 at 2:40am
I'm more of a "Chubby Hubby" fan, personally. But, without any real health care to speak of, I should watch what I eat (speaking of changing oneself). And, changing oneself is always a good policy. Yet it remains frustrating to feel so squeezed by macro forces that seem at times to prevent me from doing just that.

But, I take inspiration from flowing water that I found deep in a dark labyrinth of underground caves and tunnels...
After exploring a vast network of passages in the dark, I came to a growing watershed of an underground creek. Not only did this creek support a volume of water that would be suitable for your average foamie boater, but, even more interesting was the way the creek divided. River Right continued its gradient off into its dank destination, while River Left tumbled off into an entirely seperate tunnel, with a much more earnest cascade in miniture. How does this relate to your post, you may ask?

Well, I digress no further here. What really struck me as I continued down the steeper tunnel to the left, was an incredibly microscopic tributary trickling in from the left into this left fork that I now followed. This trickle was coming from a crack in the wall of the tunnel. The crack followed the contours of the rock, a jagged fissure from which the icy water extruded itself like a 2 milimeter thick sheet of twisted, animated glass in the beam of my headlamp.

Though impeded by solid rock, deep in the bowels of the earth, this water could not be kept from its downstream destiny as it managed to fan out from the crack like liberated quicksilver. Freed into an open tunnel to merge with its kinetic kin, what once was a small, isloated rivulet was now on its way as part of a larger, more powerful force. One that had appropriated and henceforth shaped the tunnel it now occupied, following its path of least resistance that would inevitably burst forth into the light of day to join an even more robust stream...

fu*k these people who impede the free flowing lives of others.
Drink heartily next time you float through Spring Alley.

Edited by jP - 03 May 2012 at 2:44am
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Tricky Woo
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  Quote thad2000 Replybullet Posted: 03 May 2012 at 4:51am
I spent may day working and doing homework for a political science class. Feel a bit bad for not trying to add my voice to the pool. I applaud the discussion and feel a bit less marginalized and more connected for hearing it. I also liked the symbolism in the cave story. Sorry for sounding like a poindexter.. It's what I got right now.

Edited by thad2000 - 03 May 2012 at 4:54am
why not!
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Sum Dum Guy

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  Quote James Replybullet Posted: 03 May 2012 at 9:32am
Well I didn't go to work on May Day cuz it was daddy daughter day... which also means I did not participate in the "RIOTS" .... hahaha what a joke. Our "main stream" media is such a bunch of liars.... They were protests, and like JP mentioned I think it is amazing that number of people congregated over such a serious issue that as affected so many in such a serious way (ie loosing homes, etc..) and the only thing that happened was a couple broken windows and some tires slashed. .... But were going to call that "Violent Riots". Regardless I just thought I would mention that if you know the history of this day, we should consider our May Day this year quite peaceful and subdued.
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Viener Schnitzel
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  Quote Epic_Yeti Replybullet Posted: 03 May 2012 at 10:32pm
Why do we blame the media. The media was doing there job. If you want to destroy property then you're a terrorist. Coward hiding behind masks, AQI hides behind makes to kill, steal and commit acts of terror. So how are these cowards and different. And people support these acts. The protesters were acting peaceful expressing there freedom of speech and the city had no problem with that. Then a group of roughly around 50 clearly broke the law. Damage and violence is not the way to express your freedom. I will in the protests next year for my May-day Ill be down town dressed in all black! Break a window Ill break your face! slash a tire well prepare to get slashed. When the public stands up to these Thugs with out a purpose. They will not have the support of the crowd. Then the Voice of the pubic will be heard. Step in and do the right thing. I bet if another plane got highjacked people would stand together to avoid another 9/11. So why should we not stand together to stop riots. I've seen the brunt of war and what 3rd world looks like, So stop blaming the system. Make a positive difference.    
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Viener Schnitzel
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  Quote Epic_Yeti Replybullet Posted: 03 May 2012 at 10:39pm
Hey JP if you don't like america, move to another another country. You have no idea how good we have it hear. I watch a protest in the middle east lead to be-headings after a man spit on a officer. That man was a hero, I would have shot the men storming the Fed Building. Guess I would stop that trickling little flow right then and there. Had to Riot when your DEAD
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Big Boofer
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  Quote Travisimo Replybullet Posted: 04 May 2012 at 12:31am
Ahhh, I miss Hugo...  This conversation may take an entertaining, but distracting turn...

I will add this, there were more people doing damage than mentioned on this forum...  I heard a guy from Canadia interviewed.  He had his car windows smashed and he was told to "go back to Canada"... That sucks, he was an innocent bystander.

One guy on video smashing NikeTown's windows was wearing Nike shoes... pretty ironic...

I have read a lot of reports on the protest and would really like to hear someone explain the point of the protests.  "Everything sucks" is the general consensus from what I've heard.  IMHO picking some unified battle cry may have helped this protest not look like a mob...  There are plenty of problems here, but I don't think this event persuaded anyone because there was no published agenda.  This minority in the group (terrorists, and yes they were actually terrorists by definition) easily stole the show because there was no purpose (at least that I can find, or any observer of the media).

Further, I haven't heard anyone ask... "Why didn't the law abiding people in the large peaceful crowd do anything to stop the terrorists that infiltrated the from destroying their peaceful protest."

I have yet to see or hear of a single attempt by a peaceful protester to stop the property damage happening around them.  I would have hoped that an assembly of intelligent people would have realized that such actions would make them look bad.  If I was pat of the group, I certainly would have made some attempt to keep miscreants from diluting my agenda.

(I edited one minute after I posted... oops I missed a word, and it made me look like a bigger idiot than I actually am...)

Edited by Travisimo - 04 May 2012 at 12:32am
H2O please
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septimus prime
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  Quote septimus prime Replybullet Posted: 04 May 2012 at 7:20am
I can't believe Yeti actually pulls out the "love it or leave it" card. That slogan is for simple minded people that don't want to actually think for themselves. Consider changing your tag to "Epic_Sheeple".

I bet you would be the same guy in the 1950's saying, "the system is fine. Its separate but equal".

Never settle. Continue to push for true freedom.
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  Quote dave Replybullet Posted: 04 May 2012 at 8:08am
Your supposed to knock on ladies doors and leave flowers on the porch and run away on May day....not destroy and kill....
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Sum Dum Guy

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  Quote James Replybullet Posted: 04 May 2012 at 9:20am
Forums such as this often have little value in discussion of such things for the purpose of changing views. That was not the purpose of the post. My purpose is a simple one, to get people who might not have cared to pay attention, like it or not.

Epic we should kick it some time because you might find that we have alot in common. I am a staunch patriot, having served in the military, and still love my country. But what so many people fail to understand is that what made our country great is quickly at an alarming pace being removed by technocrats and mis-informed citizens. I am not saying that you are mis-informed either, you might be fully aware from multiple sources and just disagree, which is cool. But my goal is just to get people interested in searching out Truth for that awareness. And unfortunately truth no longer comes in a simple news update from you TV set. It does not come from Al Jazeera, it does not come from RT, The BBC, or Reuters. It comes from all of them in little tidbits that you have to extract like a dentist doing a root canal on a gorilla with no sedative.

Here is a fun last thought to consider. I have a friend "un-named" that lives in Pierce County. His mortgage was sold in 2009 and for 6 months he had been paying the wrong bank who was cashing his checks and he was still able to view his balance etc. online. Then one day he got a forclosure notice from a new bank that stated they owned his mortage and he had not been paying. He had to hire legal counsel to prove that he had been paying and to get his money moved from the previous holder to the new one. That motion was not done fast enough and so the new bank forclosed on his home and sent a sheriff out to evict him by force. He did not put up a fight, just told the sheriff that the foreclosure was being done illegally and that the sheriffs office needed to contact the courts to look into this case. The sheriff explained that the court had already issued the eviction notice from the bank and it was done. Months later he is bank in his home legally. Fortunately during the 4 months he stayed with his parents he kept paying his mortgage and now he just has to re-pay the 6 months he owes until he can get the funds back from the original bank. But guess what... the court determined that the eviction notice was issued in error because the bank had robo signed his documents, and that there was serious error on behalf of both banks and not the home owner. Guess what his reward was paying 4 months of mortgage payments while he and his family lived with his parents even though he did not get to live in the home he rightfully owned. He asked the sheriff to issue a written apology which they refuse to do because they were not at fault. He asked the court to do the same thing, which they would not do. See no one is at fault here. He called local news channels to get his story heard, but they said it was not news worthy and this type of thing was common right now and that the public was aware. Maybe I am close enough to the matter to see it differently but I don't hear about this kind of thing on the news ever! I could keep going with other stories of my own but I will save my breath because again nothing is going to change peoples views on a forum. You need to go read and research on your own.

Please do it. Go seek the Truth. Every ones first stop should be re-visiting the constitution, understanding why the bill of rights was introduced and moving forward with an understanding of what actually makes these the "United States". We are not even a shadow of what we once were. The design of this Nation is being destroyed and it might be impossible to stop since we are in a new type of Globalism. But I for one think there is a better way we can move forward. I believe our current trend is to allow Banks and Big Business to control the motion of our society and while they have a place it is not in judicial, legislative or executive branches... Of course they are now in control of each of these. Read on MF Global, Jon Corzine, and the Sac of Greece through Goldman US Housing Debt Derivatives.

See there I went... on a rant. A beer in hand, over a toasty fire really does make all this much more enjoyable.
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Rio Banditos
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  Quote jP Replybullet Posted: 04 May 2012 at 9:28am
Originally posted by Epic_Yeti

Hey JP if you don't like america, move to another another country.

Look dude, this ain't no Merle Haggard song, ok? Its reality. And if you've been over there in a war zone you have my utmost respect for enduring everything that comes along w/ that. I respect individuals like yourself who serve in the armed forces. But that doesn't mean I approve of how MY TAX DOLLARS are spent largely to benifit the billionares club that has long since coopted our government.

So you gotta realize then that the world isn't a simple black n white hollywood movie, for sure. So don't try to paint me as some unpatriotic ingrate because I see the nuances of what is going on.

The Media is totally to blame because they are rssponsible for shaping the political process on all sides. On one side they make it ridiculously cost prohibitive for average people to run for office, being the multibillion dollar campaign its become. On the other hand they reduce the diameter of the lens viewing these protests to the size of a pinhole, then aim it at the broken windows and slashed tires, and interview the biggest idiot they can find, leaving the footage of all of the informed messengers on the cutting room floor.

I agree w/ Travisimo's post, and Slickhorn's. And Septimus Prime is right on the money, too. Just because we are doing "ok" compared to another country that is running itself poorly, doesn't mean we shouldn't do better.

America is great. But it is not the best, my friend. And it is not enough to go around the world beating one's chest saying "I'm the best!" As loud and as often as one can. One has to proove it. Continually to truly be it. Am I the best? No. I don't aspire to be. I got my hands full just simply trying to be the best I can be.

But things are far from perfect here at home, Yeti. Look around. Amd the problem is that there is a point that once we let this sh*t unravel, its irretrievable. Other countries' histories are illustrations of this, and we are not immune to such decline.

Vandalism sucks. Its wrong. It costs a little money, but come on? Terrorism? Its not on the level of a beheading. That's Facist bullsh*t talk there.

Trayvon Martin getting shot on his way back from the convieniece store? I wasn't there. I don't have the facts because the media distorted that too. But that smells a lot more like terrorism to me.
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Rio Banditos
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  Quote jP Replybullet Posted: 04 May 2012 at 10:03am
There you go. Why quote James' post or parts from it. If you didn't read it top to bottom you should. I was typing while it posted, so I missed it at first.

Capital flight. In this age of globalism we are not much different from Chile or Argentina or any country that has had a large global financial scheme yank the rug out from under them. sh*t gets confusing, factions split, and bam conditions are ripe for things to disintegrate like it did in Germany in the 1920's. Not saying it would unfold like those examples, just saying that you don't hear much "united we stand" in the national rhetoric. Meanwhile, "divide and conquer" seems to be someone's prevailing strategy.

Capital Flight. That's largely what the protests are about. Smashed windows and slashed tires are small potatoes. It sucks because its a distraction. But where there's smoke there's fire.
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Rio Banditos
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  Quote jP Replybullet Posted: 04 May 2012 at 10:06am
Ok, fair distinction regarding Zimmerman. Thanks for reigning that one in that was a careless comment. Still, it illustrates my point.

Edited by jP - 04 May 2012 at 10:06am
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Sum Dum Guy

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  Quote James Replybullet Posted: 04 May 2012 at 10:20am
Oh and all while Trayvon is getting wild press from everyone over the fact that months went by before the legal process started.

Ole Jon Corzine is busy stealing billions from American Farmers, funding JP Morgan, raising funds for the Presidential Campaign and generally de-frauding people in what could be the single largest Heist in US history. But the media doesn't really paint that picture. Funny Article :

Where I will disagree with you JP is about America Running around beating it's chest. I know this is not where you were going with it, but the people that are running around the world on behalf of America are represented by three general parties. Humanitarians, Politicians and Businessmen. WAIT what about our soldiers??? Allow me to digress. In most cases when America or any country interferes in another sovereign's jurisdiction there are one of these three reasons.
1. There is a humanitarian problem that is causing a rift in what people consider morality or humanity. IE WWII, Rwanda, Somalia
2. There is a political problem, ie country is causing problems with neighbors and putting global safety at risk but not exactly an issue of morality or humanity. IE Cuban Missile Crisis, Iraq, Korea
3. There is a business problem, ie Iraq wants to sell off the Petro Dollar...

Our soldiers don't fall into any of these categories.

See as a soldier you don't pick your mission. You choose to serve because of what you believe your nation is and what you believe your nation was and what it can be to it self and for others. People complain about world police, but I hate to say it, we will always have and need interference to be run by an outside force when things get haywire. A global police force is the worst option because they can be held accountable by no one. A country represented by people on the other hand can be, and we are seeing the effects of that right now.

While I was in the service I joined to serve my country. I was in from 2008-2002. While I was in the majority of enlisted guys were clueless dudes just looking for either a paycheck, very few were "patriotic" as I would have considered myself. After 9/11 there was a big shift due to the focus of threat to our nation, people became more patriotic. I bring this up because after I got out I looked at the deployments that tooks place during my tenure and realized that very few if any fell into #1 above, and most if not all were #2 and #3 blended together.

This is a complex discussion again I should not have entered into, but the bottom line is that my concern is no longer about what we are doing off our shores, because I see most of the things we are doing as a by product of our past business. IE who armed Radical Muslims in a border was against russia? IE who got involved in squashing the war between shia and sunni? And what was the purpose of our involvement, #1 , #2 or #3 or a blend.

Bottom line is that now more than ever I see our government as a group of individuals that do not represent the interests of their constituents. They make decisions for big banks and business not the people. We can't seem to reverse that because of the media. There fore I am not interested in discussing patriotism with someone that thinks you have to pickup a gun and fight for your country without asking why.

In fact there is a time coming very soon when our soldiers and police will be told to pick up arms against people like me that refuse to stand by and allow our heritage, the greatness of our country and the future of our children to be stripped away and given to a bank. Then ask your self... who is the patriot?

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septimus prime
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  Quote septimus prime Replybullet Posted: 04 May 2012 at 10:42am
Speaking of your last statement, I would love to hear Wiggins perspective on the Oath-Keepers.

I need a pulse of local law enforcement.

Edited by septimus prime - 04 May 2012 at 10:46am
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  Quote Travisimo Replybullet Posted: 04 May 2012 at 11:23am

There was definitely terrorism, by your definition.  I know that word "terrorist" brings up deep seated hatred with most Americans and it was definitely a different level than hijacking a plane.... BUT...  When I speed on the way back from kayaking, I am still a criminal... not as bad as a mass murderer, but the terrorists in this case aren't facing the death penalty for their terrorism either...



1. the use of violence and threats to intimidate or coerce, especially for political purposes.
2. the state of fear and submission produced by terrorism or terrorization.
3. a terroristic method of governing or of resisting a government.


  1. Behavior involving physical force intended to hurt, damage, or kill someone or something.
  2. Strength of emotion or an unpleasant or destructive natural force.
Smashing that bank's windows was an act of terrorism. 

Using violence (physical force intended to damage something, in this case windows) and threats (spray painting anarchy symbols on the front of stores before the riots, then following through on those threats)  to intimidate (workers inside the bank and stores were intimidated watching masked men with weapons smash into their place of work) out of a political agenda (this rally was definitely politically driven).

H2O please
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Viener Schnitzel
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  Quote Epic_Yeti Replybullet Posted: 04 May 2012 at 11:40am
Okay its very clear that all of you posting are highly intelligent. Jp, James, I do agree with most of what you are saying about corrupt capitalism. And I have been i protest and Will be to be the 1st and loudest when its time to rise up against the wrongs of the world. I just want to know when is ok to smash windows and tag walls that kids walk by. When has it been okay to riot. And tell me this even thou I cant put my thoughts into words as well as most of you can. If black masked people walked down your street and did the same protest, But instead of Nike or Wells fargo. Your car gets smashed and your house get its windows knocked out. Hey you have insurance so Its okay. Its wrong to commit crimes. That Canadian guy did nothing wrong. He did not rob the poor, he was not a CEO of a fortune 500. But again he has insurance. Why does everyone that has a voice have to cost the tax payers thousands of dollar's. I don't think anyone can agree that costing the city/state/country money.

I Don't see the world in hollywood black and white. I see the world in a very open way. I respect all opinions and I joined the military to defend those rights of all americans

"the flag is draped over the soldiers coffin. So the protesters can burn that flag. The solider fights.. so the protesters can march. Im that solider. I did not mean to come across so harsh. I just believe that violence is not a way to express that.So March and protest and let your voice be heard and I most likely agree with what it is your expressing. But the min voilince breaks out I have to do what I Believe in and thats protecting the people.
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  Quote James Replybullet Posted: 04 May 2012 at 12:07pm
Epic: I disagree with Corrupt Capitalism. There is no such thing, that is an oxymoron. You can't have an honest liar. Corrupt Capitalism in our current foray is more akin to technocratic feudalism. I am all for TRUE Capitalism which I don't think existed for more than a hundred years of our original nations birth.

It is never ok to commit these types of vandalism. However there is a fine line between refusing to violate others rights when your rights are violated due to your complacency. We are not there yet thankfully but this movement is an effort to communicate that. The jerks that sneak in and ruin it for everyone is a shame, and in fact they clearly mis the whole point of the rally therefore clearly separating them from the cause.

Example if you had a march on the capital to stop the use of batteries and a bunch of dudes were running around with flashlights and MP3 players blasting music while they did stupid stuff would anyone report that they were part of the anti battery movement? Their very actions would negate it.  That is the case here, but the difference is that the media portraying this movement is PRO battery so they are going to say well these guys were listening to anti battery music and the flashlights they had might have been solar powered but they were definitely there at the same time... Therefore your story is now all about the Violent and Malicious Anti Battery Movement. Oh I forgot to mention KIMO 5 news coverage is owned by Fisker Industries who is owned by Fubar Holdings who also owns Enefizer batteries.

Also just to clarify on my last post which can be misleading, I am not saying some revolution is looming, just that were moving in a direction that is certainly away from Constitutional Values and general freedom. I am against that, and unlike many folks I am willing to take a stand at a certain point.

Now to re-clarify, I don't think all police and military men are bad (not that septimus is saying this, just my posts could be interpreted that way), quite the opposite and Wiggins is a good example of that. To draw him out (which he is so patient with us on!). The bottom line is that I can see how police and military men would view me as a problem. I am not taking a stand against them, I actually want to support and stand with them, the problem I have is when their actions violate either the constitution or laws they are charged to up hold. As I have cited earlier this happens frequently, not an epidemic yet, but it is common and nothing gets done about it when it happens. People would get a good chuckle out of this but I have been detained quite a few times of the last few years for refusing to just stand by and watch this stuff happen. Good police officers are going to ask themselves is this guy breaking the law or is this guy trying to do what he thinks is right, or is he even breaking the law vs can I find a way to consider what he is doing against the law. My concern is that as new throngs of officers enter our system we have less and less officers that make this judgement and more officers that just take the view of Us vs Them. I have story after story where I have been detained over the silliest stuff simply because I refused to turn and walk away because it was my right and it was being violated.

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Big Boofer
Big Boofer

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  Quote Travisimo Replybullet Posted: 04 May 2012 at 1:00pm
One good thing has happened, just heard that Canadian guy interviewed...  He's not angry at Seattle, a lot of people have stepped forward and offered help.  Several people helped him at the time too.  I wish the yahoos that were gawking and told him to "Go back to Canada you hoser..." had their car windows broken.

He's been offered a free trip back, but did say he didn't want to come back if it's gonna be another media circus.  Can't blame him there!

People even offered to help him more, monetarily... he declined and said he just wants to put it behind him.  Class act!
H2O please
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