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Snoqualmie, N. Fork    2. Big Creek to Spur 10 Bridge (Upper)™ ©
Class III
Play Rating (1-10): 6
River Mapplet
Put In Longitude : -121.67986 Putin
Put In Latitude : 47.6414528
Take Out Longitude : -121.71424 Take Out
Take Out Latitude : 47.5795975
County : King Shuttle
   Gauge Information (Professor Paddle updated levels from NF SNOQUALMIE RIVER NEAR SNOQ at 8/12/2024 7:02:21 AM)
Gauge Forecast Height Current Flow Authority Physical Update
NF SNOQUALMIE RIVER NEAR SNOQ NWRFC | FC Page 1.85  69.2 cfs  USGS - NWIS 08-12-2024 06:15:00
Minimum Recomended Level:  600 cfs     Maximum Recomended Level:  1200 cfs 


From downtown North Bend turn onto Ballarat Ave. The road twists and changes names a few times, but just stay on the main road. In a about 6 miles the road forks and the left fork goes up a hill... take the left fork (NF County Road). In 2.5 miles you'll arrive at the Spur 10 road gate. You'll need to park here unless you have a pass from Hancock Timber, and then you can go through the gate and park right at the river.

  Putin Details

From Spur 10 gate, continue up NF County Road about 5 miles and cross the bridge over the river. The put-in at the bridge looks nice, but there is a big class 5+ rapid just downstream, so instead: After you cross the bridge turn right onto a gated road. Carry your boat about 1/4 mile to the first convenient spot to scramble down to the water. Be sure to put in below the class 5+... but do take a peek at it during your walk.

  Takeout Details

The takeout will be at the Spur 10 road bridge. Take out at the bridge and then walk back to the gate (about 1 mile).

 River Alerts   ( Add Alert ) Pinned Forum Threads
 Run was clean as of 12/31/11, but keep your eyes open after the recent ice storm. - Posted by: BrianP on 2/14/2012 12:36:00 AM -  [Remove Alert]

 We ran this on 4/6/17, flow was around 670 cfs and going up slowly with rain. The run was clean of wood, but obviously this can change. The run is beautiful!! The stacked class 3 section is really really fun. - Posted by: megspk on 4/7/2017 1:50:00 PM -  [Remove Alert]

There are no forum threads pinned to this run.

  Other Issues

Campbell Global owns most the land around this run including the put-in and takeout access. You need a permit ($8 for a daily) to walk-in to the river access on their land. Permits can be obtained online at:

  Fun Facts

Great run for those who don't mind the added hassle of walking in/out and getting a permit from the landowner.

   Run Description [Season: Fall to Late Spring]

This run is a fun alternative to the Middle Middle. It's a smaller, narrower stream than the middle fork with a nice variety of boulder gardens, ledges, chutes and playspots. Overall, it's a bit easier run than the Middle Middle but due to the smaller riverbed it can be more prone to wood spanning the channel.

The highlights include a section midway through the run where the river goes through a continuous section of 3-4 class III and III+ rapids, and a bit further into the run is a sweet wave/hole playspot.

The minimum flow listed (600) is a do-able, but boney flow. Most folks will want flows of 1000 or more to justify the walk-in.

There is usually at least some wood in play on this run, be sure to keep your eyes open.


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JoesKayak's 12/7/2016 Run SubmissionJoesKayak12/7/2016 8:38:00 AM
JoesKayak's 5/10/2016 Run SubmissionJoesKayak5/10/2016 8:38:00 AM
JoesKayak's 4/3/2015 Run SubmissionJoesKayak4/3/2015 4:56:00 PM
mokelumnekid's 2/10/2013 Run Submissionmokelumnekid2/10/2013 9:12:00 PM
JoesKayak's 11/13/2011 Run SubmissionJoesKayak11/13/2011 5:15:00 PM
JoesKayak's 3/30/2009 Run SubmissionJoesKayak3/30/2009 12:37:00 PM
James's 4/9/2007 Run SubmissionJames4/9/2007 8:26:00 PM

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