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Zesty Chili
Wednesday, December 20, 2006
So today for lunch I stopped in to a local sandwich shop to grab a quick bite.
I really like this place and I go there often but today I ordered the chili and when I took my first bite. I found several large finger nails in the chili. They were definitly finger nails, with dirt and little clip marks and everything. I felt like heaving...
So what do you do? I asked for my money back which I was gladly offered and I went about my way. Lesson dont order food that is prepared off-site. This chili was prepacked and prepared by an out of state vendor. At least I can say that this place was very understanding and embarressed by the whole incident...
I would rather eat at a place that is grateful for my business than a place that does not care about my business or even worse experience. The Sultan Bakery is on this list for me. I know ... I know what you are thinking ... Most likely Hydro more than anyone. But it is true ... I had a terrible experience at the Sultan Bakery last weekend.
I came in and ordered a breakfast and a coffee. After about 30 Minutes I noticed a gentlemant in line order the same thing I did. I wondered about my food so I asked if someone would check on it. 5 minutes later I was told it was on its way.

About 10 minutes go by and I watch as the dude that ordered the same thing I did is given his meal. So I nicely go over to the counter and ask why when he ordered 30 minutes after I did he was given he meal before me. I have been here almost an hour and I am done waiting now. I asked for my money back and in return I was told that my meal was now being prepared. I thought that was funny seeming that I had to wait over 50 minutes ... compain twice and then only after I threatened to take my money back the meal was prepared. Of course the tried to tell me to wait and I insisted that I was done waiting. So she asked me what I ordered so she could give me my money back. I told her a coffee and potato breakfast. Then she turns and says what you want your coffee for free too? I said well I only wanted the coffee to go with my breakfast so I was hoping I would not be charged for it. She asked if I had drank any of it, of course I had... I was there a freakin HouR!!!. Despite the fact that I did not drink the whole coffee I had to pay for the whole thing. Oh well...

Bottom line as I was leaving the lady rudly says I am sorry about your inconvience have a nice day. I laughed because no one there cared a bit that I wasted an hour and never had breakfast. I will Never Go back to the Sultan Bakery and I would URGE everyone else to do the same thing, or at least let them know that there are some folks in your community that did not appreciate the service they gave.

Maybe since Hydro is such buddy buddy he can ask... Then again he might be to afraid that someone will spit in his food... But thats a story about the Sultan Bakery for another day.
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