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Finding my chi
Friday, August 24, 2007
It seems like this season has just gone whizzing by. At the beginning of this season I made a list of the different runs I wanted to nail down and I am amazed at how different the outcome has been. Not good or bad just different.

There are so many things I love about boating. The first is really the unexpected. You never really know what is in store. That applies to so many facets of paddling it is amazing. Here I am getting ready to spend my first weekend this summer at home and I am just now realizing that I have been gone all year boating. Almost all of the runs and trips I did were at different dates than I had planned and over 50% of the runs were not even runs I was planning on doing. It's just great this paddling thing.

But whats not great is getting back to reality. The reality that while I have been off paddling my grass did not stop growing, the reality that while my grass was growing so was the list of other things I had to do. So here I am planning my first weekend at home and I can't help but think that there is so much to do, I should save it for another weekend and go paddling instead. Is this how bums are created?

I don't know, but I do know that the more I paddle the more I think about paddling and the more I just want to paddle. I'm infected and the paddle viri is spreading like wildfire in my veins! It's almost like the only way to stop this madness is to stop paddling but the thought of that makes me want to shrivel up into a ball and be stuffed into the butt crack of snow creek for ever! Is there such a thing as paddling moderation? Are there people that can juggle this life and still paddle 360 days a year or am I living a lie?

Sooner or later I will figure out all these answers and like always I will make a nice little post in the forum so everyone can benefit from this study.

If you or someone you know suffers from OPD (obsessive paddling disorder) please contact me so I don't feel so damn alone!

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