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White Salmon
4 - BZ Corner to Northwestern Lake
Class:III+ (IV+)
Min Recommended Level: 500 cfs
Max Recommended Level: 2000 cfs
Current Level: 1120 cfs (Reported on 06-18-2024 10:00:00)

White Salmon 10/3-5 - 10/4/2014
Meeting Location
BZ Corners
Viener Schnitzel

Joined: 9/28/2014
Location: United States
Posts: 8

Unless the rains come back, I'd love to take one last trip down to the White Salmon before things start flowing around Seattle again. Had a great time down there a couple weeks ago, including running the bottom stretch which is beautiful. Any takers? I'd probably camp at Trout Lake Creek CG.
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White Salmon 10/3-5 - Discussion Thread

Join by:10/2/2014 3:00:00 PM
Meet on:10/4/2014 10:00:00 AM
Finish at:10/5/2014 4:00:00 PM
Trip Leader: PM
Phone: PM
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