Whitewater Forum: PP Ball 2014 Info...
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PP Ball 2014 Info...

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Topic: PP Ball 2014 Info...
Posted By: H2Ohta
Subject: PP Ball 2014 Info...
Date Posted: 19 Mar 2014 at 1:06pm
Any info on the 2014 PP Ball?


Posted By: tiziak
Date Posted: 19 Mar 2014 at 11:39pm

Who's gonna take the reins?

If you don't know where you are going, any road will get you there.

Daniel Patrinellis

Posted By: James
Date Posted: 20 Mar 2014 at 9:05am

Posted By: Ellingferd
Date Posted: 20 Mar 2014 at 1:14pm
I propose a casual gathering that involves a lower icicle creek race and freestyle comp at whatever spot is in. Camping up the icicle or mnt. home road or something. No one has to step up and "organize" or get sponsors or any of that. That's it. If someone wants to do more, then that is cool, but I don't have the desire to organize an event, so I certainly don't expect anyone else to. If everyone is in Der Town at the same time, something fun will happen.

Posted By: not-very-clever
Date Posted: 20 Mar 2014 at 2:19pm
is the apple orchard not a possibility any more?


Posted By: septimus prime
Date Posted: 20 Mar 2014 at 2:54pm
I think we crapped that bed. Something about all the pallets in Dryden being missing the next morning and a late night mini-cooper road rally and the appearance of a naked fire demon.

Jon Shell Bee

Posted By: James
Date Posted: 20 Mar 2014 at 2:58pm
I think it might be a good year to usher in a "Family Friendly" Cooperfest.

The icicle is great and we'll be there but the weather out on the cooper is great for folks that have kids, Sun, less wind and rain and there are quite a few nice spots for family camping in that zone.

Not suggesting the party craze of the BBpall disappear but I would be more interested in a low key time to see my friends and dem babiez havin fun. In between laps of course.

Posted By: jP
Date Posted: 20 Mar 2014 at 4:05pm
I'm pretty confident we could still do something alongside the river in Dryden, if we wanted. Its more about communicating in advance and scheduling it.

That said, I'm w/ Jonathan: the events are cool like the race and freestyle event, but I don't see why it needs to be some big blow out event w/ sponsers n such. Its more about hanging out and sharing some river time with a bunch of paddlers in one spot at one time.

We got so much to boat year round, we get spread out and hardly see each other. We get spread out not only geographicly, but temporally along the calendar year as our schedules and lives permit. That's not a complaint though, because the result is a cornicopia of uncrowded rivers to choose from. But if there's a bunch of boaters in cashmere/der town, good times will be had indeed.

If it stays in the Wenatchee Valley, I think it has to happen ideally when we have various creeking options (Ingalls/Peshastin, Ici, high water playrun, ect.)

I think it needs to be on a different weekend than riverfest though, because two parties are better than one and I hate having to choose. Also I probably wont be around memorial day weekend. The raft company that essentially taught me how to kayak and raft is having a 50 year anniversary back east in Ohiopyle and I don't plan on missing that. That's gonna be a HUGE event with tons of old friends in attendence...

Cooperfest does sound cool though and there is no reason the PP Ball needs to be at the same place the same time every year. Sure, the Cooper may end up excluding the weekend warrior who only playboats the wenatchee, but really the cooper is a widely accessible run for just about anyone who has a modern creekboat and a passion to boof it. I like the idea. If we can get some dates in the works, I can schedule the time off (I work weekends).

I just remember the first year we had the ball up Icicle. It was just a bunch of peeps stoked to boat. No sponsers, just an organic self organizing event.


Posted By: H2Ohta
Date Posted: 20 Mar 2014 at 6:11pm
I totally agree!!!

The sponsorships and the money are also probably better spent on AW Riverfest since they are the ones that fight for our rights to paddle rivers. A different weekend for the PP gathering would be better so, as JP said, no one has to choose between one or the other.

If y'all choose to do something more grassroots and family style event in the Chee/Icy Valley, let me know and I can likely get a beer "sponsor" (well maybe one sponsor...). Probably for the Cooperfest too. No reason it can't be family friendly either maybe some live music...

Over the years I have not been able to really attend, mostly because I had to work on weekends but, if there is interest, I can help out with some things on this side o' las montanas as my schedule is a little different this year. But the weekend of the 14th of June es no bueno para mi so far...



Posted By: Jimmy
Date Posted: 20 Mar 2014 at 6:17pm
That's funny James!  it's amazing how after having kids makes you gravitate towards calm campfires and just a few beers!  A family boaterfest would be awesome, especially if a class 2 stretch suitable for duckies with kids in them was close by.  If someone wants to make this happen I would help as much as I could.  Sky is good because all the different difficulty levels are close by.


Posted By: Ellingferd
Date Posted: 21 Mar 2014 at 6:09am
Oh I definitely think there needs to be a cooper-fest. W/a race one day and a lap record event the next day (as in, how many laps can you do).

Posted By: James
Date Posted: 21 Mar 2014 at 8:21am
I was not saying cooperfest should replace the ball or any other event. Just that IMO it is a better venue for families with kids, at least in terms of camping. There is a sweet camp area just south of french cabin creek road and it has great swimming on the lake and a river side too.

The Lap record will be the highlight certainly because I know I can easily beat my personal best as long as Shell Bee doesn't keep stealing my shuttles and thwarting my efforts!

Posted By: ChristianKnight
Date Posted: 21 Mar 2014 at 10:07am

I've been planning on a family weekend at Salmon Le Sac and the Cooper. Let's make that happen. What a great venue.

Catch your eddies,

Posted By: septimus prime
Date Posted: 21 Mar 2014 at 10:52am
Family Cooperfest would be great!!! But Creek-it, dont blame my 7 laps to your 5 on me stealing shuttles. If I recall, I found you fishing on river left below Norm's. Its all about priorities!

Jon Shell Bee

Posted By: not-very-clever
Date Posted: 21 Mar 2014 at 12:04pm
Come-on ladies, the professor paddle ball in leavenworth is washington's most popular river festival. 

the cooper fest should happen too but that's a different thread. dont hijack this tread.

the apple orchard campsite on the river is just so dope.  rolling out of bed into the river...  we can just place a ban on d-4, simple as that. 

One bad apple ruins our relationship with the apple orchard?  come-on if there is a type of human that understands the "one bad apple: argument, it ought to be the apple farmers themselves.

can we bark up that apple tree one more time?  Maybe we need to incentivize them with money (or apples whatever they want). everyone pays for camping. boom problem solved


Posted By: STLboater
Date Posted: 21 Mar 2014 at 8:35pm
1. Call Phil, reserve the spot
2. Contact waste management and get a dumpster
3. Get a porto John
4. Icicle Creek Brewery sponsor
5. New Belgium Sponsor
6. Cascade Paddle sports sponsor
7. Party

I'm unfortunately out for planning this year, but def want to see a ball happen. We could definitely reserve Sunistich Canyon again, and we could try and get a group site at Icicle. Who will take the reins?

Kayak Academy Whitewater Instructor

Posted By: tiziak
Date Posted: 23 Mar 2014 at 10:53am

Yup. It's that easy folks

If you don't know where you are going, any road will get you there.

Daniel Patrinellis

Posted By: ODarrow
Date Posted: 23 Mar 2014 at 4:10pm
Being new to the area I would love for this event to go through. Meeting new friends never got any easier than a weekend full of kayaking!! Please someone make this happen!!!!!

"See what happens"

Posted By: Blair
Date Posted: 23 Mar 2014 at 7:57pm
Originally posted by septimus prime

I think we crapped that bed. Something about all the pallets in Dryden being missing the next morning and a late night mini-cooper road rally and the appearance of a naked fire demon.

Oh those were good memories. That was one sexy fire demon.


Posted By: Sam_Graftton
Date Posted: 24 Mar 2014 at 11:40pm
What about an added event this year say a sprint through Chaos on Tumwater?

Posted By: Jed Hawkes
Date Posted: 25 Mar 2014 at 10:48am
Originally posted by STLboater

1. Call Phil, reserve the spot
2. Contact waste management and get a dumpster
3. Get a porto John
4. Icicle Creek Brewery sponsor
5. New Belgium Sponsor
6. Cascade Paddle sports sponsor
7. Party

You could simplify it further by getting rid of steps 4-7. I prefer vitamin R anyway...

The line will become apparent

Posted By: huckin harms
Date Posted: 25 Mar 2014 at 11:44am
Last year was the first PP ball I did not attend since it's inception. There were various little reasons for this but mainly it's location, location, location! Phil's site is da bomb. No other location offers access like that esp. considering the event during water levels. Nothing beats it. So, I'm with Jed and everyone else who advocates for the simple slick set-up. No need for extravagance and events. Just a community of whitewater lovers getting together NEXT to the river and living it up. Everyone pays to camp, I'd easily pay $20 for two nights if that's what it cost.


Posted By: jP
Date Posted: 25 Mar 2014 at 11:51am
So I'm gonna echo the last few posts regarding Phil's. And I think Jed only meant to eliminate steps 4-6, because step 7 is key.

Yup. The riverside location is pretty much unbeatable. I propose a low key, non sponsered event at phil's in adittion to the Family Style Cooperpalooza...


Posted By: jP
Date Posted: 25 Mar 2014 at 12:20pm
Originally posted by Sam_Graftton

What about an added event this year say a sprint through Chaos on Tumwater?

that's some funny sh*t.

Dude, no offense meant at all- but seriously:
What would distinguish such an event from every other highwater Tum trip you paddle, Sam? You're still gonna be boating with 2-4 of the same eligible 6-10 boaters in the region that you always boat Tum w/, because when Tumwater is cranking out its monsterous frieght train at 10,000 cfs or more, that's always gonna be about the size of the available pool of paddlers who will step up to your brand of, uh, casual boat'n, if that's what you consider it. Ok, maybe some out of town crew will roll thru and inflate the "Tumwater Eligible" number to 10-14.

Hell, throw in a local knuckhead or two who are perhaps as of yet just a little too big for their goretex britches, and you just might have yourself an event with as many as 8-12 participants!

But I doubt it. Still, not trying to crush your aspirations, I think its a great idea. I'll show up. Probably just from the guard rail in my dry clothes since you'll probably organize it at the last second. But if I knew in advance and if it didn't conflict with other stuff goin on, I'd totally volunteer to set safety proper-like at the bottom of Chaos, Throw Bag and Chase Boat at the ready.

What's that? No need to set safety, huh? After all, peeps are probably running Site Zed in Pool Toys, now, so...

Seriously though, I'd happily set safety below Chaos, if there is an "event"


Posted By: STLboater
Date Posted: 28 Mar 2014 at 11:06am
Step #1 - Reserve Sunistich Canyon for June 14th, the same weekend as Wenatchee Fest.  Don't need porto johns, don't need trash, one and done.  That is the path of least resistance.

Kayak Academy Whitewater Instructor

Posted By: pottert
Date Posted: 28 Mar 2014 at 11:13am
Is Sunistich the same venue as last year?

Posted By: msims
Date Posted: 28 Mar 2014 at 12:02pm

Posted By: James
Date Posted: 28 Mar 2014 at 12:28pm
If I were planning the Ball this year it would feature Inflatable Jump Toys, a merry go round, a petting zoo with two types of monkeys and clowns that tie ballon animals, maybe a hot dog stand that serves Hebrew Nationals. I would ditch the Kegs and Late night Music for a Sing A Long with Frozen and slip n slides. So I guess it is a good thing I have nothing to do with it this year.

although most kayakers would find a way to have a good time with the above mentioned venue... unfortunately 3 year olds would not have a good time waiting for loads of drunk dudes flipping in the bounce house or guys tearing up the slip n slide with a kayak, moms would be upset when the rowdy crowds started getting the petting zoo animals wasted off shots of fireball and someone would certainly get the hot dog stand confused and think we were going to roast some Israelites.

Come to think of it, I could go either way... I would just leave the kids at home.

Posted By: chipmaney
Date Posted: 28 Mar 2014 at 6:13pm
Wilder comes every year. He's asleep by the time the festivities start. Never been a problem. Where I go, the boy goes. One year there were even some other kids there. It might that the presence of children would calm things down a little, which would be okay with me. Everybody there has always been very respectful of children. Some people there even like kids.

I can understand, though, why James would not want to bring HIS kids, as it may prevent HIM from gettin' rowdy, hehe. And nobody wants that: We need James to be in form or people will stop coming to the Ball!

sitting all alone on a mountain by a river that has no end

Posted By: tiziak
Date Posted: 29 Mar 2014 at 6:45am
Wow there Chipper! I wouldn't go that far...


If you don't know where you are going, any road will get you there.

Daniel Patrinellis

Posted By: jP
Date Posted: 30 Mar 2014 at 11:38am
Originally posted by tiziak

Wow there Chipper! I wouldn't go that far...


Oh, I could, but since I already hit the "clear form" button twice, I won't. The elephant in the room is concealed within Nutty P's post:

Originally posted by James

loads of drunk dudes flipping in the bounce house or guys tearing up the slip n slide with a kayak... rowdy crowds getting the petting zoo animals wasted off shots of fireball and someone would certainly get the hot dog stand confused and think we were going to roast some Israelites.Come to think of it, I could go either way... I would just leave the kids at home.

Hmm. Sounds like the voice of experience...
I gotta go now. There's a new version of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde I gotta check out on Netflix...

Whatever the case, I'm sure if we can just keep that Jimminy Creek-It guy away from the PA system, the kids will be alright ;)


Posted By: chipmaney
Date Posted: 31 Mar 2014 at 9:51am
Well, Danimal, you know how I love my sarcastic hyperbole!

sitting all alone on a mountain by a river that has no end

Posted By: Tobin
Date Posted: 31 Mar 2014 at 10:27am
Originally posted by James

If I were planning the Ball this year it would feature Inflatable Jump Toys, a merry go round, a petting zoo with two types of monkeys and clowns that tie ballon animals,

This guy is available for parties.


Posted By: 1150lbsofaire
Date Posted: 03 May 2014 at 3:19pm
that was all real informative guys but if the ball is gonna happin there needs to be a date then people who know they can make it will help out in little ways they can. it would be nice to come up with a way to make this yearly reunion a little more simpler and sustainable so its not such a sh*t show at the planning stage every year. i dont think the bridge with phil has been burnt and if we could pay him in advance for the following year at the end of every ball we would be set. a family cooper fest would be sick but the ball is the ball

lookin for a bow cap for a storm

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