Ideas / Issues / Problems / Fixes / Updates: Big Site Woes
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Big Site Woes

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Printed Date: 20 Sep 2024 at 9:42am

Topic: Big Site Woes
Posted By: James
Subject: Big Site Woes
Date Posted: 14 Mar 2006 at 1:34pm
So you have all heard me ramble about how I love getting this site big, well there are the downsides too.

Right now our site gets crawled by Google and other major browsers once or twice every hour. That is because our site is pretty highly indexed with search engines. This is good and bad.

Good because we get more traffic that brings more people to boat with and more people to meet. Good Because our space becomes more valuable so maybe I can sell just the space on the Links page to off set the costs. Who knows but traffic is good.

But traffic is also bad... More traffic more variables to add into the mix. We are now getting pretty regular script kiddies and hackers on the site testing for exploits in my code, and looking for areas where they can find ways to mess stuff up. Then there is the ever hated Spamer. We all hate it I know. That is why I don't sell ad space on the site. I hate spamers and its all spam when you don't like what you see cause someone is making a buck. This morning we had some stupid posts by guests that were looking to boost web ranking by linking to 100's of customers sites in a post which gets crawled and then makes those sites index higher. The point is that type of stuff makes sites suck. He is what is cool....

When the users get involved and what to have a little fun. I will post the IP and host information of anybody that is just trying to abuse this site. Everyone that knows how to use this may. Then when the person comes back and apologizes we can stop. This is how webwars get started. I better not suggest those ideas after all. Too lazy to delete it though, so don't read the above few lines, and if you have already try to forget them.

Long story short, Phone numbers are not a huge issue if you put them on the site, as the new national do not call lists have really cut down on companies that scan sites for call lists.

Emails are different. Please don't place emails in posts for addresses that you care about. I am going to be building an anoynomizer that will keep your addresses secret, but until that time, I want to warn everyone that any time you publish your name or address on any website it gets indexed by search engines and published in search requests. No way to stop it other than not posting personal information on websites without protection, which ours will soon be.

Go to google and search your name and personal information phone, email, etc.... see where they are listed... you might be suprised!

Posted By: RemAcct2
Date Posted: 14 Mar 2006 at 2:25pm

I love it!  Perfect!  Post the IPs.  More sites should do this, and those of us who do know what to do with that information can have some fund :-)...



Posted By: James
Date Posted: 14 Mar 2006 at 3:53pm

I will let this be a warning for now, but next time I will unleash the leif!


Posted By: James
Date Posted: 14 Mar 2006 at 3:55pm

You checked out the beta site lately?


Posted By: dave
Date Posted: 14 Mar 2006 at 7:18pm
I put my phone # in google and it showed my name and address, my work email had no results, but my old personal email got 6 results, and your gona love this James, all from the wkc, old posts that must have had my email linked to them.


Posted By: jblum
Date Posted: 14 Mar 2006 at 7:23pm

I'm not a really techie person, but I want to f**k these b**tpirates. How do I
use their IPs to screw them? Let me loose...

Oh, and Cali rocks, PS.


Posted By: dave
Date Posted: 14 Mar 2006 at 7:32pm
Forget the ip address, give me the spammers real address and watch the fun begin! boohaahaahaa-----


Posted By: RemAcct2
Date Posted: 14 Mar 2006 at 8:29pm

So James, took a look at the beta site, will play with it more tomorrow, at work, where I do most of my internet browsing...

So, for all those who want to do stuff with IP addresses, there are two ways.  First, if they have an unpatched OS behind the IP, it is possible to take it down with any number of exploits.  Typically we start with a port scan, but there are a number of open source "hacking" packages.

The second, and my favorite approach is the typical denial of service attack.  This could be a simple shell script in a loop sending to their email address (try this with someone's cell phone sms alias in the middle of the night - I once accidently did it to a co-worker).  The best way is a large number of computers with a large pipe (I used to have these resources when I was a student at the UW and Stanford).  Basically, you get all the computers to do something (ping, http request, random tcp packets, etc.) all at once.  It is easy to overwhelm (hence deny them service) even the most hardened computer as long as you have lots of computers and a bigger pipe than they have.

I agree with Dave.  Nothing like a physical address to send lots of onwanted take out delivery to...or perhaps something worse...



Posted By: Guests
Date Posted: 15 Mar 2006 at 7:36am
Sounds like some good fun there Leif!

Posted By: James
Date Posted: 15 Mar 2006 at 8:33am
I have another big site woe.

A Guy I once knew just called me up out of the blue, and wanted to let me know that he was willing to work on the new site for me. He had originally done about 2-4 hours of work on this site with me, and then we moved seperate ways. Well More like after a year of living with me for free (Clothes, Food, Everthing), he kept  refusing to get a job, so I had to give him the boot.

So it was great to hear from him, best to hear that He just thought he would let me know that he could help me build the new site. How nice of him NOT!!!! why because he wants a percentage of this site in return. It never suprises me how this crap happens. The guy literally leached off me for a full year and now he is looking for ways to get more money from me. Unbelievable. He just doesn't get the fact that the is a free enterprise literally. Negative Cash Flow, sure you can take a percentage of that.

Oh no wait the more unbelievable thing is that he called to also let me know that he thinks he should get a percentage of anything this site generates in the future because this little b**tpirate was involved for a few hours of the initial build. I almost choked on my cerial at that point. What do I say... Move back on in with me while your at it and you can have one of my cars and a dog, and half of everything I make at my real job? I mean really you little bu**munch, I have spent thousands of dollars and hours of my time to this site, it has become a part of who I hang out with now. I have alot of really close friends on our site, that I would have never known if it were not for

So Mic you tell me why you have never wanted to use the site? If your so deserving why have you never once wanted to participate? Feel a little guilty? Maybe even Embaressed of who you are? Thats ok ... I would too, but the point is I never asked you to get involved with this site. I never asked for you to join and be a part of the group cause you don't boat. You are not a boater, your a leacher. Leave me and my family here and at home alone, you big buttsn**fer.

Dang I just went off. Sorry guys


Posted By: James
Date Posted: 15 Mar 2006 at 8:36am
Whoa that felt good... Alot better than calling him back up and trying to hurt his feelings like he has hurt mine. Or driving down to his house and beating him or shooting him like dave always suggests. lol

thanks for the vent session guys.


Posted By: Guests
Date Posted: 15 Mar 2006 at 8:54am
Lets see, it costs me about $1500 a month to live, hmmm, that comes to around $18,000. Hey James, when can I move in?

Posted By: James
Date Posted: 15 Mar 2006 at 9:10am
Stop posting as a guest dave ... login

And no ... no one can live with me anymore. I'm burned out on that whole deal.


Posted By: RemAcct2
Date Posted: 15 Mar 2006 at 9:28am

I hear James feeds his house guests real good...

By the way...I am not a big fan of the guest post feature, as it encourages not logging in.  I thought it was better without that feature...



Posted By: James
Date Posted: 15 Mar 2006 at 9:43am
The only reason I have that feature is for this one room.

This post happened to be under the help forum. I want people that can't login or are having problems to be able to post a message so I can help them out.


Posted By: Guests
Date Posted: 15 Mar 2006 at 11:59am
Ooops, thats my bad, I was really being lazy and it's always fun to bug James (workskipper is slipping into dave a little bit there) Hehehe.


Posted By: dave
Date Posted: 15 Mar 2006 at 12:01pm
I seriusly thought I logged in that last time, please don't punish me


Posted By: James
Date Posted: 15 Mar 2006 at 12:49pm
I think you have had enough scolding at work today by the big bu**munch.


Posted By: Kayakmedic
Date Posted: 17 Mar 2006 at 1:46pm

I can't get trips to post. when I hit sumit this is what I get.

The page cannot be displayed

There is a problem with the page you are trying to reach and it cannot be displayed.

Please try the following:

HTTP 500 - Internal server error
Internet Explorer


Posted By: James
Date Posted: 17 Mar 2006 at 2:53pm
Hey Andy,

I am going to shoot you an email, I want to make sure I get this fixed.

Thanks for the heads up.



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