Whitewater Forum: Another Gnome Hat, and More SKY HIGH...
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Another Gnome Hat, and More SKY HIGH...

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Topic: Another Gnome Hat, and More SKY HIGH...
Posted By: jP
Subject: Another Gnome Hat, and More SKY HIGH...
Date Posted: 29 Nov 2013 at 8:37pm
anymore I pretty much just look at the Robe and Sky guages to quickly determine whats happening with the hydrological cycles. They are neighboring drainages and often resemble each other, and they often get the Lion's share of the winter rains, aside from the OP which is a land far, far away.

These graphs obviously are dynamic ever changing, and I haven't had a chance to consult other data in the last 24hrs or more, but Monday and Tuesday look good.

I got stuff to do but am confident I can squeeze some boating in those two days, maybe wednesday as well. If I can swing it, I'm thinking of hitting the Sky on Monday at 25k or so (goes without saying that the upper tribs are on the table too, if the water is there). Then maybe hit Robe once the Gnomes calm down and get sleepy after moving boulders all over (tues or wed).

That's my tentative plan if I can squeeze it in. Weekday chargers: Who's "Down with this Clown?"

Disclaimer: last weather data I absorbed made it look like Tuesday on was gonna be Colder Than Witch's Tit in a Brass Drysuit, and I may get conscripted to work. Not sure at this point, but will know more sunday.


Posted By: jP
Date Posted: 29 Nov 2013 at 8:43pm
Oh, since this is a Sky related thread, I am working on a rough draft letter to the editor that I plan to submit to the Everett Herald regarding the IMPENDING DOOM of a Damn proposal to Rape Sunset Falls. There is no deadline for this, so I'm taking my time a little.

I encourage others to draft something up, too.


Posted By: jP
Date Posted: 29 Nov 2013 at 9:39pm
Speaking of the OP, now could be a great time to plan a Matheney Trip-- may not fit into the weekend slot, but keep an eye on that Queets guage


Posted By: jP
Date Posted: 01 Dec 2013 at 6:53pm
Monday Monday Monday...

Who wants some Sky goods while they are around? Wish I coulda gone today but had to work.

I plan to try to get after it as early as I can because I figure the temps are gonna plummet and thus so will the levels. Hit me up if interested, but plan on getting up toward Index by early a.m.

Contact me tonight if you are serious about hatching a plan.


Posted By: water wacko
Date Posted: 01 Dec 2013 at 7:33pm
Sam wants the Tye at 8am tomorrow. I might be down for a play run a little later. 10 or 11?

"Don't ask yourself what the world needs. Ask yourself what makes you come alive, and go do that, because what the world needs is people who have come alive." ~Howard Thurman

Posted By: jP
Date Posted: 01 Dec 2013 at 10:38pm
Sounds good.
It happens that I am also "moving" tomorrow- planning to be out of my current "residence" as early as possible.

Since I know that the earlier I rally, the better the options will be, I am hoping I can get up there 8ish. We'll see though. Bad timing, but hey I will still be up there one way or another and there will be good water


Posted By: jP
Date Posted: 01 Dec 2013 at 10:43pm
Sounds good.
It happens that I am also "moving" tomorrow- planning to be out of my current "residence" as early as possible.

Since I know that the earlier I rally, the better the options will be, I am hoping I can get up there 8ish. We'll see though. Bad timing, but hey I will still be up there one way or another and there will be good water.

Still open for the Foss or even the Rapid if Top Tye drops out when I get up there, and if they have decent water. Always a possible Sky run, but I'm more likely to want to stick to the tributaries further upstream. Not getting out on them enough. Top Tye would be Ideal though.

Miller, Anyone?


Posted By: jP
Date Posted: 01 Dec 2013 at 11:08pm
9ish further downstream somewhere is probably more realistic for me. Early enough to assess where flows are at and still have options.

But its as if I'm talking out loud to myself on this forum. It always blows my mind during these spikes that more people don't express interest in what's up there (a whole bunch of good water that won''t be there on tuesday).

Thanks for interacting with me, Wacko! This place is like a ghosttown. I am perplexed.

Maybe all the boaters except me are on Facebook?
Oh well. fu*k Facebook. I'm going boating tomorrow. I got a few of "the usual suspects" involved, I just thought it would be fun to invite some others to come out and play. May be my last chance to boat in a month or two.

But, by morning I'll be up there out of cell range...
Interested boaters who can run that stuff can always rally up that way early and meet us so its kinda an open invite.

Better to contact me tonight though, if possible.


Posted By: BrianP
Date Posted: 02 Dec 2013 at 7:51am
Well JP, You can be sure that if I was in WA I'd be out there. I'll tell you why..we just took our last paddle of the season in MN yesterday, it was about 10 degrees with snow on the ground and cold as f*ck. Spent the day dodging ice dams, ice shelves, and ice sieves. Now I realize how god damn lucky I was to have whitewater year round. All there is to look forward to now is 4 months of ice fishing..yes, ice fishing.

Depression and envy in equal amounts seeing the water you guys have right now.

Posted By: jP
Date Posted: 02 Dec 2013 at 8:04am
Right on- nice to hear your sentiments of appreciation for the PNW (which stands for Paradise NorthWest).

While an entirely different activity, Ice fishing sounds like it would be fun (provided one is prepared, geared up, dressed warm, ect. Never explored MN at all, but I'm sure it has its charms.


Posted By: jP
Date Posted: 02 Dec 2013 at 8:06am
No takers though, huh?
I admit it'll be a c-c-cold one and flows are dropping out fast.
But hey, its not like itll be 500cfs or nuthin, and there are nifty inventions such as pogies and skull caps...


Posted By: jP
Date Posted: 02 Dec 2013 at 8:06am
And alpaca socks for afterward


Posted By: BrianP
Date Posted: 02 Dec 2013 at 12:49pm
Well, since you brought it up, MN DOES have it's charms.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mJiSLUrTwh0 -

Posted By: BrianP
Date Posted: 02 Dec 2013 at 12:50pm
The MN goods start around the 6 minute mark. This comes courtesy of my buddy Scott White who'll be making his way out to the hood river area this winter.

Posted By: jP
Date Posted: 03 Dec 2013 at 11:31am
Cool. Yeah, there's some MN diehards who get it done over there for sure.

And, almost as a salute to their snow covered devotion, Fish n I managed to get up on the Top Tye yesterday on a flow I would describe as being on the "Fat Side of Casual". Yeah, I opted not to get Paranoid, but there were sweet boofs to be had for the Initiated.

By far one of the coolest aspects of the day though was the heavily laden snow covered forest. The Old Cascade hwy wasn't plowed, so we parked down at the take out and hiked up that beatifully scenic road through 8" snow or whatever it was. Huge wet flakes coming down...

Mossy Jade is the best description of the creek's coloration. These scenic aspects were so rich with elegance that I felt incredibly thankful to be a PNW boater. Not to mention the push in that creek. Didn't really touch a single rock to speak of, the coverage was good.

I'd been up at the pass on sunday litterally watching Tye Creek spring to life as Dogs and Cats rained heavily upon the base lodge area, collecting in basins of slush that would form our substrate of pleasure downstream the following day...

The run seemed to last 5 min despite a few eddy stops, but I gotta say it was one of the best 5min of whitewater I had this year, just because of the unique winter edition of it!!

yall missed out!!!


Posted By: huckin harms
Date Posted: 03 Dec 2013 at 2:11pm
I thought that was Scott's car parked there next to the old cascade hwy. Can't really say I missed out on that slog fest to the putin (jk). I could say you missed out on the first 'powder' day at Stevens though, but it wasn't all that and a bowl of chili. Glad to hear you guys got after it. What was the level at the tree? 2-4" above the base?


Posted By: jP
Date Posted: 05 Dec 2013 at 7:26am
Dude-- the hike to the put in was one of the coolest parts of the trip!
Besides, I got all winter to shred Pow. That was, most likely, the last opportunity to get on the Top Tye this year, and the Only time to catch it in those fairy tale conditions. Simply an unrepeatable experience.

So it was 6"+ above tge base of the sapling before we hiked, then when we paddled down to the bridge it was 3-4" oscillation. I'm still gettin to know the guage but it was filled in and definetly had some Push 'n Gush. Beefy but not rowdy. Of course, like I said I opted to lop of any potential for Paranoia :)

Similarly, S.frk Sky guage read 7'+ before and 6.84' after.


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