Events: SRK Jan 17th show
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SRK Jan 17th show

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Topic: SRK Jan 17th show
Posted By: jalmquist
Subject: SRK Jan 17th show
Date Posted: 12 Dec 2007 at 9:17pm
It should be well worth the price of admission... 

Posted By: James
Date Posted: 12 Dec 2007 at 9:25pm
Added to calendar... Sounds interesting ...



Posted By: Willy
Date Posted: 31 Dec 2007 at 1:24pm
Thanks for posting, John. Here's the full description of the event, Thursday the 17th at 7pm. Many thanks to Sprague Ackley for joining us!
Hayes River First Descent

Sprague Ackley will bring his slides and share his memories of one of the most pristine rivers in the world. Over 14 days in 1995, Sprague and his three boating partners dragged their kayaks up the Quinault River, ascended a snow couloir at the top of the W Fork of Anderson Creek to its precarious summit 5980 feet above sea level and slid down to find the first waters of the Hayes River.

Running over 250 drops, bypassing horrendous portages and sleeping under the primal cathedral forest of the untouched wilderness, the group finally arrived at the turquoise-colored Elwha River. Finding the river pouring over Entrance Drop rock, the decision was made to run the now-famous Grand Canyon of the Elwha at high water for a wild end to a trans-peninsula journey.

Join us on Thursday January 17, 2008 at 7pm on for the first show of the New Year to hear Sprague talk about his exploratory which started only a few hours drive from Seattle.


Ruby Creek Boathouse LLC
Eddyline, Stohlquist, Bending Branches, Esquif, Skwoosh Cushions, Costa Del Mar shades, Danuu, CRG Rec Repair, Pakboats, YakGrips

Posted By: cronar
Date Posted: 16 Jan 2008 at 10:06am
Bumpty, bump.

Posted By: Willy
Date Posted: 16 Jan 2008 at 11:31am
Here's another tidbit written up by Tim for our blog. More about primal cathedral forests, PLUS more cool pics. Be there!

Sprague Ackley is a local boater who has been on paddling expeditions all over the planet. He claims that the most wild, remote and pristine rivers on earth are to be found in the Olympic Peninsula, only a few hours drive from Seattle.

In 1995, Sprauge and his three partners laid claim to a RIDICULOUS first descent of the Hayes river. The expedition included summiting a technical snow couloir at the top of the W Fork of Anderson Creek, HAULING their kayaks up with them to put-in at 5980 feet above sea level. Their two week journey included over 250 drops, untouched wilderness, primal cathedral forest and treacherous portages.

On Thursday, January 17th, 2008, Sprague will be giving a rare presentation and slideshow about this first descent. If you are a paddler, explorer, or outdoor enthusiast by any definition, come join us at the shop at 7pm, kick back with a drink, and be introduced to the world class rivers in our backyard by the man who first explored them.

Where: SRK shop (at Magnuson Park)
7777 62nd Ave NE, Seattle

Ruby Creek Boathouse LLC
Eddyline, Stohlquist, Bending Branches, Esquif, Skwoosh Cushions, Costa Del Mar shades, Danuu, CRG Rec Repair, Pakboats, YakGrips

Posted By: dave
Date Posted: 16 Jan 2008 at 2:57pm
I think I may show up, I'm a little lonely and could use a good show. I'm girlfriendless in Seattle again.....................


Posted By: James
Date Posted: 16 Jan 2008 at 3:48pm
Whats the price of admission?

Will there be more than like 10 or 15 whitewater photo's show?
(That last slide show about alaska was interesting and all but really had no whitewater footy)


Posted By: Willy
Date Posted: 16 Jan 2008 at 4:01pm
No charge, baby.
My understanding is that Sprague has an awesome story to tell, inspiring to the adventurer in all of us. I'll check with him for more detail on exactly what the show's all about. Don't expect video though. It's a straight-up still slide show. Bring your imagination and be prepared to provide your own sound and action in your head.

Ruby Creek Boathouse LLC
Eddyline, Stohlquist, Bending Branches, Esquif, Skwoosh Cushions, Costa Del Mar shades, Danuu, CRG Rec Repair, Pakboats, YakGrips

Posted By: jondufay
Date Posted: 16 Jan 2008 at 4:26pm
Hey James,
If you go to this, ask Sprague about Thunder Creek.  Would like to know what they did in there.

ahh, f--- it dude, lets go boating...

Posted By: James
Date Posted: 16 Jan 2008 at 4:38pm
Good point ... will do. I am sure he would have some knowledge of it.


Posted By: Willy
Date Posted: 17 Jan 2008 at 6:22am
Got this from Sprague last night. I am really looking forward to meeting him and hearing the story. Wack footy be damned.

Bill, The traverse of ONP took many, many days and therefore about half of the slides tell the story (i.e. before any water at all).  All together I think that I have about 160 slides.

The big water was in the GC but anyone can get there with only a day's hike.  You are correct in saying that the presentation is more than a collection of big drops, it is about facing the unknown and accomplishing the impossible.  SA

Ruby Creek Boathouse LLC
Eddyline, Stohlquist, Bending Branches, Esquif, Skwoosh Cushions, Costa Del Mar shades, Danuu, CRG Rec Repair, Pakboats, YakGrips

Posted By: jalmquist
Date Posted: 17 Jan 2008 at 7:57am
Not sure Sprague et al ever paddled Thunder, but they might have.  It was John Waley and Shawn Wickstron that accessed Thunder via easy pass.  Shawn has been AWAL for a while, but I think John is still in the Hood River area - teaching and wind surfing.  The Oregon Kayaking site crew should have his contact info.  Jeff Trauba might have been part of that crew as well.  Jeff Trauba might have been part of that crew as well - not sure.  He's now repping in CA (Riot I think), but could easily be reached. 
Don't expect tons of photos of runnin' the nar - that was not the focus of this crew.    Rather, they busted arse to get into rivers that 1. were pristine, and 2. had never been run.  Imagine paddling the Goldie and reaizing you're probably one of the first crews to explore that valley at river level since the press expedition.  Wow.       

Posted By: Willy
Date Posted: 17 Jan 2008 at 8:08am
Jeff Trauba is repping for Astral & Immersion Research. He comes through the area a few times a year.

Ruby Creek Boathouse LLC
Eddyline, Stohlquist, Bending Branches, Esquif, Skwoosh Cushions, Costa Del Mar shades, Danuu, CRG Rec Repair, Pakboats, YakGrips

Posted By: PowWrangler
Date Posted: 17 Jan 2008 at 8:55am
Originally posted by Willy

No charge, baby.
My understanding is that Sprague has an awesome story to tell, inspiring to the adventurer in all of us. I'll check with him for more detail on exactly what the show's all about. Don't expect video though. It's a straight-up still slide show. Bring your imagination and be prepared to provide your own sound and action in your head.
Sooo, yer like saying there's not rockin' soundtrack to go along with it?   I prefer fast MTV style editing with little substance or storyline myself..

Posted By: James
Date Posted: 17 Jan 2008 at 9:05am
I fart in your general direction POW.

I am just saying a few shots of the goods would be nice....

now back to willy... what is your avatar dude? Is that the 1970's Husky Track Team?


Posted By: Willy
Date Posted: 17 Jan 2008 at 9:10am

Old School is the new thing Pow. MTV & instant gratification are so, uh, last week. Yeah, that's it.

Sprague's inspiring presence, along with his real mechanical carousel slide projector, will add the substance you're searching for. Who knows, maybe a few black&white shots too.

Ruby Creek Boathouse LLC
Eddyline, Stohlquist, Bending Branches, Esquif, Skwoosh Cushions, Costa Del Mar shades, Danuu, CRG Rec Repair, Pakboats, YakGrips

Posted By: Willy
Date Posted: 17 Jan 2008 at 9:11am
Good guess James. Right era, right school. Wrong sport.

Ruby Creek Boathouse LLC
Eddyline, Stohlquist, Bending Branches, Esquif, Skwoosh Cushions, Costa Del Mar shades, Danuu, CRG Rec Repair, Pakboats, YakGrips

Posted By: Willy
Date Posted: 17 Jan 2008 at 9:14am
...and come on, it was 77, which is late 70s really, which is what, like around when you were born?

Ruby Creek Boathouse LLC
Eddyline, Stohlquist, Bending Branches, Esquif, Skwoosh Cushions, Costa Del Mar shades, Danuu, CRG Rec Repair, Pakboats, YakGrips

Posted By: PowWrangler
Date Posted: 17 Jan 2008 at 9:17am
I'm just being silly James, no reference to you.

Posted By: cronar
Date Posted: 17 Jan 2008 at 10:47am
Damn, no multimedia presentation?  How's an overly geeky, techy kayaker gonna prove to his/her peeps that they did something unless they can upload it to the Internet through their Blackberry and show everyone the goods?

Posted By: James
Date Posted: 17 Jan 2008 at 11:59am
Bummer pow, I was hoping for some resistance from someone other than the soggy bottom boy.... btw I lean a cheek towards you too nick..... lol

And I was still 3 years from even a thought at that point willy!!!!... Didn't they have pads for the football team back then, you guys are hardcore?

I would have ditched the CIA mascot in the middle though... now a days you would get shot at for hanging out with a spook like that little dood... apparently they had hand held phones back then too aeh... Not the most secure of communication methods but effective none the less.


Posted By: Willy
Date Posted: 17 Jan 2008 at 12:28pm
Here's the goods from Jeff Trauba, replying to my question about Thunder Creek 1st-d:


That's cool Sprague is doing a slide show.  I think I may have boated with him one time or another in the early 90's.  Can't recall too much.


As for the Thunder River...I wasn't on that one.  It was Shawn Wickstrom(I think he still lives in Edmonds.  It would be cool to get a hold of him because he might have some sweet photos from the era.) and John Whaley.  Not sure who else was on that.


I was on a number of early descents of that time.  Not many 1st d's though.  I think the only one I can really claim is the upper MF Snoqualmie.  That was in '93 or '94 maybe.  Not sure what people cal that section these days..but it has a 40 footer and a 70 footer on it along with a bunch of other rapids.  I broke my ribs on the forty footer and kept paddling...aaahh to be young and stupid.  

All for the 1st d glory!  

I did that one with Frederick Reimers(current editor for Canoe and Kayak mag) and Bill Peabody(not sure what happened to him...maybe moved to Spokane?)


It was mainly a small group of guys getting out after it in those days.  Rick Williams had a posse of folks...didn't see them much.  I boated with Shawn, Tom Wolf, Mike Deckert, Gary Korb, John Whaley, etc...  Shawn and I were the younger guys in that group.  John Almquist was getting after it as well.  There was a group from Portland also...Bill Bowey and crew(Phil, Dave, and some other guys).  Also Jed Weingarten started to pop up on the creeks around then.

Ruby Creek Boathouse LLC
Eddyline, Stohlquist, Bending Branches, Esquif, Skwoosh Cushions, Costa Del Mar shades, Danuu, CRG Rec Repair, Pakboats, YakGrips

Posted By: Willy
Date Posted: 17 Jan 2008 at 12:31pm
James - much of a pain in the ass as it was to haul that little guy all over the lake, we needed him to steer the boat.
A couple of those dudes are bigger than Leif. You should see em now, 30 years later, they're WAY bigger than Leif.

Ruby Creek Boathouse LLC
Eddyline, Stohlquist, Bending Branches, Esquif, Skwoosh Cushions, Costa Del Mar shades, Danuu, CRG Rec Repair, Pakboats, YakGrips

Posted By: James
Date Posted: 17 Jan 2008 at 12:48pm
Oh .... hot diggity dog gone dang ... thats the Husky Crew Team?

That explains it now... I don't think I have ever seen a steersman that doesn't look or act like a CIA agent... its the little man complex. Curse the day they made those megaphones with batteries in them!!!

Really though... where were you racing... Suez Canal?


Posted By: Fish
Date Posted: 17 Jan 2008 at 1:06pm
I'll be showing up tonight as well.  This slideshow sounds great!  I emailed Rico (Frederick Reimers)  our editor today,  asking him about Jeff , and the runs they did together back in the day.  Even i had no idea as to some of the current staffs whitewater glories in my own back yard.  

Small world eh?

Posted By: Yotes
Date Posted: 17 Jan 2008 at 1:16pm
I wish I could make it. I read about this one on Oregon Kayaking and I've always wanted to hear more about it (and see the pictures). Too bad I'm stuck on the other side of the mountains.

Posted By: Willy
Date Posted: 17 Jan 2008 at 1:24pm
Originally posted by James

I don't think I have ever seen a steersman that doesn't look or act like a CIA agent...
Really though... where were you racing... Suez Canal?
Coxswain, James. Get nautical, this is a boating site. Uh, right?
On the Nile, two races in Egypt. Pretty cool memories. Got more pics somewhere with donkeys and camels.

Ruby Creek Boathouse LLC
Eddyline, Stohlquist, Bending Branches, Esquif, Skwoosh Cushions, Costa Del Mar shades, Danuu, CRG Rec Repair, Pakboats, YakGrips

Posted By: cronar
Date Posted: 17 Jan 2008 at 1:45pm
Yeah it's amazing what people accomplished before the Internet just because they wanted to get out.  Jon you used to boat before I met you?  That's crazy.  I don't believe it.

Posted By: Tobin
Date Posted: 17 Jan 2008 at 1:52pm
""Got more pics somewhere with donkeys and camels. ""
Err, uhh,  yeah right. 


Posted By: PowWrangler
Date Posted: 17 Jan 2008 at 2:19pm
Originally posted by cronar

Yeah it's amazing what people accomplished before the Internet just because they wanted to get out.  Jon you used to boat before I met you?  That's crazy.  I don't believe it.
Time for you to get off the internetz and get back to work Nick.

Posted By: dave
Date Posted: 17 Jan 2008 at 4:47pm
jalmquist sold me my first boat in 1991 and used to work at Pacific Water Sports! He help me learn to boat with some great advice and also sold me some good books to learn by. I tought myself to boat and he encouraged me while others were telling me I was going to die! I almost did die a few times, but I'm ok now!


Posted By: slickhorn
Date Posted: 18 Jan 2008 at 10:28am
Just wanted to say what an excellent event this was. 

The history of our sport is often clouded in myth and rumor -- nowadays we've got digital cameras, tiny camcorders, blogs, LVM, etc.  Back in the day, some truly amazing trips were undertaken, and this is just one of them. 

It was a real treat to hear more about this trip.  The My Everest tale on Rackley has long been a favorite of mine. 

I particularly enjoyed learning about the boating, Whaley made it sound like such a worthless logfest, where Sprague really made it sound like a quality run with steep price of admission. 

In any case, utmost respect for the skills, effort, and overall success of the mission.  Zero carnage, no close calls, and a sick flow on the GCE to get out. 

Damn impressive.  Thanks for the show Sprague, and SRK. 



Posted By: James
Date Posted: 18 Jan 2008 at 11:50am
I second all of that Brian...

That show was really interesting and all I can say is that was a wicked mission that makes everything I have ever done look like a roadside run in my backyard.

I mean there were 2 side missions longer than any boating trip I have done... and those were just missions to support the main mission. I don't really get the ski boots still but that just made it that much crazier!!!

Sprague... thanks that was awesome ...


Posted By: dave
Date Posted: 18 Jan 2008 at 6:18pm
They were mountain climbing boots, not ski boots. Need solid boots to kick steps in steep snowfields.


Posted By: Willy
Date Posted: 19 Jan 2008 at 1:50pm
So I emailed Sprague to thank him for coming out, and included a link to this discussion since he's not a PP member. I got this reply...
Bill, Thank you again for the warm reception at the show.

I enjoyed the blog
[He means PP].  One of the entries mentioned Thunder Creek.  I dug up my notes and we ran it on 1 Oct 1995.  It was a great run.  If anyone cares, I am happy to share my notes.

I forgot to ask his name, but a guy at the show was interested about some of the creeks in the Park that we had not run.  I now have more information if he asks.

In general, I am happy to share whatever information I have to anyone interested in heading out into the unknown.  SA

Sprague Ackley
This man is a real adventurer and a terrific resource to our community if you want to check in with him. Happy paddling - bw

Ruby Creek Boathouse LLC
Eddyline, Stohlquist, Bending Branches, Esquif, Skwoosh Cushions, Costa Del Mar shades, Danuu, CRG Rec Repair, Pakboats, YakGrips

Posted By: PaulGamache
Date Posted: 19 Jan 2008 at 2:47pm
Thanks for posting that Bill, I was trying to pick Sprauque's brain about what he hadn't run in the area but had to run since my ride was leaving.

Thanks again for the slideshow.

27/320 & 1 bootie

Posted By: imageAK
Date Posted: 16 Jul 2021 at 3:38pm
Wish we had more intrepid folks modern day to carry those tales along and share them... seems a lot of solid information has been lost to the randomness of how its shared on the web. Or not...
Missed opportunities like this slide show that happened before my time... would love any old links or tales anyone has to share about exploring in WA...old or new

aint nobody got time for that!

Posted By: JoesKayak
Date Posted: 21 Jul 2021 at 8:09am
You really went to the cellar to dig this thread up.

Well, ask and receive. Here's the blog of a friend of mine (the website was closed down many years ago, but still archived at wayback machine) that documents a 2nd decent run on the upper section of Canyon Creek Stilly, one week after we had done a pioneering trip on the SF CC that ended with us hiking out and stashing our boats, then hiking back in.

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