Commercial Listings: Photo Contest - win a clinic or a new kay
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Photo Contest - win a clinic or a new kay

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Topic: Photo Contest - win a clinic or a new kay
Posted By: Leland
Subject: Photo Contest - win a clinic or a new kay
Date Posted: 14 Nov 2007 at 7:21am
The River Gypsies' North American Photo Contest starts today!

Enter your photos from a long list of rivers across the continent and become eligible to win a creeking clinic or the Pyranha Kayak of your choice!!

You can read all about the contest, and the list of rivers we're looking for photos of at

The contest runs from now until the middle of 2008, so start taking photos now!!


Posted By: Leland
Date Posted: 14 Nov 2007 at 9:30am
I just want to note here, that Washington is one of the only areas in the contest where rivers on the list are actually running right now!!

Who's got my Sky pics?? 3800 is a lot of water when looked at from down here in the parched dry south.


Posted By: CRG Productions
Date Posted: 14 Nov 2007 at 9:58am
Original post...
I just want to note here, that Washington is one of the only areas in the contest where rivers on the list are actually running right now!!
Gotta love the PNW!


Posted By: dave
Date Posted: 14 Nov 2007 at 10:04am
I am going to work on this! With my new Canon 40d and 100-400mm L.


Posted By: Leland
Date Posted: 14 Nov 2007 at 10:21am
Originally posted by CRG Productions

Gotta love the PNW!

yeah, I do.    Wish I was up there boating right now, but I gotta work to pay for the 3 months I spent there this summer....


Posted By: CRG Productions
Date Posted: 14 Nov 2007 at 12:40pm
Leland-impressive list of rivers going in your new book! can't wait to check it out.
also, here's a newer run up here to add to your hit list next time your up this way....It's in the headwaters of the White Salmon River.


Posted By: Leland
Date Posted: 14 Nov 2007 at 1:07pm
Originally posted by CRG Productions

Leland-impressive list of rivers going in your new book! can't wait to check it out.

also, here's a newer run up here to add to your hit list next time your up this way....It's in the headwaters of the White Salmon River.

Yeah, that creek looks sweet. Maybe you had more water than the first video I saw of it - the hits looked too hard for me the first time (my back is not as young as it used to be). The water level in your vid looks perfect.

As for the book - yeah, it's an ambitious project, but it's a book that I'm really passionate about writing. Now we just have to fill in the holes on photos and video (I've only done about 60-70% of the rivers going in the book).

If lots of folks send in pictures I think it'll come out really sweet.


Posted By: dave
Date Posted: 14 Nov 2007 at 1:14pm
I have a couple of sweet photos I'm going to send in when I get home tonight or tomorrow night, but one is in Tumwater canyon and the other is on the Skook wave in Canada. Looks like I need to get out on the Sky in the next few weeks!


Posted By: Leland
Date Posted: 14 Nov 2007 at 1:28pm
Originally posted by dave

I have a couple of sweet photos I'm going to send in when I get home tonight or tomorrow night, but one is in Tumwater canyon and the other is on the Skook wave in Canada. Looks like I need to get out on the Sky in the next few weeks!

It's worth sending in photos from the low probability list if they're good.

I'm pretty bummed about the Sky. I got out and took some amazing shots looking upstream at the top of Boulder Drop from river right with those peaks in the background. I set something wrong on the camera, though, and the files were unusable. So I really want some pics that capture how incredible the scenery is on that one.

Good luck to you - I can't wait to see your pics!


Posted By: James
Date Posted: 14 Nov 2007 at 2:35pm
I know that you have your lists of rivers that your trying to populate with media and all, and well I know the upper cheak is on the don't send list but every time I see this photo ... well I fall in love again.

After like 4 or 5 laps this summer, that is one of my favorite morning drops... The angle, leadin, everything about it is sweet. You can wake up ...  have a nice cup of coffee at the campsite, some fluffy blueberry cakes, and then go warm yourself up for the day!  Simply Overlooked as a classic waterfall with great access. Then again there is so much in BC it is silly to consider this so high on the list... but none the less its a favorite warm up drop of mine!

Nice Shot Heather and great form Hale...


Posted By: justin
Date Posted: 14 Nov 2007 at 6:34pm
Heather is actually waiting in the eddy behind the shot.  I took the pic with her camera.  I don't really understand why the Cal-Cheak is on the list since it's a pretty boring run compared to the Cheakamus.

Posted By: James
Date Posted: 14 Nov 2007 at 6:38pm
I have a feeling leland might need more media for runs he does not have good footage of for the guide book and his other publications / media endevours.



Posted By: dave
Date Posted: 14 Nov 2007 at 9:44pm
Did you read their info page James?    (Inclusion in this list doesn't necessarily mean the river will be in the book, and new rivers might be added, so check back often.)


Posted By: justin
Date Posted: 14 Nov 2007 at 10:24pm
They should put together a video guidebook.

Posted By: Leland
Date Posted: 15 Nov 2007 at 5:40am
Originally posted by justin

Heather is actually waiting in the eddy behind the shot.  I took the pic with her camera.  I don't really understand why the Cal-Cheak is on the list since it's a pretty boring run compared to the Cheakamus.

Well, perhaps people will travel to BC with this book who aren't ready for the Upper Cheak yet, but are ready for the Cal-Cheak run. The book is for class III paddlers too.

Keep the photos coming!


Posted By: justin
Date Posted: 15 Nov 2007 at 7:55am

If that's the demographic your looking for then I can think of plenty B.C. class III that is way better than the Cal-Cheak, like the Chilliwack river from Slesse to Tamihi.  The Cal-Cheak is like a mile and a half long. If that's a paddling destination I wouldn't make the drive just for it.

Posted By: Leland
Date Posted: 19 Nov 2007 at 3:01pm
well, now that my post is languishing in the commercial section, I don't know if I'll get as many photos from Washington as I would like.

Is there a way to post about the photo contest in the main forum without it being commercial? I'm not trying to promote a product, I'm trying to make this contest for a free kayak and other prizes available to the Washington paddling community. It's really important to me to have that area well represented.



ps. I hope y'all are enjoying all of that water out there - I'm watching the gauges and drooling here in the desert Southeast.

Posted By: Yotes
Date Posted: 19 Nov 2007 at 3:04pm
Well, by posting here you bumped it back up onto the homepage list of recent posts.

Posted By: Leland
Date Posted: 19 Nov 2007 at 3:14pm
Originally posted by Yotes

Well, by posting here you bumped it back up onto the homepage list of recent posts.

Well, that's cool.

Do most people come in through the front page, or do you just directly bookmark the forum?

I've always bookmarked the forum and then gone to levels or whatever else from there.

Maybe it's just me.


Posted By: James
Date Posted: 19 Nov 2007 at 3:51pm
Leland folks do both. The idea is to get the stuff organized where it belongs so when your looking for a specific subject you can find it. I love quotes so I will bust one out.

Originally posted by Leland

I'm not trying to promote a product, I'm trying to make this contest for a free kayak and other prizes available to the Washington paddling community.

Your honesty abounds you, I humbly suggest that your promotion is of corporate nature since it is conducted by Brushy Mountain Publishing Inc. which would make this of commercial interest. Stated in other words, My understanding of this promotion is that  the target is not to reward boaters of the northwest with prizes and representation but  it is rather the promotion of a project to accumulate photographs from those soggy boys that have documented areas you wish to publish that you have not your self documented.

Don't get me wrong... I think it is great. I want your posts here and hope others raise competitions and contests for the support of their goals too. I do it too and want to help you and others, thats why I made a special place to help find commercially natured threads. If not it would get lost in the daily posts. Now folks can check in to see what is going on with local shops and businesses and they see yours when they want to. In the general room it would get covered really quickly. We get alot of posts here with duplicate messages and sometimes silly crap- most from me, in fact we have even had recent posts with this very promotional natured theme, you might have read them, or perhaps.... well perhaps... yea most likely not.

There went my point....


Posted By: Yotes
Date Posted: 19 Nov 2007 at 3:58pm
I usually go through the homepage, I'll only go to the forums page to find a thread that has fallen off the recent posts list.

Posted By: dave
Date Posted: 19 Nov 2007 at 6:15pm
Easy James, take it easy.....
I, as an aspiring ammature photographer, would be excited and glad to just have some of my work published and receive nothing but the satisfaction of seeing my work somewhere other than in my home or my computer! Hopefully I will get out this weekend and shoot something around the Robe or Sky drainage. I also want to boat too!


Posted By: huckin harms
Date Posted: 20 Nov 2007 at 8:43am


Leland, I heard what sounded like slightly disguised dissatisfaction with your writing about sections of rivers that you never paddled... and at first I thought this would be a bit of a stretch.  But then, after thumbing around in the current guide for Wa I realized that no small portion of the descriptions in that book are contributions.  Well anyways, kudos, and I'll see what pics are in my portfolio. 

It was fun paddling with you and Andrea on that warm spring day at TopTye.  Hopefully you two have another trip planned this way for 08. 


Posted By: justin
Date Posted: 21 Nov 2007 at 8:54am
There is a great shot taken by jojo of the view from the skykomish above boulder in the Gallery also.

Posted By: Leland
Date Posted: 21 Nov 2007 at 9:17am
yeah Mike, I haven't done all of the runs going in the book, but I've done 66% of the 177 runs/playspots we're looking at including right now, have had a look at a lot of the others, and I have a lot of reliable people from the local areas to write descriptions of the ones I don't know about. I don't know of any guidebooks where the author actually did all of the runs in the book. I know for my North Carolina book I spent 10+ years paddling here before I made the book and still had only done 90% of the runs in it.

Making this book is closely related to my goal to be a local paddler everywhere I go. Part of the project is not just going to rivers, but networking in the local communities so that I really know the info about local issues - whether they be access problems, when things generally run, whether certain runs are prone to filling up with wood, etc.   It also involves talking to locals to find out which runs really belong in the book and which ones don't. A big part of the fun is all of the cool folks we meet out there on the rivers, too. Having a crew of friends on our phone list at every whitewater destination is part of the reward.

And James, although Brushy Mountain Publishing is a corportation on paper it's more like a non-profit in reality . I'm not saying this book isn't something the business is doing, but it's a project driven by our passion far more than economics. If we looked at it from a business/for profit perspective we would probably conclude that there are FAR better uses of our time than creating a niche whitewater product that will probably not do much better than break even (4 color printing of a 350+ page book is going to be expensive). If you think the commercial section is where we belong and that we'll get the same visibility for the contest here then great. I just want to make sure people know this thread is about making a really cool book that is really useful and showcases our continent's incredible whitewater WAY more than it's about making money. If it was about making money we would probably get out of whitewater altogether since we're in two other markets that are way bigger and already bear the load of paying the bills and keeping us afloat.

I'm not here trying to sell anything to anyone, I'm just posting here trying to get the input of the local community so that the section of the book on Washington can represent that area in a way that Washington paddlers are happy about, and that they feel accurately conveys how incredible that area is, and also to have photos of locals on the local rivers!

Hopefully it will be a project that people get excited about and get behind so that it comes out as cool as I hope it will.

Everybody keep the photos coming!!


Posted By: huckin harms
Date Posted: 23 Nov 2007 at 12:23pm
take it to the top


Posted By: Leland
Date Posted: 24 Nov 2007 at 7:24am
Added 2 streams to the photo contest:

High probability - Fall in the Wall

Low Probability - Canyon Creek (E.F. Lewis)

Let's see yer photos!


Posted By: CRG Productions
Date Posted: 26 Nov 2007 at 11:38am
Leland, great concept for the photo contest!
Unfortnately all my shots are in the Low catagory....


Posted By: Leland
Date Posted: 27 Nov 2007 at 7:19pm
Originally posted by CRG Productions

Leland, great concept for the photo contest!

Unfortnately all my shots are in the Low catagory....

Send 'em anyway!

The low probability just means that I already have pictures of those runs that are pretty good. If you have a super sweet shot, send it in - maybe I'll use it.

Folks should also note that composition and focus are more important than color and exposure. I can usually fix color and exposure (within reason) if the content of the photo is good.


Posted By: PowWrangler
Date Posted: 29 Nov 2007 at 9:23am
There are some FITW photos in the gallery somewhere on here.  I forgot who shot them, but can't hurt to track them down and pm the person.

Posted By: James
Date Posted: 29 Nov 2007 at 9:29am
POW and anyone else...

I PM'd leland and told him to browse our whole database. Any photo's or beta he found he could copy the URL and sent to me. I will find the author and help him gain approval from the correct person. Obviously any work he found from POW, Hardboof or Hugo would be free to use without permission.....j/k lol

If you have a favorite photo that you uploaded here I would not wait for Leland to find it though.... Send it too him so he can enter you in the contest the normal way.



Posted By: Leland
Date Posted: 29 Nov 2007 at 9:44am
thanks for the heads-up on the gallery, everybody.

I will browse through it and figure out what looks good from there, but it will be in January when I do that. I leave Sunday to start making my way to Mexico to teach some creek boating, and won't be home to good internet until the new year.

So if you have good shots, please email them to make sure I get them.

I will definitely be looking through the gallery here when I return from Mexico.


Posted By: PowWrangler
Date Posted: 29 Nov 2007 at 9:55am
Hey wait a minute James.  You grouping me with the likes of  HardlyBoofing and Yugo?

Posted By: James
Date Posted: 29 Nov 2007 at 9:58am
What you can't hang with the big boy's?


Posted By: Christian
Date Posted: 21 Dec 2007 at 5:50pm
Has you link died? I can't get the page to come up?

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