Professor Paddle: Moved: Pool Rates Seattle Washington (WA) Warehousing & Order Fulfillment Seattle Washington (WA) Warehousing & Order Fulfillment Seattle Washington (WA) Commercial Relocation Warehousing & Order Fulfillment
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WKC Pool Sessions
 Professor Paddle : The Class Room : Pool Sessions : WKC Pool Sessions
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Sum Dum Guy

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  Quote James Replybullet Topic: Moved: Pool Rates
    Posted: 31 Oct 2008 at 2:02pm

** Moved from the WKC pool threads to keep them clean and easy to read through **

I don't exactly agree that they are not worthy of mention. In fact I don't paddle at these sessions because of the price. I would also be pretty bummed if someone from PP showed up with 5-10 bucks and found out it was going to be almost $20 to just get in.

If your not a member of the ACA AND WKC the fee is $18.00 for each session. This includes a one-event membership in ACA.

Edited by James - 31 Oct 2008 at 4:50pm
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Viener Schnitzel
Viener Schnitzel

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  Quote Renée Replybullet Posted: 31 Oct 2008 at 4:39pm
"Not worthy of mention" was a polite way of saying too expensive to bother.
As a WKC rep, I am embarrassed by the cost, however, WKC cant hold pool sessions without ACA's insurance (there is NO OTHER INSURANCE AVAILABLE). I would love to see the pools privatized by utilizing an outfitter, in lieu of funding the ACA, but it's not my decision.
I am more bummed over the apparent mis-information about and lack of interest in understanding and resolving the issues that appear to divide what should be one of the strongest paddling communities in the nation.
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Sum Dum Guy

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  Quote James Replybullet Posted: 31 Oct 2008 at 5:22pm
I understand and I was not trying to over post on your threads. As I have mentioned before the details that go up in this forum are intended for any reader/paddlers to find pool sessions and go practice at them. The price of admission that covers the majority of these paddlers is a very worthy mention, and It was actually a requirement for the pool sessions to be listed.

As far as the WKC not holding pool sessions without the ACA... How is the Tacoma Pool being done? That one seems pretty price competitive!!! 

Of course I can only recommend the Most Amazing pool session in the US which actually exists in Tacoma Right now at the UPS! The only problem is that if you don't know when to leave the action, you will keep getting home at around 3am... Crazy college kids!

So whats the mis-information? How is the boating community divided?

I have alot of people send me PM's and even letters occasionally telling me they wish their home states had communities as tight as ours. I have even had people from other countries write in and say thanks to the community around here for showing them such a bad ass time!!!

We might not be GauleySized, but I would say that were doing pretty good!
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  Quote PaulGamache Replybullet Posted: 03 Nov 2008 at 12:07am
$18 for a roll session is outrageous.
ACA insurance for 1 day events is $5 per non-aca member.   Below is the annual cost structure of the ACA Paddle America Clubs which is a means to insure clubs.
  • Contact: Helen Oyen (540) 907-4460 x109 or Anne Vetterlein x107
  • Insurance for Paddle America Clubs
    • Paddle America Clubs must be current (according to PAC Manual / Agreement)
    • To better serve the PACs a tiered membership program has been created to better reflect the actual size of the club.
      • Less than 50 members: $100
      • 50-99 members: $150
      • 100+ members: $225
    • The individual event member fee for non-ACA members has been reduced to $5 for each event.
    • Clubs may obtain bulk event memberships for $4 each with a minimum purchase of 25 - This must be completed prior to the activity.
    • Current ACA members are not required to pay the $5 event member fee. Club members may join the ACA at reduced dues of $30 for individuals ($10 discount off general membership dues) and $40 for families ($20 off general membership dues)
    • This program provides year-round insurance coverage for sanctioned on-water activities and certain off-water meetings and club events
    • Events are sanctioned at no additional cost
    • $20 fee for each additional insured (subject to approval)
    • Non-ACA members must purchase event membership for participation in insured club activity; $5 each
    • Hull insurance for Outrigger Canoe Clubs and Dragon Boat clubs is available for an additional fee.
    • For more info:

    Since when are pool sessions more expensive to insure than class V downriver races? 

    Doesn't really make a difference but it would be interesting to see how the $18 fee was justified, dollar for dollar.  It's great these sessions are available to those who can afford to go, personally rather spend $5 at UPS,  it's worth the drive. 

  • Edited by PaulGamache - 03 Nov 2008 at 12:23am
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    Super Looper
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      Quote Larry Replybullet Posted: 03 Nov 2008 at 9:03am
    I live 5 minutes from Helen Madison and have 4 people that would attend on a regular basis if the rates were more reasonable, and know several others in a similar position. They must be getting enough to attend at the current rate that they don't need the additional people.
    Now that SRK is no longer doing pool sessions, and gas has come down, I'll see you guys at the UPS sessions.
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