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Sum Dum Guy

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  Quote James Replybullet Topic: Next Step
    Posted: 07 May 2010 at 10:45am
Over the years I have written long winded posts attempting to explain why PP exists and how I feel about it then and now. Every time these responses reach epic length and so I never post them. They are usually spawned because either someone is upset with the Forum and blames me or someone is abusing the forum and going to create problems.

Regardless of what you think of me, why you think the forum is here, or how you think it should be run, a few things can not be argued. I made the website, but everyone else makes the community. I can add features and function but you add the value and the purpose.

Why am I writing this now? It's not because I am sick of dealing with certain people or because I suck at dealing with problems, although both are true. I am writing this because I have always been passionate about creating a free outlet for our community and I have been greatly rewarded by your support and partcipation. From time to time I post new updates and little widgets that I think will add function but now I see a new opporunity for PP.

Ever since PP was created I have tried to bring people into leadership roles so it could evolve into a true community driven system. For the most part that has not worked, I still don't know why but for the first time this year that has changed. It started with Joe and JP. Together the River Beta was no longer approved and moderated by me, and although I appointed forum moderators in the past, Joe and JP actually ran with it and actively read and approved the submissions, with fast return time too!!! Their response made me consider yet again yielding to other folks taking the controls. So this year the PP Ball was handed over to Dan and Adam. Another amazing outcome was realized, not only did they blow away the effort and results I had ever produced, they spent more time and energy than I had ever considered investing in previous years alone.

All of these things have made me consider the fact that we are probably ready for a group of moderators to take the reigns in the forum. Although I would love to help craft the vision of where this can go, I look forward to the day when I am only a quiet voice in a long forgotten thread. For now I have a design for how we can incorporate new moderators and I look forward to seeing where this will go.

If you feel you would be good at moderating or know someone that would be, please send me a PM. The moderators will not broken into specific duties for now. We are small enough that we can have a few folks help moderate the forum keeping threads on topic without specific chairs or focus. The moderators will have the ability to limit users posting abilities, edit posts, move and remove threads and posts. Depending on the folks involved they may also help with code functionality, problems and fixes. The Rio Banditos will stay the same, and in charge of the Beta Submissions, hopefully working with the moderators to encourage folks to continue building our community with media, beta, and constructive conversation.

Once I have a list of moderators constructed we will conduct a vote to elect them which will be open to the community. Based on suggestion and example here (

Thanks again to everyone for all the support, and encouragement you have always offered. I am very hopeful this next step will be equally supported and that our community will continue to desire more control of this resource.
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Sum Dum Guy

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  Quote James Replybullet Posted: 07 May 2010 at 11:31am
This post will be a continually updated list of the Moderators that have been suggested.

Current Moderator Nominees
slickhorn  -  (Brian Vogt)

tiziak  -  (Dan Parnell)

JoesKayak  -  (Joe Sauve)

justin  -  (Justin Cook)

jP  -  (Jon Prentice)

Jed Hawkes  -  (Jed Hawkes)

Larry  -  (Larry Stratton)

rockarolla  -  (D1)

dave  -  (Dave Morrision)

Tobin  -  (Tobin Dailey)

An FYI about this process: If your on this list it is because you were either suggested or you made the request. If anyone does not want to be on the list please just PM or post and you will be removed. After this weekend we will have a quick vote and anyone with enough community approval will be added into the moderator group.

Removal Requested

PowWrangler  -  (Dave Evans)
H2Ohta  -  (Chris Ohta)

Edited by James - 08 May 2010 at 8:21pm
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IK MainiYak

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  Quote slickhorn Replybullet Posted: 07 May 2010 at 2:16pm
jP and Justin perhaps as mods?  Joe, if beta and mod duties aren't too much for one person. 

Also, Jed Hawkes possibly on that list?  He's been outspoken about the tenor of conversation here.
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Sum Dum Guy

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  Quote James Replybullet Posted: 07 May 2010 at 2:59pm
I nominate Dave (POWrangler) and Chris (H2hta)
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  Quote RemAcct2 Replybullet Posted: 07 May 2010 at 3:50pm
How about Larry, D1, and D4?
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  Quote bronkrdr Replybullet Posted: 07 May 2010 at 7:25pm
Just throwing this out there by way of support -
I know that I've demonstrated an up and down participation in this site over the past few years (mostly work related), but one thing is for damn sure - you have provided a forum and an opportunity for numerous people to get involved in this sport and meet like-minded individuals, whatever that means to the individual person. That contribution to the kayaking community can not be over stated, and is agruablly one of the single greatest contributions to a region's kayaking community that anyone has ever made. I've met some of the best friends I have through here (no small feat for the military nomad); so for what its worth, thank you for all you do, and I'm sure that no matter how you choose to tackle this growing beast, it'll pan out in the long run.
I drink rum and wear my wife's underwear when no one is looking!
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Sum Dum Guy

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  Quote James Replybullet Posted: 08 May 2010 at 8:59am
Thanks Adam I appreciate it, I'm glad your still getting something out of this little puppy. I was pretty stoked to see your back online, and I will be even more happy to see you on the river!!!
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PP Junkie
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  Quote PowWrangler Replybullet Posted: 08 May 2010 at 9:17am
I second what Bronkdr said.

I'm pulling my name out the list though.  I can just hear the hissyfit from Leif and D4 if I were to be a moderator here. 
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Sum Dum Guy

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  Quote James Replybullet Posted: 08 May 2010 at 9:23am
Well Dave just know that I think you are one of the more balanced and capable leaders/paddlers I know.  You be off
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  Quote H2Ohta Replybullet Posted: 08 May 2010 at 6:39pm
James, your nomination is very much appreciated but I am not sure I would be the best moderator for this forum. I too appreciate you along with your time and efforts very much. You have helped many of us connect and share so thank you. There is great potential for this website and community when there is no drama but those spells seem to be short lived. There are some great threads that get ruined by all the caca.    
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Sum Dum Guy

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  Quote James Replybullet Posted: 08 May 2010 at 8:25pm
Chris ~ The quality of your input online and offline is awesome so it is a bummer to not have you moderate. You have always been huge contribution to the paddling community so it is certainly our loss to not have you help here, but I can understand your reasoning. If for some reason you change your mind we have a few more days before we make the final selection. 
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  Quote H2Ohta Replybullet Posted: 09 May 2010 at 6:00am
Thanks James and I am willing to help however possible. Just a thought, maybe if we all moderated ourselves, kept is positive and about paddling there would be fewer "Guests" and more quality posts.
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Rio Banditos
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  Quote jP Replybullet Posted: 09 May 2010 at 1:27pm
That's a nice thought, Chris, and we've been hopefull for sometime that we can maintain a "laissez-faire" approach. Obviously we need a few people to operate as moderators, and hopefully they will do so in as "hands off" of an approach as possible.

About me as a nominee for moderator:

First I'd say that I am honored to have been considered. It is the untapped potential of this site that keeps me around. The Flows, the Beta, the Galleries the Google maps, the Youtube, and yes, even the Forums. Certainly the Trip Planner-- a feature I have under-utilized, and hope to post trips on this summer to lead some trips... But I would like to see the forums more frequently populated by discussions related to PADDLING!

Second, though-- is this:
If I were to be a moderator, is it possible that I need to be moderated? In the past I've been guilty of being the one stirring the PaddlePoo. Sometimes it's left a bad taste in my mouth ("why did say that?" or "why did I say it that way"). I guess that is what I wonder:
would jP the moderator need to be moderated? It's possible that by being cast in that role, I'll take my "community" presence more seriously, and probably should anyway.
At any rate, I think there needs to be more than one, two, or three moderators. People are busy with life and so the delegated roles should maybe be spread out. Would that allow the moderators to moderate each other, too?

One thing is for sure: I remain interested in fleshing out and maintaining our database. Gonna take this moment to remind everyone to look over the River Description page for their favorite runs. Select a few to keep an eye on from time to time and make sure the info is current. If you go explore something and it doesn't have anything written for it, please take some time to file at least a T.R., or some minimal beta for the page. Photos are great too, obviously.
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Sum Dum Guy

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  Quote James Replybullet Posted: 10 May 2010 at 10:21am
JP: No one is perfect, but I think you will do a great job.

Now on to the process. So we have our list of moderators as seen above. Later today I will create a new thread called Moderator Approval. This will be a thread with no posting allowed, all that will be allowed is the voting / approval rating of moderators. Each moderator will have his own counter. At the end of a period of time we will determine which moderators meet the minimum criteria for approval.

This leaves 2 questions that I am hoping to gain an answer on.

1. How long should we allow the voting / approval process to run?
I was thinking 5 days but that might be too long. What do you think?

2. How much approval support should we set as the minimum for each moderator?
I was thinking a minimum of a 5 ranking. If all moderators were over 5 all would be approved etc...
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water wacko
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  Quote water wacko Replybullet Posted: 10 May 2010 at 9:01pm
why not have a 2 week period for those who don't get on as frequently?
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  Quote Larry Replybullet Posted: 10 May 2010 at 9:31pm
I think 1 week would be minimum. 5 days may be adequate, but since this site sees less activity over the weekend (people seem to be boating or something, as they should be) it should at least be 5 weekdays.
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