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  Quote RemAcct2 Replybullet Topic: Planning our party!
    Posted: 26 Feb 2009 at 6:07pm
Our Event this Year...

The planning of our annual party is at a crossroads.  Some are concerned that the lack of participation in prior planning meetings this year indicates there is little interest in having a party.  I believe there is significant interest; but that we simply must get people motivated and involved.  Regardless, as with all good things, you get out what you put in; and with our party this year, the texture of the event will depend very much on community participation, especially with our next planning meeting.  Our party will not plan itself, and it is critical that you contribute your time if this event is important to you.

Our event this year will be somewhat different from last year.  While I believe participation will increase, the state of the economy (especially in the within the kayak industry) is dismal.  The combined effects of decreased participation in the sport along with people having less disposable income means that it would be inappropriate for us to solicit significant donations from companies in the industry.  We have invited AW to use our event for fundrasing, but I don't see us soliciting donations for a raffle or auction.  People who came last year simply to win things may not like the event this year, though this shouldn't be the goal of our event.  Our event has always and should continue to be about bringing our community together, not about being exploited for corporate interests, and fundraising should also be a distant secondary concern.

Areas Needing Additional Planning...

Rodeo and Down River Race
We have had someone volunteer to organize the rodeo, but need someone to take on organizing (and getting sponsorship for) the down river race.  Someone with experience organizing these things, but who doesn't want to race.

While not essential, it would be nice to have beer at the event.  Does anyone know any breweries willing to donate some beer for a tax write off?

Big Air Ramp
I have people lined up to help build the ramp, but materials to build a bigger, better ramp are expensive.  Corporate sponsorship would be critical to make this happen.  It seems as though one of the local rafting companies could benefit from having their logo prominently displayed on the ramp.  Perhaps the rafting company whose owner enjoyed the ramp last year?

Tee Shirts
I'll be happy to produce them again this year, but we will need people with artistic talent to submit designs.  Who wants to do some drawing?

Chili Cookoff
We could use some help organizing this and rallying the competitors.  In other news, I need a good-sized kitchen to borrow if I compete...

We will need help leading up to the event from people willing to help promote the event, especially online.

Next Steps...

I urge you to participate in our next (and possibly final) planning meeting.  This meeting will set the texture of our event this year, and we must have community participation to successful organize this event.

Our annual party is an opportunity to reconnect with old paddling partners and to bring new people into the sport.  Many of us have had paddling partners drop out of the sport,  and regardless of your respective level of boating, I hope you can appreciate the benefits of growing participation in the sport and involvement in the community.  Our event is one aspect of our community, and I hope everyone sees the value in the event.  We have a bit over two months before the event, so we've got to move on this quickly.

So, if you want to help organize our event, please save this date:

Tuesday March 10th, 7:00p

...Location to follow...

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  Quote dave Replybullet Posted: 26 Feb 2009 at 6:21pm
Lets have it at James house, we will set up a slip-n-slide and charge an $8 dollar cover charge and play some MP3 music on James laptop...

I am in a bad mood....

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  Quote huckin harms Replybullet Posted: 27 Feb 2009 at 7:59am
There are those who will not like what I'm about to share, but whatever, here's my two cents. 
I'll be the first to say the PPBall's held the last two years were indeed good times.  Great turnouts, incredible give-aways, and some fun action events.  But for all that there is no replacing the time spent on the river with comarades in arms. 
I have a hard time understanding why there is a perceived need for any events at all.  No need for an events coordinator, stage with lights, ramp (bigger or better than last year), chilli cook out, or even a venue that officially host the event.  Why not impromptu the unofficial river rendezvous at some undisclosed location in the woods far from citizenry with a truck load of pallets and kegs of beer.  Sheeze, doesn't even need to be next to a river, or in the state of Washington for that matter.  Better yet bag the whole kitandkubuddle and crash someone else's river party. 
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  Quote RemAcct2 Replybullet Posted: 27 Feb 2009 at 8:55am
So, what if everyone decides to crash someone else's party? Then there won't be any parties. Small intimate get togethers are nice, and I enjoy them as much as you, Mike, but that ultimately excludes much of the community who doesn't know where the "super secret" spot is (for example). These events we put on are as much about having a good time as they are about being inclusive, and making sure our community consists of more than Ben's mythical "core boater".

...Just my opinion, as is everything on this post. Let the community speak. If opinions continue mirror Dave and Mike's thinking, we can certainly cancel the event. Doing so would save me some time.
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  Quote James Replybullet Posted: 27 Feb 2009 at 10:05am
To add onto what mike said lets consider this.

The event the first year (3 years ago) consisted of a secret spot, not even a keg and just a bunch of friends getting together and eating each others food. There was little to no planning other than me trying to get friends to agree on when to show up and it was a blast.

So much of a blast we decided the next year (07) we would do just what mike suggested pick a secret little spot down the road that could fit everyone with the only change being we would buy some kegs to cut down on glass bottles etc... Another blast..

Finally last year (08) we realized that the same spots would not fit everyone. We could pick a new spot and not tell anyone so the numbers would be less but a lot of folks would have been left out and felt alienated. So we had to plan bigger. It took alot and it was another blast.

Now this year we are not trying to go bigger, louder or better. Were really just trying to plan accordingly,  since we have less interest it could indicate less attendance which would in turn indicate we should have it at a smaller place as a less formal event. That being said, I don't want more folks then ever showing up and being mega bummed that there is no space. I have explained this to several people Leif being one, but we don't agree that the event will be smaller, only I seem to have that forcast.

So let me end with a final Message. This year we will have a Ball. It might be different than any year prior which would be pretty standard since none of the years have been alike. The issue is deciding what it will be like, and Leif has done a great job of requesting that input. Should we crash another party? I know you were being a jokester because that would cause some serious problems. Should it be small, should it be big? We now have Harms input which is valuable regardless of the fact that it is more inline with my view!!!   Thanks Mac Daddy!!!
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  Quote Larry Replybullet Posted: 27 Feb 2009 at 11:19am
I like BIG, and I like small, but more importantly, I like informal. I like campgrounds with trees not wide open fields. I like small campfires, and "how did we not start a forest fire" bonfires. All 3 have been fun, but I liked the first 2 better. I like the chili and dessert cookoffs, but it doesn't have to be formal. Most importantly, I like getting on the river with friends, old and new.
Good friends, Good times, Good food, in a Good setting. Thats my 2 cents.
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  Quote dragorossinw Replybullet Posted: 27 Feb 2009 at 12:08pm
Hmmm, Party Crash...... We could head to the fun and sun of the Payette for PBR Festival June 5-7
Or more local, the East Fork Lewis Race (Replacing Canyon Creek this year) April 11-12
I am sure both events would welcome the company, and they are already planned. 
A yearly PP Ball 'Crash' could follow the NW events like a plague.... don't tell the organizers, and post when/where/what, the week before the event that is to be crashed for the year.... then scrable to load into rigs and blast out.... like we do an a weekly basis in search of flowing rivers.
Either way, boaters will be boaters and show up wherever there is beer and water.
Tony Z
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  Quote RemAcct2 Replybullet Posted: 27 Feb 2009 at 1:06pm
Allow me to pose a question.

Why is it that members of other kayak communities, such as Boise and PDX, seem more involved in events and outreach the our own. PBR, CC/EF Lewis Race, Chiliwack Festival, and Upper Clackamas Festival would be examples, where year after year, there has been broad community support.

Why not here?

I would argue that "informal" and "small" are code for "exclusionary" and "elitist". Many "Informal" events are intended to be amongst a group of friends, and to exclude the community as a whole. Our so-called Super-Secret campground is a perfect example.

Let me make this one prediction: those of you who tell me we should keep this sport small and should not encourage new participation will be the first to complain when your boat vendor of choice goes out of business due to dwindling participation.

Let me leave you with this thought. Creating a growing, vibrant community is critical to the health of our sport, and in the past, our organized events have been a critically important vehicle to that end.
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  Quote dragorossinw Replybullet Posted: 27 Feb 2009 at 1:39pm
I agree with involving the entire community, especially newer paddlers.  The 'elites' are going to do what they want (paddle what they want) no matter what event or planning there is.  One thing that drew me to the sport was the 'come all' feel at events, lets bring that back - and that takes cooperation as a whole. 
The reason so many vibrant events in the NW have fallen away on the past years is thinking 'bob' will do it all and 'bob' burns out.  I can't make the meetings, but Leif and James know what I am committed to for the Ball, and I will get that done. 
One thing that would make this event unique is new places.  It seems that most people tend to migrate to the same place time and again.  IMO the event should be on a different river each year, bringing a different demographic of community paddlers in, and exposing the rest to... maybe something/ someplace new.... 
Tony Z
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  Quote H2Ohta Replybullet Posted: 27 Feb 2009 at 2:14pm

I agree with Leif's points to an extent.  What I do not agree with is that creating an event is not exclusionary or elitist.  My point is that you can create a huge event in which many people attend (last years PP Ball) but if your events are oriented around a high water Class IV race, a freestyle event at Rodeo Hole at 11,000-12,000 cfs, and a ramp you are immediately alienating and excluding many many people that attend the event.  IMHO, last years Ball and events seemed more based around ego and cool guy factor than it was based around the paddling community spending time paddling together.  This seems to be a microcosm of the entire paddling industry.  Just my 2 cents.       

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  Quote slickhorn Replybullet Posted: 27 Feb 2009 at 2:45pm
Originally posted by leifkirchoff

Allow me to pose a question.

I would argue that "informal" and "small" are code for "exclusionary" and "elitist". Many "Informal" events are intended to be amongst a group of friends, and to exclude the community as a whole.


Let me leave you with this thought. Creating a growing, vibrant community is critical to the health of our sport, and in the past, our organized events have been a critically important vehicle to that end.

Damn, it's like I've been outted as an anti-industry, anti-community elitist.  wait, a sec ... I AM ONE. 

I can't think of even a handful of Professor Paddle boaters I think are jerks.  Everyone I've met has been good people.  That said, I will always prefer to spend a weekend in a quiet setting with a few close friends.  I don't feel like I'm undermining the sport when I do so. 

Then again, I've never showed up for this event.  Why?  Well, I love the people, taken as individuals. But I prefer to have my drunken fire-fueled fun in the company of close friends.  I just don't enjoy large crowds of people I don't know well. 

I think it is easy, when planning this kind of thing, to take passivity about decisions as a sign that people don't care.  Let me suggest that everyone who shows up will be glad you did the work, and will have been looking forward to it for some time.  Doesn't mean they are aware of the hours it took to make it happen. 

But it also doesn't mean they are industry boosters, moochers, or any of the other things you paint people as in this post Lief. 

Volunteering your time will always be under-appreciated. 

So, while I don't plan on being there, let me just say: thanks for making a popular event happen. 

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  Quote huckin harms Replybullet Posted: 27 Feb 2009 at 2:57pm
Slickhorn-  what the heck?!  Not going, eh?!  Where's your party @ that weekend? wants to know. 
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  Quote slickhorn Replybullet Posted: 27 Feb 2009 at 3:07pm
but if I told you, it wouldn't be my kind of elitist party!

hopefully it involves 20 miles of inescapable gorge and a portage or 2 to approach lol
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  Quote Texas Dave Replybullet Posted: 27 Feb 2009 at 4:25pm
I agree with Larry's point about enjoying an informal ball more.  I preferred the 2nd ball over the 3rd.  I got to paddle with new people, hang out in the evening, and didn't have to try to plan my day and paddling around what events were happening.
I personally would like to see a large gathering of paddlers without a lot of organized events taking place.  Set a location and date, let everyone know, and let's go paddling.  The PP ball shouldn't be a festival. 
I do have to ask about the definition of "super secret"  The 2nd ball location couldn't have been that secure.  I managed to find it without much trouble right along with about 100 of my closest paddling friends.
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  Quote jP Replybullet Posted: 27 Feb 2009 at 5:15pm
Now we're cookin with gas!!
One thing's certain: I'll NEVER reveal the location of the "Super Duper Secret" Camp spot!! Mwah ha ha ha ha!!
I'm elated to get everyone's two cents and agree with most of you in a general sense(D4--you're just being a w**ker as usual) .I normally prefer the smaller, tighter knit camp fire, like Slickhorn. But like Texas Dave, I kinda want one event out of the year that pulls a crowd, and I agree with him that it should be a gathering and not a festival.
Overall I share James' "go with the flow" attitude.
Larry is right, camping beneath Trees are good. last year, no trees.
Like Mike, I have my reclusive side. But camping near the river is important. Right alongside it is better. What about reserving a large group camp up icicle, and not doing events? Just hang out and paddle. Then again...
Tony had the best ideas in a lot of ways: Chief among them that we hold it on a different river every year. there's events all year long and we should crash all of them as a disjointed semi unified front, also (in addition to an anual party that we throw)
I don't think last year's events were elitest. There was something for everyone.
Leif- We had this disscussion a while back (growth for the sake of growth) but I'll breifly repeat what I said then: Growth for the sake of Growth serves no purpose. Just because you can doesn't mean you should. The sport is plenty big. It just needs better organiztion as far as important issues are concerned. Better to leave that mission to AW and lend them support. But getting more unorganized clusters of aimlessly wandering boaters together won't help. Sometimes I think you place too much importance in all of this. AND NO- informal and small doesn't automaticly translate to "exclusionary and eliteist". That's B.S. People have had ample opportunity to Participate in their "community" by planning this and deferred. Why does every joe-driftwood deserve to be included if they aren't even willing to provide feedback in the planning stages?
If it's in the cards to be  a low key event, let's just accept that and have fun with it. Although I did think it would be fun to organize some very informal events. There will be other opportunities. I do plan on organizing at least one Full Moon paddling event this year.
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  Quote jP Replybullet Posted: 27 Feb 2009 at 5:16pm
See you Tuesday March 10th, though...
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  Quote Larry Replybullet Posted: 27 Feb 2009 at 6:36pm
"Informal" does not mean "small", nor does it mean "exclusionary" or "elitist". When I go somewhere and find a full schedule of events it feels more like a work "retreat" or a convention. It can be big and still be casual and informal. If it feels like I'm at scout camp, I'm outa there.
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  Quote RemAcct2 Replybullet Posted: 27 Feb 2009 at 6:39pm
Should Western Washington not have a WW festival? That could be a reality this year, since no one, not PP members nor WKC members want to put time into planning something.

JP - unless a number of people post on this thread that they want a party with events, I think everyone is capable of planning their own informal get-togethers, and we can cancel the planning meeting on the 10th.

Suffice it to say, James was right...

That is all. I will update planning meeting status by mid-next-week.

I'll be partying all Wenatchee season at the super secret camp ground, and no, Dave, you don't know where it is.
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  Quote Larry Replybullet Posted: 27 Feb 2009 at 7:07pm
A few events would be fine, and I would have no problem helping plan. I just think the main focus should be getting everyone who wants to out on the river. And there are rivers there for everyone regardless of skill level or comfort zone.
We don't need the whole day scheduled, We don't need t-shirts, We don't need a check in/out booth, It does not need to be overly planned.
I'm not trying to offend anyone, and I don't think I'm the only on who fells this way. You wanted our 2 cents so now you have mine. Don't go threating to cancle the Party just because you disagree. Let's get everyones 2 cents and plan the Ball accordingly.
And thats all I have to say about that.
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  Quote dave Replybullet Posted: 27 Feb 2009 at 8:13pm
Originally posted by leifkirchoff

I'll be partying all Wenatchee season at the super secret camp ground, and no, Dave, you don't know where it is.

I ask your parents where it's at, they will know...
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  Quote jP Replybullet Posted: 28 Feb 2009 at 8:15pm
What larry said (last several posts)

it'll happen one way or the other no matter what. it'll be fun no matter what. That said anyone who values the event or this forum should put in their "2 centimos" or forever hold their peace (piece?).

Don't be showing up (once we tell you where and when it is) with all of your high falut'in expectations if you don't first provide some input.

The "core" of what I want out of the event is a weekend (or more's) worth of paddling, and some quality time around a campfire large enough to include most of my favorite river folk. That last detail is what separates it from an ordinary weekend.

Maybe if it's small and/or informal, we could have it on two consequtive weekends- then people could pick the one that works best for them, and us die hards can attend both!

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  Quote RemAcct2 Replybullet Posted: 04 Mar 2009 at 3:20pm
So, who is planning to come to the meeting next week?
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  Quote dragorossinw Replybullet Posted: 04 Mar 2009 at 3:25pm
Leif, bring your laptop and I can Skype in to the meeting!!! 
Tony Z
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  Quote RemAcct2 Replybullet Posted: 04 Mar 2009 at 3:29pm
Why can't more of you be like Tony?
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  Quote franzhorner Replybullet Posted: 04 Mar 2009 at 5:26pm
My problem is I'm always headed to or in Idaho for the PP Balls. I believe I've missed it for the Middle Fork twice and the Selway once!!!
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