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Dark as Night
Tuesday, November 1, 2011
I usually don't mess with the blog around here but I wanted to keep a chronicle of the posts I find around the world wide web of fishermen showing off their catch. Mainly the guys that are holding a fish that makes me want to ask, are you serious your touching that!

So here are some folks that enjoy hunting the other dark meat.

First has to go to the Urban Angler. Now you gotta give the guy a break since he is just getting into the sport but still, Keeping a pink is one thing, but keeping a pink that looks like this...  That is kinda nasty, I would recommend burning that stringer and cooler when your done eating the poor hen in this shot.

Next I just have to give it up to Jon, I mean really It could be in the first spot considering that he has his matching set. You thought his Gloomis hat was dark and blended, check out that nook he is holding up with pride. Dude I know its fun to have a big fish smash your gear, but at a certain point you gotta ask your self, am I really going to enjoy eating this? Well jon your clearly so proud of your catch I am sure that old boot will taste like cherry pie, wash it down with some milt and call it a day.

Clearly ole yooper here is holding what might be the nastiest fish on the page so far. The beard and proud stance are what make this shot great. So why isn't it in first place, because he at least recognized that it was a dark fish, he caught some others that were nice. So what does that mean? Well simply put, ole yooper is not freakin blind, but his taste buds and sense of smell probably work about as well as that fish could swim right now. So Yooper you enjoy that one in the smoker, I don't think all the smoke from Mt St. Helens could cover up the smell of that fish....

Last but not least for today is the mighty fish master. Ok really this is more of a joke because if anyone knows the value of bright fish it is Kris. But I find this photo none the less a funny shot indeed. Perhaps it is the dark color of the fish, a hawg no doubt, but I think the combination of the hat proudly saying I fish way too much and I don't really care what you think combined with the fish spraying milt on his leg makes me realize that this man is serious about his sport. So I salute you sir, and that fine fish you tote so proud!

Until the next installment - Tight lines all

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