Whitewater Forum: Class 2/2+ whitewater kayaking trips wanted
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Class 2/2+ whitewater kayaking trips wanted

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Topic: Class 2/2+ whitewater kayaking trips wanted
Posted By: Matt Haverly
Subject: Class 2/2+ whitewater kayaking trips wanted
Date Posted: 03 Jan 2016 at 2:35pm
My name is Matt Haverly and I live in Sultan, minutes from Big Eddy on the Skykomish.

I'm looking to try to work hard on mastering class 2 skills on the weekends. Can also take a day off to do a mid-week run if needed.

Rivers I have kayaked:

South Fork of the Snoqulamie - Twin Falls State Park to 436st Bridge (class 2+)
Lower Sultan River - class 2+
Middle Fork Snoqualmie - Club Stretch - class 2 (2 times)
Snoqulamie - Powerhouse Run - class 2
Skykomish - Split Rock to Big Eddy (2 times)
Skykomish - Below Boulder Drop to Split Rock - class 3

I am starting to do Club Stretch without any rolls or swims. I am doing Split Rock to Big Eddy with no swims, but a couple rolls.

I also just did my first class 3 run, but had 2 swims and a few combat rolls.

My goal is to start really working class 2 hard but make it through without having to roll. My roll is getting pretty good though - rolled half way through Lunch Hole and finished the rapid ok. But want to rely on my roll less and improve navigation skills on faster class 2 sections.

Would love to really load up the weekends with class 2 runs until I can really work the river hard but not have to roll at all. Also would not mind improving safety skills and knowledge. Classes do not come until Spring.

Would love to hit it hard consistently every weekend so let me know if you would like to schedule a class 2 or class 2+ run.

I kayak in a Jackson Zen and a drysuit so I will be taking advantage of this winter season and try to solidify class 2 skills and to do more class 3 runs as it gets warmer in the Spring.

You can send me a friend request on facebook or email me. If you live near the Skykomish I would love for you to request to join the facebook group I created "Skykomish River Kayaking".

I also regularly attend any and all pool sessions remotely close by.

Matt Haverly

Matt Haverly
Sultan, Washington

Posted By: jP
Date Posted: 04 Jan 2016 at 3:39pm
Yo Matt- hit me up. Let's go boating. this is gonna sound really strange,or maybe pretentious, but...

Class IV/V is boring. Its's either stuff I can run no problem without getting my head wet, or its gonna hurt me or kill me. there ain't much in between.

I'm down to boat Class II if you are willing to shotgun a glass or two of my signature jP Koolaide along the way. I don't know why so many boaters refuse to try it- it tastes a hell of a lot better than Booty Beers do.

anyway, send me a PM, exchange digits, and I can show you some cool class II sh*t hardly anyone else knows exists.

btw- I haven't been one to endorse Jackson boats much in the past, but let me tell you the Zen is a rad fu*kin boat. Nice choice- it will help you gain access to the 36th Chamber.


Posted By: jP
Date Posted: 04 Jan 2016 at 3:40pm
was also gonna add that I live in Snoho. Hit me up.


Posted By: megspk
Date Posted: 04 Jan 2016 at 6:14pm
Sounds like you are doing well Matt! I also like to work on my skills when I'm out on the river.

Seems like the Sky will be the go-to river for awhile if we don't get anymore rain.

I read about your epic Sky run the other day on FB and it really sounds like you are pushing yourself and that's awesome.

I recently got a new kayak and will be looking to get it figured out. I'd be willing to hit the Sky with you and work on eddy catching and some basic moves. I could also teach you some great flat water exercises if you are interested.

I'd have to say the "main" Sky, minus Boulder Drop is a GREAT section to work on skills without having too many consequences to be worried about. The biggest thing about running rivers when they are lower, is bouncing off rocks when you are upside down or having a bumpy swim.

Check out the WKC (Washington Kayak Club) to see about their roll sessions. The closest one to you would be in Shoreline and it's typically on Wednesdays. Cost is $15 if you are not a WKC member. There are all levels of paddlers that show up to the pool sessions.

I'm off Friday to Monday this weekend if you are interested in a skills day!

“A strong person and a waterfall always channel their own path.” -Unknown

Posted By: Matt Haverly
Date Posted: 04 Jan 2016 at 7:36pm

AWESOME! I'll do almost anything to gain access to the 36th Chamber including drink your signature jP Koolaide.

My email is matthaverlymobile@gmail.com

and I am "Matt Haverly" on facebook

I don't have a cel at the moment but will probably replace my lost one soon. When I do I will get you my # and also put it on my signature here.

I LOVE the Jackson Zen - thanks for the kudos! I got mine from Brett Barton.

Would love to check out some of this other class 2 stuff you mentioned too. Sounds good!

Hope to meet you soon -


Matt Haverly
Sultan, Washington

Posted By: Matt Haverly
Date Posted: 04 Jan 2016 at 7:41pm

Thanks so much! That all sounds super super good. I live so close to the Sky and that stretch you are talking about does seem perfectly suited.

I have hit the Wednesday session a few times in the last few months. I also go to the Monroe and Marysville YMCA ones every week. I love working all the skills too - did 50 rolls last time in the pool and next time the idea is to do 100 (50 each side) for the first time, and maybe work more on hand rolls.

My Saturday and Sunday are wide open so far. Lets do this! Just got your facebook friend request. Talk to you soon


Matt Haverly
Sultan, Washington

Posted By: mprussak
Date Posted: 04 Jan 2016 at 9:55pm
Shoot me a text, I'm free most mornings and could use some work on the basics anyway, been beatering pretty hard lately.

Marek Prussak     206-465-2055

Posted By: Slackkinhard
Date Posted: 04 Jan 2016 at 11:25pm
I ditch work regularly....post up

Posted By: Matt Haverly
Date Posted: 16 Feb 2016 at 11:12pm
Hey - I wanted to expand on this. I'm starting to run class 3 now - but am starting to run all the class 2 stuff in play boat and also work on surfing and such. So if anybody wants to do either class 2 or 3, let me know. But I am starting to get very confident and consistent with class 2/2+. Last 8 class 2+ runs - zero swims, and starting to do them consistently with no tips either, even when working skills. I'm working on flat water play kayak skills in the pool and I think this is really helping me physically condition. Flexibility is starting to get better so am getting more forward in the boat and yet stay looser now (used to be super tight and could barely lean forward).

Matt Haverly
Sultan, Washington

Posted By: jP
Date Posted: 18 Feb 2016 at 4:20pm
Awesome matt. I'm still down. I'd like to run the Pilchuck River into Snoho sometime but I'd like to make it a longer distance run from Machias or something. So maybe you want the nomad for that one? Either way- we should try to do that soon.

Btw- the term is "flip" or "capsize".
Tipping is what you do for your raft guide ($$)


Posted By: Matt Haverly
Date Posted: 18 Feb 2016 at 4:44pm
Yes jP - LONGER RUNS SOUND GOOD TO ME. I keep trying to do either longer or multiple laps but hardly anybody ever wants to do that. That would be awesome.

Matt Haverly
Sultan, Washington

Posted By: thad2000
Date Posted: 18 Feb 2016 at 7:20pm
JP and Meg are both awesome people .. I would give my eye teeth to be the boater jp is.. :)
I'm usually tied up on the week ends.. but for the next month any week day you have a chance to paddle I'm up for it. The big eddy is pretty stout right now for a beginner. I also read you work week days... :) sorry. Anyway, welcome to the wide world of white water! You live in a boaters paradise. :)

why not!

Posted By: Matt Haverly
Date Posted: 18 Feb 2016 at 11:24pm
thad2000 -

Yes - jP and Meg are both awesome indeed.

Thank you for the invitation - lets do a run! FYI - I work in Issaquah, but live in Sultan (very close to Big Eddy on the Skykomish). So what I am starting to do is even on weekdays, do runs just before dark after work, as I am just down I-90 from the South Fork Snoqualmie. However there is a class 3+ that is even closer to Issaquah - it is the Raging River. I have not yet done it but have been meaning to. Just some ideas. I can also take a vacation day and probably will to take advantage of at least one of your weekdays this month. Feel free to private message me or email me at matthaverlymobile@gmail.com   - and like I just mentioned, I am starting to do class 3 in addition to the class 2 runs. I'm starting to do more playboating on the class 2, and just starting to run the class 3, and am working hard in the pools on play boat skills to eventually incorporate into river runs.

Matt Haverly
Sultan, Washington

Posted By: NateW
Date Posted: 19 Feb 2016 at 4:39am
Stop trying to progress in a safe / logical fashion. Time to go run some continuous class IV with no airbags and safety gear. Get some!

Edit: Don't forget the gopro

Posted By: jP
Date Posted: 19 Feb 2016 at 11:56am
Originally posted by NateW

Stop trying to progress in a safe / logical fashion. Time to go run some continuous class IV with no airbags and safety gear. Get some!

Edit: Don't forget the gopro

Haha- That's either good sarcasm or bad advice!
Well you missed the era where jP would counter that with three long posts. Sorry- if you feel like missing out I guess you'll have to dig through PP's acrchives. There is probably a spirited retort to just about anything related to paddlin whitewater.

Thad- keep your teeth they are way more valuable. I'm just a slightly above average boater who happens to have stuck around long enough to become some kind of anomaly. Misfit. But I don't lose or break gear very often and I have boated a lot of sh*t and remained intact. I can still keep up with the classV chargers as long as we stick to the well todden paths of the classic runs in this stae (of which there are plenty).


Posted By: jP
Date Posted: 19 Feb 2016 at 12:08pm
Speaking of well trodden pathes..

important to distinguish between "Known Runs" and "Unknown runs" (not to sound like Donald Rumsfeld-the bastard). Known runs being those that are paddled on a frequent basis by a large sector of the paddling community. Unkown runs being more obscure and getting explored much less oftne and by fewer people.

The Raging River has been visited by a few more people recently but it is still not very well known in terms of the hazards in there and where they are. Based on how it's been described to me, it is what I'd call "Adventure Class III". meaning that while technically it is a "Class III" run, it *may have* enough surprises in the form of wood hazards that explporing it safetly could easily be more like a class IV experience. I have heard it is tucked into a rather commiting sort of canyon. Another factor is that it apparently requires a hefty amount of rain to juice enough water through there, and this sometimes creates a paradoxical balance between having enough water to run it, and having enough slack water to not get stuffed into some log jam before you can identify an appropriate eddy and get the fu*k out/scout and/or portage said hazard.

So my advice on the raging would be to hold off on that one. A roman numeral can be a deceptive way to catagorize a river when there are only six used. Its appalling that the whitewater rating system is still used at all. It sucks. classes 1-6, in an era where hoards of bro-bras are running class VI for breakfast after bong tokes and calling it class V. That rating system was designed in the 1950's when hardly anyone ever ran class IV and the prevailing river craft was an alluminum canoe.

there you go there's a dose of jP Clasic for ya.


Posted By: jP
Date Posted: 19 Feb 2016 at 12:11pm
Ok we are on a third post!
Matt, I'm down to paddle after work next week. I get done at 2pm and can be up the sky valley by 3:30 easily. Let me know when you get off work typically. I would be down for the Sultan, The Walace, or the Pilchuck river. We'll examine our options and figure it out maybe monday touch base and tuesday or Wednesday go boat.

And, anyone who has not been to the FERC website, please do so. It also wouldn't hurt to bump my thread with the FERC eComment link. Seriously I shouldn't have to be the one to keep bumping it. Let's see a little support for Sunset Falls!


Posted By: jalmquist
Date Posted: 19 Feb 2016 at 1:04pm
Jumping in quickly just to keep JP from getting a fourth post in a row.  But also to chime in on the Raging.  As JP says, it's somewhat of an adventure class III run, with hazards that bump up the consequences beyond what you might find on our "known class III" options.  But the combo of it being so local yet somewhat unknown makes it strangely compelling. 

I don't know your boating ability, but would agree with JP that it's not a good option for inspiring class III boaters.  You mention working "just down the road" from the SF Snoqualmie, which you boat on occasion.  While nothing local really compares to the the Raging, the short section of the SF from Percolator Pool to the normal SF put in is somewhat similar in difficulty - sans the wood you'll likely find in the Raging.  Take a look at this section by hiking the trail upstream from the normal SF put in.  Percolator Pool is found via a short side path that drops down off the main trail partway up the climb to the first real switchback.  The first two drops below Perc Pool (both very different from each other) are somewhat representative of the difficulty of the Raging.  Again, sans the wood issues.  When you progress into boating class III, try this section of river.  Either combine it with the normal SF run, or better yet lap it a few times by hiking your boat back up between runs (good training for adventure boating).  When you can boat this section in complete control - not just making it to the bottom of the drops upright, but catching eddies at a moment's notice anywhere and everywhere within the drops - then start considering the Raging as on option.  On runs like the Raging, it's not about staying upright.  It's about staying in complete control.        

Posted By: megspk
Date Posted: 19 Feb 2016 at 1:56pm
Originally posted by jalmquist

On runs like the Raging, it's not about staying upright.  It's about staying in complete control.

This is great advice

“A strong person and a waterfall always channel their own path.” -Unknown

Posted By: megspk
Date Posted: 19 Feb 2016 at 2:09pm
JP and Matt, I'm off next Wednesday and would be down for an afternoon run for sure!

“A strong person and a waterfall always channel their own path.” -Unknown

Posted By: rebshep
Date Posted: 22 Feb 2016 at 1:49am
JP, Jalmquist-well put!
And PS: I'm off Tue, would love an afternoon run.

Posted By: ChristianKnight
Date Posted: 22 Feb 2016 at 3:34pm
Wallace River?! What's that like? Is it choked with wood? Or would you say it's a quality Class II run?

Catch your eddies,

Posted By: JoesKayak
Date Posted: 23 Feb 2016 at 11:17am
I'll chime in on the Raging since I'm pretty familiar with the run.

It's a strange little run and I don't really recommend it for up and coming boaters... None of the rapids are really that difficult, but wood is always an issue. Basically it's a class 3 run that requires class 4 skills to be safe. It doesn't get run a lot because of that... basically if you have the skills to do this run, you will most likely find a real class IV run more fun.

I would +1 JPs comment to hold off for now. Work your way into other class 3 runs like the Middle Middle Snoqualime, SF Stilly, NF Nooksack and then add the Raging to your quiver when you're comfortable on runs like that and have more experience dealing with wood hazards.

Another run I'd suggest checking out is the middle run on Canyon Creek in the SF Stilly drainage. Easy 1/2 mile walk in and then 4-5 miles of quality class 2 and 2+ similar in character to SF Snoqualmie.

Posted By: Matt Haverly
Date Posted: 23 Feb 2016 at 3:26pm
JoesKayak -

Yeah - I have done the Canyon Creek 2+ run.

That little class 3 section above the SF Snoqualmie (Twin Falls) sounds good too. Never done it but want to soon.

Some of these runs though, really tame quite a bit at lower levels, including the Raging, which hardly ever is even runnable because it is always too low.

Thanks for the input.

Matt Haverly
Sultan, Washington

Posted By: jalmquist
Date Posted: 23 Feb 2016 at 3:52pm
Considering it's "headwaters" is comprised of Rattlesnake Ridge, Tiger, and Taylor, you won't find any spring run off in the Raging.  Definitely a winter rain fed run.  Most of the other options listed above will have some semblance of spring run off - some earlier, some later depending on drainage elevations, associated snow pack, and weather. 

Love the suggestion of middle Canyon Creek.  I haven't done that in years.  I wonder if that really weird house is still there?  Also, I've heard rumors that you can drive up Green Mountain road to access this section further up, adding a few more miles of class II+ / easy III.          

Posted By: JoesKayak
Date Posted: 23 Feb 2016 at 4:13pm
Originally posted by jalmquist

Considering it's "headwaters" is comprised of Rattlesnake Ridge, Tiger, and Taylor, you won't find any spring run off in the Raging.  Definitely a winter rain fed run.  Most of the other options listed above will have some semblance of spring run off - some earlier, some later depending on drainage elevations, associated snow pack, and weather. 

Love the suggestion of middle Canyon Creek.  I haven't done that in years.  I wonder if that really weird house is still there?  Also, I've heard rumors that you can drive up Green Mountain road to access this section further up, adding a few more miles of class II+ / easy III.          

If you mean this house... It was gone as of 2 years ago.


Posted By: JoesKayak
Date Posted: 23 Feb 2016 at 4:15pm
Originally posted by Matt Haverly

JoesKayak -

Yeah - I have done the Canyon Creek 2+ run.

That little class 3 section above the SF Snoqualmie (Twin Falls) sounds good too. Never done it but want to soon.

Some of these runs though, really tame quite a bit at lower levels, including the Raging, which hardly ever is even runnable because it is always too low.

Thanks for the input.

We used to call the Raging the "monday" river because it only seemed to have water in it on a Monday when no one could boat.

Posted By: Dale
Date Posted: 23 Feb 2016 at 4:19pm
I think the "haunted house" on Canyon Creek burned.

Posted By: Mike55
Date Posted: 23 Feb 2016 at 7:48pm
Whats up,

I'm a class 2 to 4- boater and typically run 3's with the 2 section after it. Such as sky down to Big Eddy etc. I am always down for some class 2/2+ runs especially is JP is along and showing the ropes because you know I need some schoolin! I boat every weekend so hit me up if ya need some crew.

Posted By: Matt Haverly
Date Posted: 23 Feb 2016 at 10:32pm

That sounds awesome. I am putting your contact info in my contact sheet. We'll definitely paddle as I try to go ever weekend. Thanks for your consideration.


Matt Haverly
Sultan, Washington

Posted By: JoesKayak
Date Posted: 24 Feb 2016 at 11:49am
Originally posted by jP

Awesome matt. I'm still down. I'd like to run the Pilchuck River into Snoho sometime but I'd like to make it a longer distance run from Machias or something. So maybe you want the nomad for that one? Either way- we should try to do that soon.

Btw- the term is "flip" or "capsize".
Tipping is what you do for your raft guide ($$)

There's a nice easy section of the Pilchuck River I like to run solo once in a while south of Machias... the cool thing is the Centenial trail is right there so you can drop a bike where you want to take out and do your own bike shuttle. Nice for a little after work exercise.

Not that I publicly condone solo boating. But yeah...

Posted By: Matt Haverly
Date Posted: 24 Feb 2016 at 12:25pm
jP -

I would love to paddle the Pilchuck with you. If it wasn't on the weekend though I just need a tiny bit of advance so I can request some time off work (maybe even as little as a day or 2), as the Pilchuck is too far from my work to hit it after work (I can get to work super early and get out early enough to do the South Fork Snoqalmie before dark even during these winter days). But in just a few weeks we will have long enough daylight hours to where I could spontaneously hit it after work too.

Matt Haverly
Sultan, Washington

Posted By: Mike55
Date Posted: 26 Feb 2016 at 1:31pm
10 am sky lap tomorrow,
Meet at Big Eddy

Posted By: Matt Haverly
Date Posted: 27 Feb 2016 at 8:37am
See you at Big Eddy at 10am Mike55

Matt Haverly
Sultan, Washington

Posted By: Blair
Date Posted: 03 Mar 2016 at 8:02am
The pilchuck is in my backyard. Didn't know you were in snoho currently jP. If you guys run the pilchuck, include this chump. I haven't ever been on it and I haven't been on a river since last spring/summer I think. I'm parked next to the Wenatchee right now sippin on some coffee. Got me thinking about boating, hence I'm back on the PP.

Posted By: Courtney Nipper
Date Posted: 06 Mar 2016 at 5:17pm
Hey Blair, if you want to get out give me a ring and drag D4 with you. Weeeee!

Posted By: Jimmy
Date Posted: 06 Mar 2016 at 6:20pm
Blair, she already has a ring!  You can give me one though.

Posted By: Blair
Date Posted: 08 Mar 2016 at 1:10pm
Courtney you finally made your own account! Welcome.

Posted By: Courtney Nipper
Date Posted: 08 Mar 2016 at 5:03pm
I've been away from PP for a while but I'm back now. 😃 Let's get together and paddle. Send me a PM.

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