Hall of Fame: ROBE WATCH
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Forum Name: Hall of Fame
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Printed Date: 20 Sep 2024 at 2:14pm

Posted By: jP
Date Posted: 20 Aug 2008 at 5:04pm

I'm going to eye water levels for a possible afterwork run on Robe, if it's in on Thursday, possibly Friday. I know, I've already echoed these sentiments elsewhere on multiple threads, but to have such an uncanny reprise of this fantastic river...

Who's interested? Call me up.



Posted By: James
Date Posted: 20 Aug 2008 at 7:30pm
JP I am interested but I must make accomodations for a creek boat before I officially register...



Posted By: Fish
Date Posted: 21 Aug 2008 at 2:24pm
Might do robe tomorrow if the flows come down a bit.  James i have an Everest you can borrow if you need a creek boat for the day, let me know.

Posted By: dave
Date Posted: 21 Aug 2008 at 3:25pm
Why waste the gas doing the robe when you could be on MM? Save the world and run the M today.


Posted By: xanthopb
Date Posted: 22 Aug 2008 at 7:59am

Today might be the day.  Anybody in?


O-Qua Tangin Wann

Posted By: jondufay
Date Posted: 22 Aug 2008 at 8:02am
yo brad,
  when are you thinking about it?  after work? i would be down.

ahh, f--- it dude, lets go boating...

Posted By: Erik
Date Posted: 22 Aug 2008 at 9:10am
I'm game for today.  Can go anytime.  Keep me posted.


Posted By: xanthopb
Date Posted: 22 Aug 2008 at 9:45am
It's a go.  5:30pm at the takeout.  Sunset is at 8:08.

O-Qua Tangin Wann

Posted By: Fish
Date Posted: 22 Aug 2008 at 11:06am
Hopes of getting on GC Elwha have faded,   the levels have dropped out.  I'm headed to Squamish this afternoon with Paul, Tatlow is calling.  Have fun on Robe fellas!

Posted By: jP
Date Posted: 25 Aug 2008 at 7:03pm

The rains are persistant! It's like a reprise of June. And thus I must re-enstate the Robe Watch!! I'm taking my boat with me to work tomorrow (Woodinville). So if it rains consistantly tonight, Robe may be back up in the lower five's (5.1-5.4'??). By the end of the day, it could come back down to about 4.8'--still plenty of water even for my anti-E.L.F. mentality.

As ussual I'm a ludite forever trapped on the other side of the digital divide, so call or text my cell phone: (206)7552336. Carpooling is the best, if possible. But sorry Dave, the Middle Middle just doesn't compare to Robe. My carbon footprint is still smaller than most in this decadent nation!

One thing's for sure: this season I ain't wasting any water!!!


Posted By: jP
Date Posted: 27 Sep 2008 at 10:37pm
Just a reminder: the little spurts of rain this last week have teased me into a JONES for Robe! Therefore I am activating the ROBE WATCH again. As soon as a flow of 4.5 ft or higher coincides with a day off for me, I am there!

 Although personally, for those of you who have yet to Robe: I'd pick a minimum flow of 5' for a first time. Anything below that, IMHO, is boney if you don't know the lines. There's about a half dozen boney places where a paddler could piton, get pinned or hurt below 5'.

That Old Man Robe is alright once he gets to know you, but he sure can be a mean old bastard too!


Posted By: jP
Date Posted: 03 Oct 2008 at 5:47pm
I'm hoping levels will boost TONIGHT!!! If it's above 4.5', you know where I'll be tomorrow!


Posted By: Fish
Date Posted: 03 Oct 2008 at 6:40pm
Yeah,   if Robe comes in  i'll be there.

Posted By: Travisimo
Date Posted: 04 Oct 2008 at 12:32am
I'll be there too if it's in...
let me know 206-931-6486
Otherwise... wanna hit the Upper Upper Cispus Sunday?  Was good last weekend...

H2O please

Posted By: James
Date Posted: 04 Oct 2008 at 8:35am
Ok so I think the Robe watch is on hold for this weekend.... the Rain just never went off last night like I thought it would....

Anyone wanna carpool to the cispus?


Posted By: Travisimo
Date Posted: 04 Oct 2008 at 10:56am

I'm in Everett and don't mind driving there...

Lets go James!! 

H2O please

Posted By: Travisimo
Date Posted: 04 Oct 2008 at 7:00pm
Hello hello anybody?  Robe is in now!!
I'll do it tomorrow even if it drops.  Cispus is my first choice, I'll even drive somebody there and do the bike shuttle myself... c'mon!!
Anybody wanna creek tomorrow??

H2O please

Posted By: James
Date Posted: 04 Oct 2008 at 9:31pm
Were all watching you monkey!!!

In the morning if the river is over 5ft were heading up, of course my cutoff is much earlier than B50 and a few others.


Posted By: xanthopb
Date Posted: 05 Oct 2008 at 7:30am
Am I the monkey? Is 6.2 your cut off? What are you talking about?

O-Qua Tangin Wann

Posted By: ajohnson
Date Posted: 06 Oct 2008 at 8:59am
Anyone wanna run robe today - or tomorrow -- or the next day... I'd like to go play.
Let me know.
Cheers, AJ


Posted By: jP
Date Posted: 06 Oct 2008 at 6:56pm
Sorry, AJ, I'd love to, but am now relegated to weekend paddling only!  I'll jot down your # for next weekend, though. Sure was sweet on Sunday!

Shock the Monkey!



Posted By: jP
Date Posted: 13 Oct 2008 at 7:29pm

raining tonight!! Let's see if some mid-week Robeness comes in!!!

I may be able to paddle on Wed. (Robe only) Dufay--you in? Let's triangulate...


Posted By: jondufay
Date Posted: 14 Oct 2008 at 8:01am
we will see.   a trip down there last week left me with a bum car, so I need to get that taken care of this week, maybe friday...or this weekend

ahh, f--- it dude, lets go boating...

Posted By: jP
Date Posted: 14 Oct 2008 at 8:04pm
Ok. Levels look like they will hold. My plan is to run ROBE tomorrow, Wed October 15!!!
The dry wall crew is going to invade my bathroom remodel and force me to take a River-day.

Who's in?

I think I can leave Seattle by 1:30 at the latest. Here's the logic: we're in a cold snap. It's going to be warmest in the early afternoon, and days are getting shorter. Plus, I don't want to fight traffic too hard to get up there, hence the earlier start. Also, the river's only going to drop.

Anyone interested should call my cell tonight or in the a.m.


Posted By: The OAC
Date Posted: 15 Oct 2008 at 10:14pm
I'm in for a Saturday run, if levels are good.


The OAC is a private username and is not connected with the good folks at the OAC kayak shop, who are in no way responsible for ranting, soap boxing, or mud slinging conducted under this name.

Posted By: Fish
Date Posted: 16 Oct 2008 at 12:12pm
I'll be there Saturday as well.

Posted By: huckin harms
Date Posted: 20 Oct 2008 at 1:10pm

Good times on Sat-  I posted some shots in the gallery.  Looks good with more rain on the way. 

Posted By: James
Date Posted: 20 Oct 2008 at 3:32pm
I will tell ya what would look good in the gallery,

All the carnage footy from Friday and Sat!!!!

Maybe I'm the only one that likes that stuff thought...

~from one plugger to another

Posted By: James
Date Posted: 20 Oct 2008 at 8:13pm
Props to Harms and JP for the footage and beta on the
http://professorpaddle.com/rivers/riverdetails.asp?riverid=627 - Robe Page !

http://professorpaddle.com/rivers/riverdetails.asp?riverid=627 - Robe Page

Posted By: STLboater
Date Posted: 20 Oct 2008 at 10:30pm
sweeet bowstall.  That took some balls JP.

Kayak Academy Whitewater Instructor

Posted By: ajohnson
Date Posted: 21 Oct 2008 at 10:15am

Anyone wanna run Robe this afternoon (tuesday). I'll be at the take out around 2:30 or 3. Post a reply or leave a message @ 206-446-8825.


Posted By: huckin harms
Date Posted: 23 Oct 2008 at 7:45am
Anyone get out last couple days?

Posted By: jP
Date Posted: 25 Oct 2008 at 7:07pm
all this cold and clear weather has me focused on getting caught up on work, since Robe remains low. Glad we caught it when we did recently. Going paddling somewhere tomorrow though (sunday) to keep the rhythm going. call me if you're doin somethin.


Posted By: Fish
Date Posted: 26 Oct 2008 at 10:37am
Every time i see the "Robe Watch" post i get excited, but then reality sets in,  that it hasnt rained  and its too low. Thanks for getting my hopes up geez  

Posted By: JoesKayak
Date Posted: 29 Oct 2008 at 12:07pm
Took a hike down Robe trail on Sunday... It was beautiful... water is clear now even!

There is still a log at the top of Lil Miss Sunshine.

Posted By: James
Date Posted: 01 Nov 2008 at 8:36am
I am activating the Robe Watch....

Having a hard time finding takers for this afternoon so I will continue to be steadfast in my pursuit for the goodness. The level is low but it is going to hold and then blast through the roof so lets get some while its good! Call or Pm if you interested.


Posted By: PowWrangler
Date Posted: 01 Nov 2008 at 12:12pm
I'd be interested in a Sunday run.  The level should be better as well.

Posted By: jP
Date Posted: 03 Nov 2008 at 6:38pm
There you go. Thanks for the call on Sat, Dave! I was down South, otherwise I'd have loved to join in the fun.
James, I'm glad you activated the "Robe Watch". It's not a Wetmouse thang, it's a community thang.
Sorry to tease you, Fish. Soon, I'm confident that we'll be Robe-a-dobe'n all we want, maybe even having to shy away from the old man when he gets into his raging highwater moods...


Posted By: James
Date Posted: 13 Nov 2008 at 11:03am
Does this constitute activation  of the Watch?

Posted By: James
Date Posted: 13 Nov 2008 at 11:04am
I am just so curious about the changes well see!!!!

Posted By: jondufay
Date Posted: 13 Nov 2008 at 11:20am

keep me in the loop this weekend...eyes on the prize.

ahh, f--- it dude, lets go boating...

Posted By: PowWrangler
Date Posted: 20 Nov 2008 at 11:48am
Anyone been down since the high water?  Looking forward to getting in there this weekend and am curious about the wood situation.

Posted By: Fish
Date Posted: 20 Nov 2008 at 11:53am
The log in last sunshine has been moved out of the drop, and has found a home out of the way down stream per a recent report last week.

Posted By: jondufay
Date Posted: 20 Nov 2008 at 12:09pm
we were in there last saturday at 5.6-
T1 and T2 are still the same...last sunshine is different, center boof is still the way to go, but it is not the gimmie that it once was, lotta shifting around in there.  Hotel is still the same, so is hole in the wall.  Faceplant has a nice tounge going through it, now so it got greasier...same line, just easier.  the mitt is still the same, most of the logs have blown out of garbage, but big boulders have fallen in.  can still sneak on the far left channel and ferry infront of the log. 20 foot (cats wang) is still the same.  Off broadway had a nasty rock fall in right in the pinch before the hit at  the bottom...we portaged that on the left.  conversation is still good to go.  mrs robinsons looked super sticky, no outflow on the right or left...we opted to portage that instead of risking explosion at the bottom.  The run was free of wood.  All the changes are obvious with prudent scouting.  you may want to check out sunshine before dropping in. 

ahh, f--- it dude, lets go boating...

Posted By: PowWrangler
Date Posted: 20 Nov 2008 at 1:33pm

Great beta duf, thanks.  Ms Robs is sounding scary..

Posted By: jP
Date Posted: 25 Nov 2008 at 12:57am
We ran it sunday 11/23. My first trip since the punctuated but brief flooding events from the last few weeks. it was just under 5'.

Here's my take:

T1: I ran the left while everyone else ran right. Mankier on the left at the top now.
Sunnyside Up: Center Boof seemed just as fluffy as always.
Hole In Da Wall: Not as verticle. Less teeth, more tongue.
Faceplant: Rock in the middle of top ledge makes the rapid more technical, yet it
      seemed less turbulent than in the past. Those rocks on R.Left at the bottom (used
       to stick out about 1' above the water) seem to have raised up. Or perhaps the eddy
      behind them is lower now. the rocks are more like 4 or 5' above the waterline.
Garbage: Same line as I always use: A straight Left to Right Cross current move. It's
     tighter now, there's a big boulder on the left that seems to have been upturned so
     that it's large flat face is facing upstream. It has a beefy verticle pillow slamming into
     it, but at 5' or so, it only encourages left to right movement. More intimidating, but
     really similar.Whatever you do, UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES, should you run
     Garbage along the FAR RIGHT BANK! Unless you are working on your verticle pin
     inverted broach freestyle maneuvers!
Off Broadway: As Duff Man says, the second half of the rapid is entirely different. Fish
     and I think the first part (the broken ledge full of boof flakes) is lower and flatter now,
     but I'm not sure. But the second half: a channel has totally cleaned out on R. Left. 
     You can avoid the right channel by wiggling through some guard rocks after the boof
     ledge. But you know, the right side is good to go. It's just very tight. It seems like a
     class III line with class V consequence. Big hole backed up by an even bigger
     pillow. Might need to get roped out. Ride the right-bound curler and it's all good.
Mrs. Robinson seemed more ramp like on the left side. I found it easy to grease the
     typical seam, but there was some carnage in that hole that day!!! Watch out!!

There's been all sorts of minor changes all along the whole run, but overall I'm under the impression that it's cleaner now. The lower flows may or may not feel cleaner. 4.97' was not manky at all in my opinion.


Posted By: James
Date Posted: 25 Nov 2008 at 8:20am
Glad to hear that she is still in form... Its such a question mark on that run with 10+ feet on the stick. The rock seems young at heart and something tells me that canyon is not done changing... Bummed I missed ya Sunday JP, Lookin forward to gettin some Robe'ns with ya, soon!

Posted By: toddg
Date Posted: 25 Nov 2008 at 10:04am
2 runs since flood, 5.8 & 5.5

... Lil miss sunshine same as ever .. no wood.

... hole in the wall -- far left slot seems to have opened up sufficiently

... faceplant -- fun left-to-right tech line above first ledge .. regular otherwise

... garbage -- higher flows seem less friendly on the center rock .. careful of wood in the seam at the bottom

... off broadway -- main center line 1st drop is just a ramp now; great 4' boof slot to the left of that, easy to spot as you drop in; 2nd part is, as mouse sez, all good far left (good eddy on left between 1st & 2nd parts), & on the old main line you just go center to hard right, no sweat. 

... mrs. robinson is fine. the far left "sneak" seems to be shut down, but you can just run the meat on the right & it spits you right thru, same as always. 

... miracle fabric is a little rowdier after the entrance ledge

Posted By: jP
Date Posted: 26 Nov 2008 at 9:56pm
Miracle Fabric: Which is that? It may be the one that we call "Dave's Back Cracker", or "Spinal Tap". That Rapid is the first (really the only ) significant one After Mrs. Robinson, other than the very last one before the T.O.

The rapid in question DID seem Rowdier: you go past that large boulder that sits just right of center, and the ledge beside it is backed up by a medium large underwater rock. It seemed even more backed up than before. I really had to power my strokes to climb up over the boily mess.


Posted By: ajohnson
Date Posted: 01 Dec 2008 at 9:36am

Its Monday and the Robe is 5.5. Anyone want to extend the holiday weekend for one more day...


Posted By: Fish
Date Posted: 04 Dec 2008 at 4:36pm
Anyone free for a quick lap?

Posted By: Erik
Date Posted: 05 Dec 2008 at 11:29am
Yo Scott.  I can probably swing a lap today.  I don't have your number and we gotta get moving.  Call me asap if you get this.

(425) 591-3220


Posted By: xanthopb
Date Posted: 07 Dec 2008 at 10:05am
Anyone up for a lap at noon today?
206 949 5751

O-Qua Tangin Wann

Posted By: Fish
Date Posted: 07 Dec 2008 at 10:47am
I'll see you guys up there.

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