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iphone sucks on pp

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Topic: iphone sucks on pp
Posted By: dave
Subject: iphone sucks on pp
Date Posted: 07 Feb 2012 at 6:36pm
PP sucks on the iphone. You cant copy and paste, and you have to scroll around to read posts.
Fyi, I havnt owned a phone for years now, work gives us phones. I would have purchased a droid or something else, i'm stuck with a 4s and thats how it goes.

PP and iphones just dont get along.


Posted By: BrianP
Date Posted: 07 Feb 2012 at 7:47pm
Have you tried an RSS feed? It doesn't work to post, but you can at least read new messages without having to go to the site. Sparse RSS is the one I've had good luck with, although I'm using Android so not sure if its the same for iPhone.

Posted By: Ellingferd
Date Posted: 08 Feb 2012 at 6:00pm
Have you tried an RSS feed? It doesn't work to post, but you can at least read new messages without having to go to the site. Sparse RSS is the one I've had good luck with, although I'm using Android so not sure if its the same for iPhone.

Just copied and pasted that in about ten seconds with my iPhone. Maybe you just need to learn how to use it?

Posted By: dave
Date Posted: 08 Feb 2012 at 6:33pm
Dude, I tap on the screen and nothing happens it just zooms in and zooms out I know how to copy and paste and it's not working on PP.
Tell me how to do it? Please.


Posted By: jP
Date Posted: 08 Feb 2012 at 7:05pm
Damn- slay that sh*t, Jonnathan! Man, don't step out of line w/ your technologicly oriented comlaints, 'cuz Mr. Ellingferd will shut you down!. He's done it to me. But, only when I deserved it

I think you may have a case, Dave.
YET- For the most part Mr. Ellingferd is correct.

you see, I also use an "iphone"
or, rather, it is an Htc phone operating on the Android platform.

and just look at all the fancy stuff I can do with text!
(Italics, bold, colored text, bigger sized font so)
Gee Whiz! Ain't that nifty?

Yup. Mostly you, Dave. Sorry

All that said, I agree there are some quirks. Often I have trouble planting my cursor where I want in my text body. You see, my mom is a writer and like her, I have a basic pride in penmanship. So sometimes I gotta edit as I go. Often it is to censor myself as I am about to berate half of you fools for this or that- to digitally pull my foot from my mouth, ect. I have no intentions of doing that in this post though (I'm quite content to berate you Dave, but you know this).

Anywho, The screen gets stuck on all the other
"clickable" fields. The arrow buttons I use to move my cursor start buggin out and selecting the emoticons or some other object outside the textfield. Over time I have noticed that the signature Green Highlighting of various fields denotes where the softwhere thinks I want to focus my interactive impulses, but alas, it gets quite confused. Resulting in a sticky wrestling match with the device until such confusion is resolved. The "Gee Whiz" stuff above was quick and easy. Composing any body of litterature however, requires frequent "wrestling" with the software that assumes I wish to be an illiterate slave to its so called "smartness". I disabled that dumb sh*t where it wants to finish my senstences for me, for example. I don't want it inserting "broom" when I am passionately typing the word "boof".

Also, the part of the interface that controls the relationship between the soft keys and the screen upon which I so fervently wish to type in my rather John Keats like style of prose is noticeably wonky. Sometimes an ominous strip of black bumps my text feild up and out of the top of the screen when I engage the keyboard.

How's a homeless dirt bag kayaker who lives in a van supposed to write The Great American Whitewater Dirtbag Novel on Professor Paddle's forums with such perils and pitfalls, I ask you? Whether or not such endeavors should be undertaken at all while parked on a steaming van groover is quite another question alltogether, and thus entirely beyond the scope of this thread.

But another consideration is that our exalted Professor is a busy man, Dave. A family man. A Daddy. So, ya gotta weigh how important this sh*t is and pick yer battles wisely. Personally, even if all this sh*t got fixed I'd still want to chuck this "smart ass phone" out the window travelling 60. 'Cuz even tho I don't like Sammy Hagar, I too "can't drive 55", and don't know how much longer I can abide this "One Phone To Rule Them All" business. All this "smart ass phone" (to quote Jeremy) is doing is making me a bigger smart ass. But a very trackable, "wire tap-able" smart ass.

hmm. This little toy is but the short end of a very long stick, isn't it?


Posted By: dave
Date Posted: 08 Feb 2012 at 10:47pm
Theres probably an app for that and i dont have it. I did post the tech problem in the correct forum didnt I?


Posted By: dave
Date Posted: 09 Feb 2012 at 8:27am
It's fixed! Apple helped me fix it. Apple is a great company with great customer service!


Posted By: Ellingferd
Date Posted: 16 Feb 2012 at 10:47am
Sorry to be snide, but to say something categorically sucks before knowing all about it annoys me. Particularly when people review products, but that is a whole other discussion. Looks like you got it figured out, but, you don't tap text you hold on the text then you can drag the highlight to what you want to copy. Google iPhone tricks and your mind will be blown. There are many functions not discussed in any apple manuals. Not sure why they do it that way, but at least it saves paper.

Posted By: dave
Date Posted: 16 Feb 2012 at 10:50am
Ya, Apple told me that...I was hoping someone here would help me, but I just got snide comments. Thanks for the relpy though.


Posted By: Blair
Date Posted: 16 Feb 2012 at 4:01pm
Copy and Paste:
"Dude, I tap on the screen and nothing happens it just zooms in and zooms out I know how to copy and paste and it's not working on PP.
Tell me how to do it? Please."

Easy as pie old man!


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