Whitewater Forum: Getting out as a Beginner
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Getting out as a Beginner

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Forum Name: Whitewater Forum
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Printed Date: 20 Sep 2024 at 2:19pm

Topic: Getting out as a Beginner
Posted By: James
Subject: Getting out as a Beginner
Date Posted: 17 Aug 2011 at 10:14am
I have read this type of post so many times that I felt compelled to put together a sticky thread and put this in a good place so folks can find it easily.

One note of caution ahead of time. If your a beginner looking to get out, you need to take the initiative. In most cases if you wait to get invited or brought into a group you are going to be waiting a while. You need to watch the forum for trips in your range and actively contact paddlers - Don't wait for someone to contact you!

The only purpose of this thread is to find other beginners & or find other paddlers that will take you out and help you get down runs your interested in. For this purpose I have put together a list of paddlers that you will find on this website who are out on the river and excited to help beginners explore the sport and regional rivers. This list is going to be specifically for class I-III rivers.

So here it is. If you want to be added to this list just post a message in this thread and I will add you into this main post.

Paddlers willing to take other beginners out
Member  Name  Region
member_profile.asp?PF=12 - Wiggins Kyle Wiggins  Bellingham/Seattle (mostly north end)
member_profile.asp?PF=70 - Courtney Courtney & Jimmy Nipper  Seattle (mostly north end)
member_profile.asp?PF=194 - Tobin Tobin Dailey   Tacoma (mostly south end)
member_profile.asp?PF=387 - JoesKayak Joe Sauve  Seattle (mostly north end)
member_profile.asp?PF=377 - arnobarno Arnold Schaeffer  Seattle - Has not volunteered to be on the list but is very articulate and helpful
member_profile.asp?PF=423 - H2Ohta Chris Ohta  Wenatchee/Cashmere - Has not volunteered to be on the list but is very helpful and an experienced teacher
member_profile.asp?PF=136 - RPMMAX Bill Petty  Washington/Oregon - He is the roaming grandmaster
Did not volunteer to be on the list but is basically the quintessential "River Teacher"
member_profile.asp?PF=103&FID=1 - dave Dave Morrison
member_profile.asp?PF=1682&FID=1 - warlickone Jim Warlick

Newer Paddlers looking to get out.
(Remember a big group of beginners does not mean your safe, you should always paddle with a good ratio of experienced to inexperienced.)
Find newer paddlers by browsing this thread. If your a newer paddler post your introduction, skill and general area you are looking to paddle.

Also if your looking for a good online read for beginning, check out Arno's Guide to getting started.
http://professorpaddle.com/forum/forum_posts.asp?TID=4882 - Arn's Guide to Beginner Paddlers
css_styles/default_style.css -

Posted By: Courtney
Date Posted: 17 Aug 2011 at 10:32am

If any of you would like to get out after work on Thursday or Friday evening I'm happy to take a group down the Big Eddy stretch of the Sky.  Let me know if there's interest.


Posted By: Tobin
Date Posted: 17 Aug 2011 at 11:21am
I have a friend flying in from Texas for the next week and I am sure we will be hitting the Powerhouse or something else II ish that has water.
No solid plans yet but anyone at any skill level is welcome. Details to follow.


Posted By: Red Baron
Date Posted: 17 Aug 2011 at 2:05pm
Here's my intro:

I run a blue Tomcat Solo IK with thigh straps and a 7" thwart foot brace, and am looking to do Class 3 or less runs while I learn.

Locally in an IK (mine or rented) I've run the Sky from Big Eddy to Sultan (class 1-2) 5 times now from flows from 3400cfs down to 1400cfs (last year) and have done it once from the Split Rock(?) put in just above Railroad Bridge at 3200cfs to Big Eddy (Class 2+?).  I've run the Upper Sno Riverbend to Concrete Bridge (Class 1-2) at 1600 and the MM Sno to Tanner at 1400 (Class 2-3+?) where I flipped at the first drop in House Rocks and swam that whole rapid stretch (bonking my knees several times trying to get back in the IK until I decided to just ride it out flat under my IK).  I just ran the Skagit twice from Goodell Creek to Copper Creek (Class 2-3) at 6500cfs with WRRR last weekend on both days.

Out of state I've run the Rogue in a rented IK from Robertson Bridge Park to Almeda County Park (Class 1-2).

I've also done a couple of raft trips in the past on the Wenatchee and Snake with rafting companies.

I recently got RIF'ed from work, and am spending my severance on kayaking the summer while it lasts before I start looking for another IT job.  I'm looking to run just about anything Class 3 or less within a days drive, and any day(s) works for me. 

I saw a couple of other posts about runs this week on the Sky and Wenatchee, and have another thread with some friends on WRRR about a run on the Methow or Wenatchee this weekend.  I have a full size pickup for shuttling gear and camping, and am looking for experienced paddlers who are looking to run Class 3 runs with me, or rookies like me who want to run cruisers (1-2).  I haven't had river rescue training yet (planned for WRRR Labor Day training day), so if you are a fellow rookie, we probably should stick to stuff we're comfortable/familiar with, or go with a vet on the harder/new stuff.

I haven't done any overnight on-river camping trips yet, and would like to do that while the weather is nice.  If anyone has any time or interest in doing a multi-day trip on the Rogue any time soon, I'm up for that since they are having a summer down there and the water is running at good levels right now.  On river camping, or shuttling with hotels in town works for me.

Posted By: melger
Date Posted: 17 Aug 2011 at 3:47pm
I have met quite a few people here though out the year, but here is my info:

Started boating this winter/spring, started with an IK, running the green at really low water, and then the MM.  Got my roll down and bought a hardshell.  Since then I have ran the wenatchee a few times, the MM about 5-7 times (ranging from 1400-2500 CFS), a couple class II stretches, and the sky twice (portaging boulder drop both times), at 3600 and 1700.  Jumping into class III pretty quickly has given me lots of combat rolling opportunities (as well as a number of swims).  At this point, I have a solid combat roll, and the swim frequency has been decreasing.   

I would be interested in hooking up with groups doing class II/III during the evenings or on weekends. 


Posted By: briandunnington
Date Posted: 17 Aug 2011 at 10:51pm
Add me to the list of beginners looking for others to paddle with:

Name: Brian Dunnington
Location: Whidbey Island (but willing to paddle just about anywhere)

I have done some paddling on the Wenatchee and Methow, but looking to do a bunch more paddling - anything up to some easy class III for now. I have a pretty solid roll (thanks to lots of unplanned practice on the river) and I have a pretty flexible schedule so weekdays or weekend both work with at least a little notice.

I would love to get competent enough to eventually be one of the ones doing the helping and totally appreciate the more advanced folks out there who take the time to help new boaters out - that is the one thing about the sport that is tricky: you cant easily just go out and dive into it on your own.

Posted By: jsy941
Date Posted: 18 Aug 2011 at 10:16am
you are awesome james...thank you!!

Posted By: NateW
Date Posted: 18 Aug 2011 at 3:24pm
Name: Nate Woodward
Location: Wenatchee WA

Just started paddling this year with a friend of mine. Luckily for us the season has been really long here and we've gotten to spend a lot of time on the play run in the Wenatchee, so we happen to feel pretty good about that section of class III water. Did two laps on the Sky and ran BD twice without too much drama (was only upsidedown after the airplane turn the second time we ran it).

Looking to do more playboat sort of class III stuff and maybe a little bit of class IV stuff that isn't super scary. Probably need to really get an offside roll down before I press my luck much. Would definitely be up for trips to class III runs this fall.

Posted By: warlickone
Date Posted: 20 Aug 2011 at 8:03am
Hey all...

I'm a class III IV paddler.  This means I paddle a good bit of class II and III.  Often a class III river can be made class II with a couple of walks too.  Anyway, I'm always looking for people to paddle with.  Often in the winter I find myself soloing class III because everyone else is skiing.

I have no background in teaching, but I always try to be a good companion.  I watch the group closely, dress warmly, and paddle creek boats most of the time, even on "easy rivers".  Maybe by watching my occasional bad line I can demonstrate what not to do...

James, please add me to the list....

Jim Warlick   828-337-4508  warlickone@hotmail.com

Posted By: jon!
Date Posted: 20 Aug 2011 at 8:51am
Hi everybody...

I'm a class 2 paddler but I manage to get through class 3 as well. I have lots of mid-week time off and I live in Marysville.

Jim Warlick I don't ski, I paddle in the winter.

Jon Dudder 425 367-1844 jsdudder@hotmail.com

Posted By: dave
Date Posted: 20 Aug 2011 at 6:06pm
During the Green and Snoqualmi season, I am more than willing to take anyone down those two runs and show them the lines. The MM Snoqualmi is a good class III with one easy IV drop, the Green I would rate a good class IV run for people wanting to get into class IV.
These runs are in my backyard and I run them regularly when their in.


Posted By: dave
Date Posted: 20 Aug 2011 at 6:09pm

P.S.you can add me to the list James.


Posted By: tracy2303
Date Posted: 23 Aug 2011 at 9:09pm
I am a class ll ,lll+ paddler and am new to area. And would like to join the group.

Posted By: Wiggins
Date Posted: 25 Aug 2011 at 3:42am
I like taking out new boaters, but I rarely run class II anymore without a reason (like taking out new boaters!). So it is often better if new boaters contact me about boating rather than wait for me to post a trip.

My schedule is all over the place so don't feel discouraged if it takes a while for us to work out a day to paddle either.


I smell bacon

Posted By: JoesKayak
Date Posted: 25 Aug 2011 at 8:14pm
As James said, it's good to hit folks up if you're looking to get out more and work on those skills. I don't mind hitting easier runs and there's quite a few up here in the North End. The middle run on Canyon Creek stilly is a great class 2+ run. And the middle run on the SF Stilly is a great class 3 run at moderate flows (5.5ft to 6.2) for boaters with a good roll looking to step up to their first class 3s. Also the lower part of the Sky (taking out at Big Eddy) is a great run to start stepping up to class 3s. On that one you can start by running from Railroad bridge... and then when you want a bit more, put in at Split Rock... and then you can work your way up to putting in just below boulder drop. And lower flows (1200-2000) are easier. You also will work your way up to harder rapids by stepping it up in level... 2000-3000 will feel bigger, as will 3000-4000, etc.

All of these runs are close by for me. So if you're interested in hitting any of them up, give me a shout.

Posted By: NateW
Date Posted: 25 Aug 2011 at 9:20pm
Just wanted to throw out that the Wenatchee is still really fun at the level it's been for about a week now ~2000 CFS. There are still some fun but small waves a rodeo hole. A couple of rather tricky but still fun spots at Drunkards, and a fun little wave above Turkey shoot. Just a little boney through snowblind but nothing to worry about. If you happen to be looking to make a trip this weekend I think the Wenatchee is a bit more fun @ 2000 than the Sky is at the same level.

Posted By: Scott_H
Date Posted: 26 Aug 2011 at 8:36am

The Powerhouse Section of the Snoqualmie is also a good one - access is blocked so you have to start at the bottom and walk up the sides of the river, but its not that much of a hassle (think of it as a nice warm-up walk).  Or you can test your ferrying skills and see how much you can paddle upstream; managing eddies and ferrying are good skills to develop.   The Powerhouse has lots of beginner-friendly features to practice on.

“The problem with people who have no vices is that generally you can be pretty sure they're going to have some pretty annoying virtues.”

Posted By: Kiren
Date Posted: 01 Sep 2011 at 11:45am
Hey, does anyone want to paddle the sky tomorrow during the day? or the sauk?


Posted By: royhprum
Date Posted: 27 Sep 2011 at 5:10pm
Hello Everyone!
My Name is Roy and I would like to on the list to have a buddy system with an experienced paddler.
I have run the wenatchee,skykomish,green river and a little bit of cispus.I have ran boulder drop in many diff. ik's just hardshelled it for my first time in four years.(play boat)
boofed the left side of ledge.I have no boat or paddle or skirt( the main stuff) i got a helmet ,dry top, and a pfd) I am in Enumnclaw .Right between the White River and Green river. 15 min. away from buckley if anyone is up for carbonado.PLease notify me on my email ( mailto:itzexigency@live.com - itzexigency@live.com ) thanks!!

Posted By: Yotes
Date Posted: 28 Sep 2011 at 3:36pm
While there's not too many paddlers from my region on here feel free to add me to the list (could do Hood River area, Deschutes, Wenatchee, Yakima, Spokane, etc.).

Posted By: dave
Date Posted: 28 Sep 2011 at 10:31pm
As soon as the Green and the MM come up, I am hoping for some after work runs before we run out of daylight. Keep an eye out for posts during the work week, becuase it will be last second trips or notice.


Posted By: royhprum
Date Posted: 07 Oct 2011 at 1:13pm

As soon as i get a boat i willl most def. be able to do the green,white,puyallup,carbon and sometimes the skykomish.(money creek down to big eddy)

other than than im just trying to get my skills up.

Posted By: royhprum
Date Posted: 07 Oct 2011 at 1:13pm
only put an actual full 2 months within the last 2 years. But im willing to push my limit.

Posted By: Paperweight
Date Posted: 06 Dec 2011 at 3:59am
New to P.P. I would love a group of people to paddle with.. I have a Bandit IK, 2 Tomcat IK's, a drysuit and all other gear I need to get myself in the water.. Ive run lots, including the Green 3-4 times and the Sky several times including once at 10K (portaging boulder drop) with no flips, the Wenatchee, the Tieton, the Methow.. Looking to get in on any available trips. I will check this site but am often on FB like most other people. Thank you for your time, I look forward to seeing others on the river. Paperweight Nate.   https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100000548884434

Posted By: thad2000
Date Posted: 07 Dec 2011 at 4:51am
Welcome... Hope to see you out there. I'm new too, and sporting an ancient wavesport xxx and a perception dancer. Not much training... but I've gotten a roll (recent). I think the main reason for that is my wavesport dunks me every time I go out. I've gone out with two different people I met at Prof. paddle and I've been really happy with their patience. I'll probably be more active after Christmas and maybe I'll check with you and see if you'd wanna hit a river with a newbie like me. :)

why not!

Posted By: tiziak
Date Posted: 07 Dec 2011 at 5:51pm
This isn't Thad in Port Orchard, is it?

If you don't know where you are going, any road will get you there.

Daniel Patrinellis

Posted By: thad2000
Date Posted: 08 Dec 2011 at 5:13am
Nope, it's "the Thad" from Tacoma. The other is an impostor. lol I do go down to Sequim and Port Angeles daily (nightly).

why not!

Posted By: JoesKayak
Date Posted: 17 Apr 2012 at 11:36am
As we've seem to have a recent influx of new boaters on the forum and spring boating season is getting underway... I thought it would be a good time to give this thread a bump.

Posted By: cart
Date Posted: 30 Apr 2012 at 7:52am
Im pretty new to paddling, especially in northern washington. i live in bellingham and would love to be getting out with some people my own skill level, or some people that are patient and wouldn't mind showing me the ropes. thanks for posting this

Posted By: fastpaddler
Date Posted: 02 May 2012 at 8:49pm
I'm new too. Looking for info on who/ how to even get started. Have been sea kayaking but want the whitewater. After gear then what? Get lessons from someone, just go, go with patient peePs from PP? live in b' ham

Posted By: TomMarley
Date Posted: 02 May 2012 at 9:22pm
Hello fellow B-ham paddlers. My girlfriend and I try to get out at least once during the week, but we're out of town every weekend. We ran the N Fork Nooksack yesterday, and hope to again on Monday or Tuesday next week. We have a raft, which could come in handy in the event of a swim.

Also, there is a kayak pool session 8pm - 9pm every Tuesday and Thursday over at the Arne Hanna Aquatic Center. Cost is $5. Probably a good place to meet fellow paddlers, too.

Hope to see you on the river.


Posted By: BobClass4
Date Posted: 12 May 2012 at 12:21pm
My 2 cents worth on getting into white water kayaking (or other similar sports like climbing) is that you are way ahead of the game if you are trying to meet other people who already are kayakers rather than trying to get some of your non-kayaker friends to start kayaking with you.
Sure, try to get some of your existing friends to start kayaking, but I wouldn't count on it happening.
Whitewater kayaking is probably my favorite sport, but when you take the population of a typical town (say 50,000) people and devide by the number of active white water kayakers (maybe 50) you begin to realize that we're pretty unique individuals.
I live in the Tri-Cities, which have a combined population of close to 200,000 people, and I doubt we have 20 active white water kayakers.

Posted By: thad2000
Date Posted: 13 May 2012 at 7:14am
It's like chocolate, who wouldn't like chocolate! I expected everyone I knew too want to try it. I couldn't fathom how anyone would not want to.
:( unfortunately, that is not the case.
I still find myself thinking, if they tried it they would like it. I'm strong arming my fiance' into trying it (sorta)... but that's with the knowledge it my just not be for her.
On the positive side, you meet some great people!
In fact, it's probably for the best it is such a small niche thing. . If everyone did it the rivers would be choked with people, taking away from much of the charm of the sport..

why not!

Posted By: justin
Date Posted: 14 May 2012 at 2:00pm
Bham paddlers, try IM'ing doggievacation or Wiggins. they get out a lot and live in town.
If you paddle harder, some boaters run the bend on thursday evenings.

Posted By: Wiggins
Date Posted: 15 May 2012 at 2:07pm
IM Justin to! We need to bring him back into the fold!


I smell bacon

Posted By: Mark47n
Date Posted: 19 May 2012 at 7:54am
For you newbies,  I'm headed out to the Headworks section above the gorge on Sunday the 20th.  Meeting at Kanaskat Palmer at 9:00

You mean I'm supposed to wear something UNDER my spray skirt? Where's the fun in that?

Posted By: Tr182md
Date Posted: 22 May 2012 at 10:54pm
Another newbie here. Was a IV-V whitewater guide 20 years ago in CA. Have taken many lessons and was told I can do any class 2 but personally I feel I need more time in class 2 before I can feel comfortable moving on. Need more consistent roll in whitewater to really feel good. I think this is just need more time on the river. When class 2 is not challenging I will know it is time to move up.

Bought a JK Zen and waiting for it to arrive. Flew down to CA last week to take two days private lesson on American and to demo the zen. (i have a small plane) Ready to try some easy stuff up here. When the kayak arrives I will have everything I need except spare paddle and someone to Kayak with.

Work a lot so hopefully can get into some groups. Living in Lynnwood these days. Can carry 3 boats on my SUV. Probably more if they are whitewater.

Posted By: thad2000
Date Posted: 23 May 2012 at 4:09am
Welcome.. I'm in Tacoma and am up for class 2 too.. :) I've been kayaking for about 8 months and probably been down less than 20 rapids. I sport an old inazone, a burn (and two or three other outdated boats). I'd judge my roll in white water about 70-80% recently.. I work nights so often I can be available during week days.

why not!

Posted By: Tr182md
Date Posted: 25 May 2012 at 8:32am
My boat arrives near seatac Tuesday. Ordered an extra paddle for backup. Getting excited. Probably take it to the lake for roll practice sometime next week then will be looking for some river time.

Posted By: dave
Date Posted: 25 May 2012 at 8:38am
The Lower Green is coming down and is a great run for you guys that are getting your class II-III skills up. The Headworks is a good spot too, just watch out for Legde Drop I at kanasket if you choose to run that.


Posted By: Tr182md
Date Posted: 25 May 2012 at 11:45am
Being up north here in Everett area what about big eddy run? The green run looks good. Short enough to make several runs.


Posted By: dave
Date Posted: 25 May 2012 at 12:12pm
Ya, Big Eddy run on the Sky is a great beginner run too. You cant go wrong with Big Eddy. We are lucky around here to have so many good class II-III runs to learn on.


Posted By: Jimmy
Date Posted: 25 May 2012 at 12:18pm
I'll hit Big Eddy with people.  Depending on who else is going I may out on farther up and come down to meet up with people.  Running just BE is OK also if it is after work and not enough time to do the whole river.

Posted By: plumb328
Date Posted: 08 Jun 2012 at 10:55pm
I live in bham.I am a class 3 paddler looking for someone to go with.Thanks ,Eric

Posted By: jon!
Date Posted: 10 Jun 2012 at 7:52am
I'm a class II-III paddler in the Marysville area. The Sauk is a great run for those of us up north.

Posted By: Tr182md
Date Posted: 10 Jun 2012 at 8:18am
So if I got off at work 5:00 in Everett is it feasible to do a run on big eddy after work? What about Sauk? Assuming kayak on car and leaving from work.

Posted By: tracy2303
Date Posted: 10 Jun 2012 at 8:29am
I live in Arlington and I am looking for people to run the Sauk i have only run it once, I really want to learn the lines .

Posted By: Jimmy
Date Posted: 11 Jun 2012 at 5:30am
Easy to get a Sky run in after getting off work at 5 in everett.  As long as it is not the start of a 3 day weekend, then traffic sucks.

Posted By: Jcpennys
Date Posted: 23 Jul 2012 at 12:43pm
New to Hard Shell, but not whitewater. Just Started to hard shell, no roll. I do get out on the water at least once a week in my raft or IK. I would really like to learn to hard shell. I think the Snoqualmie river would be a good start... Any suggestions? I have only ran the Clackamas 3 times in a hard shell, that's my total experience in a kayak. If there is someone that does the Snoqualmie in north bend regularly and doesn't mind a newbie tagging along hit me up.


Posted By: thisisandy
Date Posted: 31 Jul 2012 at 2:53pm
Hey hey.
Andy Ingram here, I'm an intermediate paddler comfortable in most I-IV water. I'd like to be added to the list as well James. I'm in the Bellingham area but Skykomish runs are an option for me as well as the Methow + creeking!

Posted By: thad2000
Date Posted: 03 Aug 2012 at 3:02pm
I'd be up for trying creeking. I don't think I've tried anything that would be considered that. What skilz/gear should a person have before jumping into that. I've got a p/burn which is listed as a creeker. I've been running the green, sno, sky, and nisqualli... not really sure how long it is before I have to stop calling myself a beginner. I've been doing this stuff for a year now. I might just retain the eternal beginner status. :) Anyway, I'd love to hear what it takes to start hitting some creeks.

why not!

Posted By: aguacaliente
Date Posted: 30 Aug 2012 at 11:42am
hi all, i'm new to seattle and the pnw -- coming from the east coast. looking to get out and learn the local rivers with anyone who is willing to have me along. i've been actively paddling for about 7 months now, and comfortably paddle III+. i'm looking to work on my skills quite a bit this fall and work my way up. that said, most of my paddling has been on the east coast/in ecuador, so i have a lot to learn about the rivers around.

looking forward to meeting some of you folks in the area!

Posted By: PaddleGirl
Date Posted: 30 Aug 2012 at 11:47am
hey, welcome to the PNW!  where did you come from out east?  I moved here from NH about a year and a half ago. 
I run class II to IV... sometimes easy stuff with beginners and sometimes not... i'm just happy being on the river.
anyway, hit me up if you want to paddle.

Posted By: thad2000
Date Posted: 31 Aug 2012 at 4:58am
When the rains come, a great deal of rivers will become available. I've been kayaking for a bit over a year and have no formal training, but love to get out. People here are great to boat with. I look forward to seeing you out on the river. Welcome to the area!

why not!

Posted By: aguacaliente
Date Posted: 31 Aug 2012 at 1:03pm
thanks guys! looking forward to meeting everyone as soon as possible!

Posted By: gtichris
Date Posted: 05 Sep 2012 at 11:11am
Hello, my name is Chris, I'm learning to paddle at 42.
I bought an old pyranha playboat in august,and I have been trying to soak up all the info i can. I have been climbing
for 25 years,and it is refreshing to have something new to learn. I have had some harsh lessons already- like getting flipped over in the montlake cut with no idea how to wet exit(5 seconds of terrror!)or roll...also stuck upside down in shallow water near the town wall/climbers
camp area...so I took some roll lessons at the leavenworth pool(4-5:30 Sundays all summer $5 pool fee)and now Im trying to figure out how to stay warm...
anyway, add me to the list of beginners looking to find
friendly people to paddle with.

Posted By: gtichris
Date Posted: 09 Sep 2012 at 11:41am
WARNING TO BEGINNERS: watch out for paddle girl-she trolls these forums and pretends to be friendly- but is really an arrogant snob. she sent me a "welcome to the community -hit me up if you want to paddle" p.m.-but when i showed up at
a roll practice session as per her suggestion-she acted as if i had crashed her little exclusive party-and said she didn't remember ever talking w/me...she was rude and arrogant when i tried to ask some questions. steer clear of this SNOB.

Posted By: BrianP
Date Posted: 09 Sep 2012 at 12:29pm
I think you've got her mixed up with someone else.

Posted By: gtichris
Date Posted: 09 Sep 2012 at 12:31pm

Posted By: BrianP
Date Posted: 09 Sep 2012 at 12:33pm
If you're interested in starting sh*t for the sake of it, please see www.mountainbuzz.com or www.boatertalk.com

I've been here 2 years and have yet to meet anyone fitting that description, including Jen.

Posted By: gtichris
Date Posted: 09 Sep 2012 at 12:36pm

Posted By: gtichris
Date Posted: 09 Sep 2012 at 12:39pm

Posted By: gtichris
Date Posted: 09 Sep 2012 at 1:01pm
maybe brianp has a brand new fancy boat...and looks like a ken doll...maybe brianp drives a shiny new car...maybe ...snobs like superficial things like that...so yeah,of course she is nice to you PUNK

Posted By: Scott_H
Date Posted: 09 Sep 2012 at 1:02pm
Chris - most everyone on this forum has likely paddled with each other or is maybe one degree of separation from someone who has.  As a result, this makes for a more genteel forum since in this land or year round boating we may run into each other.  I think you will find it is contrary to the spirit of this forum to throw f bombs and to call someone out and isn't going to be well received by the boaters that post here.

“The problem with people who have no vices is that generally you can be pretty sure they're going to have some pretty annoying virtues.”

Posted By: gtichris
Date Posted: 09 Sep 2012 at 1:19pm
hi Scott sorry but brianp is the one "calling out" he is the one who said " if you want to start sh*t for the sake of it " i dont know him or anything about him . he came on and said i was a liar - well he wasn't there. its' really nifty that paddle girl chose to be nice to him ,but she was rude and arrogant towards me...so who cares what he says...mean people suck ...maybe brian is mean too?

Posted By: gtichris
Date Posted: 09 Sep 2012 at 1:56pm
hey scott i'm curious is it alright to throw s-bombs and call people liars? is this your idea of "genteel"?
if not then why is your post aimed only at me and not brianp? i tried to meet some people from P.P. and i "wasnt well recieved" anyway...so your friendly boating community is a phony facade that exists in your elitist
mind. thank god climbers arent like that

Posted By: Mark47n
Date Posted: 09 Sep 2012 at 2:20pm
  Typically, I stay out of these flame wars on forums but I find the statistics in this one interesting.

  Chris, Your record here on PP shows 9 posts and 8 of them are outright flaming.  4 of them are all caps and you calling people punks, superficial and dropping F-bombs.  I can tell you right now, without meeting you, that I'm not terribly inclined to teach you anything even if you paid me (I'm a professional instructor).

  Additionally, your comment about climbers not being "phony" is also crap.  Climbers are no different that paddlers or any one else.  If you're here representing climbers you're not doing a particularly good job at that either. 

You mean I'm supposed to wear something UNDER my spray skirt? Where's the fun in that?

Posted By: Lynn Wang
Date Posted: 09 Sep 2012 at 2:46pm
Jen, I think the location of the roll practice needs to be changed. This is super creepy.

BTW: Jen IS a SNOB (Super Nice Overly Bitchin)!!

Posted By: gtichris
Date Posted: 09 Sep 2012 at 3:51pm
hi mark ,not sure how to respond...but i will say you seem very eager to fling insults my way...i never used the word "phony" so im not sure why you have it in quotations?
i'm not terribly inclined to give a sh%t what you say when you start off insulting me...and it's interesting how you had to mention that you are a "professional insructor" (elitist much?) so i guess that makes you the end all authority on boating? and you are entitled to judge me? calling my opinion crap is "flaming" as far as i'm concerned. calling people punks? brianp is just one person-not people...and he started off calling me a liar.
how would you respond to that?

Posted By: gtichris
Date Posted: 09 Sep 2012 at 4:08pm
what was super creepy was when i asked your friend if it was an organized event or just some friends...she gave me dirty look and said "i think this is the last one"...(obviously because i showed up)...i'm not stupid...it hurt my feelings. i wont crash your practice session,dont worry.
sorry if i creeped you out...no hard feelings,good luck stay safe. Chris

Posted By: PaddleGirl
Date Posted: 09 Sep 2012 at 6:59pm
it's the last one due to it being end of summer and with the sun going down sooner, we don't have much time. it's nothing personal.

Posted By: thad2000
Date Posted: 10 Sep 2012 at 7:05am
Disclaimer, No intent at being judgy or offering advice was meant. This was just a post for self entertainment, and perhaps a bit of thanks.

I had to check in and see who was new. :) I didn't expect so much zest! Zest is the only description I could come up with...
I started just over a year ago. I started with a kayak that was way too touchy for my skill level (a craigslist special at 180 bucks) and about 3 hours of watching you tube video's. I remember telling the first guy I hit a river with "ya, I watched how to roll and I'm pretty sure I got it." Needless to say I didn't.
Since then, I got better. It's in no small part thanks to the many great people I've met here. I started at 41. Most my gear I call ghetto gear.
Many here spent a good deal of time and money learning their skills and have given freely. I couldn't afford (via time or money) the lessons that many shelled out good coin for, yet I've been able to benefit from their knowledge and experience.
I've encountered software engineers, news casters, business owners... a crap load of electricians.. (lol) and despite my blue collar occupation, I've felt very welcome by all. So, First off; THANK YOU.
I think I might have even stacked the deck against myself by expecting to be judged. I think early on I expected to be looked down on. I read recently that it's self sabotaging to approach things that way. You should enter a situation expecting to be liked. I guess another way I've heard of saying it is "focus determines reality.." Ok.. maybe not. Anyway, I'm trying to approach things differently.
That said, I'm sorry you had a bad experience gtichris. I'm especially sorry your feelings were hurt.   
BP, I think it's great that you have the courage to stand up for people you know.
Paddle Girl, despite what might have made most people feel insulted and indignant, you responded with patience and grace.
Mark 47... :) very analytic.. I had to fight the impulse to make up something bad. All this well wishing causes an imbalance in the force. I do look forward to hitting some rivers with you this fall.
Scott H. was on the mark. I mean if there is a raging A hole or something.. ya, things will be said. But in General it seems there is such a small pool of boaters and every one wants soo bad to get out, we all do our best to get along.
Thinking about it... I don't think the river cares what you do for a living. I don't think it cares who your parents are, or what college you attended. It will kill you. I think that might be part of the attraction. The fact that nothing else matters. It allows many to escape the expectations and worries of daily life and directs us to put all our focus on the moment at hand. I imagine climbing is somewhat the same.
Anyway, that is my two cents. Un-asked for, but.. there it is.

why not!

Posted By: BrianP
Date Posted: 11 Sep 2012 at 9:13pm

Someone posted this website on the MN forums, it's got a lot of good info for anyone out there just getting into paddling. The river info is geared towards the SE, but the rest of it should be helpful.

Posted By: wenatchee_boatr
Date Posted: 22 Oct 2012 at 9:46pm
Hi I'm new to this site and probably interrupting whatever conversation is going on here, but I'd like to put my information out there in case anyone wants to take a beginner out this fall.

Looking to do the Sky, MM, or something in the III-ish range. Rivers are on the rise and I want to get out. I live in Wenatchee and have whitewater experience as a raft guide on the Wenatchee river as well as the Methow and White Salmon.

I've taken my hardshell (Pyranha Ammo) down the Wenatchee and that was super easy, but that is it.

Message me or email (craigvanderhart@gmail.com) if you would like to run something soon. Weekends or afternoons work. I don't mind driving.

Posted By: WhiteWater
Date Posted: 22 Oct 2012 at 11:14pm
Welcome beginners. Send me a pm n id be happy to help out. I get out frequently. Watch out 4 those Brians tho they can be pretty fn awesome on the rivers. Except for the BrianP's they move away n dont boat with u anymore. Haha

All rivers lead to Mr. Extreme!

Posted By: BrianP
Date Posted: 22 Oct 2012 at 11:20pm
Ha! Hey now, come to MN (during the 4 months of unfrozen water) and I'll show you the goods!

Posted By: WhiteWater
Date Posted: 22 Oct 2012 at 11:26pm
See u soon brotha

All rivers lead to Mr. Extreme!

Posted By: thad2000
Date Posted: 25 Oct 2012 at 4:39am
poop! I didn't realize you'd taken off (Brianp). I was looking forward to hitting some rivers with you this season. :( best of luck anyway.

why not!

Posted By: Eric Charles
Date Posted: 17 Nov 2012 at 10:04pm
Hey ya'll here is my intro: 
I am a class III-IV kayaker who just moved to hood river for the winter! I'm always looking to get out and paddle and improve my skills.  I have been on the middle and new lower sections of the white salmon like everyday with some local friends.  I want to step up my game and start doing the orletta and farmlands and maybe the truss someday:) and its always nice to meet new friends on the river:)

Posted By: Stretch76
Date Posted: 18 Mar 2013 at 11:40pm
I'm brand new and looking to get on a river for the first time. I took the beginner course at Kayak Academy last week and I'm signed up for the beginner class at NWOC starting mid April. I also went to a pool session this weekend. . I bought a Jackson Zen 75 and all my gear this weekend. I'm up in Everett and looking to go this Sunday 3/24.

Posted By: Tr182md
Date Posted: 19 Mar 2013 at 8:28am
I am in mill creek and have yet to start. I have taken several on river courses and roll clinics. Just need to go out solo. Waiting for a little warmer. Last course I went down to CA and spent 3 days with instructor. Also bought a zen.

Posted By: RPMMAX
Date Posted: 19 Mar 2013 at 9:09am
If you guys are going to paddle in washington,
paddling in the winter is essential to improving skills
and getting access to a variety of whitewater that
only runs in the winter.
If your not paddling in a drysuit you should be thinking
about getting one as this make cold weather paddling totally comfortable.
For a beginner run you could try from the bridge
above Skykomish to the bridge just above money creek.
This class II with the biggers waves just above the takeout. You can walk through the campground to see
thisc wavetrain.



Posted By: fastpaddler
Date Posted: 19 Mar 2013 at 10:42am
In looking to go soon too. Just need my dry suit and I'm good. And some more work on my roll. Tr182md and stretch76 I'm in. I'm up in bham but will come down south. Instead of solo I would try and get a couple paddlers with some ww experience to go with. They're usually a big help .

Posted By: irenen
Date Posted: 19 Mar 2013 at 11:47am
Good for you guys, Stretch76 I think the NWOC beginner class is awesome, that is the one I took a long time ago.  I know I always say this on here and I'm not saying you won't find runs and people to go with on this site, you probably will, but another really good place to try is Washington Kayak Club, they have more structured beginner-level trips, pool classes, etc.  They have a ww class that's already started but when they graduate next month that will be another bunch of people looking to get out on rivers, plus the instructor set and a bunch of experienced members who also do trips on Class II and III throughout the year.

Here's the link to their calendar: http://www.washingtonkayakclub.org/home/calendar/month_calendar/2013/03/-

And if we end up putting together a beginner-ish run I will post back on here.

It's all fun and games until someone loses a paddle.

Posted By: Stretch76
Date Posted: 19 Mar 2013 at 1:18pm
I bought a drysuit from Kayak Academy on Saturday. I was hoping to find some experienced paddlers that would be willing to take a beginner.
Fastpaddler let me know if you get a drysuit. We could try Skagit. That would be the closest to both of us. I'm only looking to do class I or II for now.
If I have to I'll spend some more time in the lake working on my roll.
I have read about the WKC trips and I'll probably get in on some of those but I want to use the new boat.

Posted By: Tr182md
Date Posted: 19 Mar 2013 at 1:19pm
Not sure about Sunday but at some point can car pool if we have a north group. I can hold 3 kayaks, maybe more for river. I have setup for 3 sea kayaks.

I have drysuit and some safety gear. I was a river guide for a long time in CA. Still do it occasionally. Been slow on the kayak thing but time to get started.

Posted By: fastpaddler
Date Posted: 19 Mar 2013 at 1:46pm
Yeah I should have a dry suit by 1st week of April. Class 2 - (3-) for me.
I have been on skagit: goodell to bacon creek but was with two other very exp paddlers
3sixzero threeninethree seventwosevenfour

Ps there's the Sauk too!

Posted By: DylanW
Date Posted: 27 Mar 2013 at 2:38pm
Hi, I am new to P.P. as well. I live in Canada, so I do most of my paddling up there. Would be great to have a group of paddlers to connect with when I venture south of the line. Thanks for starting this post! It is a huge help. I am a class II-III paddler who is always looking for challenges and ways to increase my skills.


Posted By: fastpaddler
Date Posted: 27 Mar 2013 at 5:37pm
Where do you boat at up there? I took my intro course on cultus and the chilliwack With purple Hayes. That's the only river I that I know to get to. I live in Lynden, so it's not that far away. I'd be down to go somewhere up in ca sometime. I do prefer to have experience along, though?!

Posted By: DylanW
Date Posted: 28 Mar 2013 at 7:39am
I live in Chilliwack, so I paddle the Chilliwack alot. There are tons of options though, from Whistler to the Okanagan. For class II-III there is the Seymour, Capilano, Chilliwack, Chehalis, Coquihalla....the list goes on. The Thompson is alot of fun too, but that is a bit harder of a run in which its best to have a few good support boaters (I had a couple swims on the narly rapids). I have only been paddling for a year, so if we were to go it would be best to have at least 1 good support paddler along. That being said I know alot of those! There is a good paddling community up here on the vankayak.org forum. Usually there will be trips posted and organized, and most paddlers seem pretty keen to take beginner/intermediates on the easier runs like the Chilliwack Classic. You are welcome to join in anytime! I would join the forum up here so you can keep an eye on the trip posts. Its free to join.


Posted By: RPMMAX
Date Posted: 28 Mar 2013 at 11:32am
This to any of you who are interested. I will be
paddling the Sauk, Suiattle this weekend. I have sent
an email indicating that we will meet Sat morning at
the IGA in Darrington at 10:30 and camping that evening.
I am willing to also paddle on Friday and camp.
You can join as day trip or camp out.
There are people of varying skills, which I will attempt
to accomodate.

Bill Petty
      425 422 3776
Keep in mind while there is cell service at the IGA
there is no coverage where we will be camping.


Posted By: justin
Date Posted: 28 Mar 2013 at 11:37am
I highly recommend RPM Max's trip.  One of the best rivers north of Seattle, and he is a great person to go with.  He has been paddling longer than most people on this site.  Once you've run the Sauk river you'll know what I mean.

Posted By: DylanW
Date Posted: 28 Mar 2013 at 11:52am
Hi Bill,

I will be staying at Washington Park in Anacortes for the weekend, but I would be willing to drive up Saturday morning to meet up at IGA in Darrington at 10:30. I would head back to Anacortes that night to spend time with the family though. What sections of the Sauk, Suiattle will you be paddling on Saturday? I would like to read through the writeups on this forum. About how long of a run would your group be doing on Saturday? Would just like to set a bit of a schedule and know roughly what time I would be back in Anacortes by so I can let me family know.


Posted By: chiroian
Date Posted: 13 May 2013 at 2:50pm
A couple of friends and I are interested in learning some of the basics of white water kayaking.  We are in the seattle/eastside area.  

Posted By: rokmnky
Date Posted: 15 May 2013 at 8:35am
Due to an acl surgery about a month ago I'm moving a lot slower this summer and therefore have promised to get my fiancee out on the water. She is completely new but has a pool roll. If other newbies would like to join us around the seattle area I'm happy to help and play safety. That said, there are only so many I can look after on my own so I'll post some trips but if we could talk some other experienced boaters into coming along as well we would all be better for it. Look for trips to start posting around the end of may when we get back from vacation. 

Posted By: ikatie
Date Posted: 11 Jun 2013 at 11:06pm
I'm looking to go out this Thursday on the Sky (split rock to big eddy) and would love some experienced  company. If anyone is interested let me know, I am free all day and can meet up anytime. Thanks!

Posted By: Wiggins
Date Posted: 05 Jul 2013 at 8:04am
I just posted a beginner trip for Sunday.


I smell bacon

Posted By: Red Baron
Date Posted: 10 Jul 2013 at 4:34pm
Any beginners with 10+ runs to intermediates up for a run on the Skykomish soon?  It should still be good from Thursday through the weekend?  Either from Split Rock / Railroad Bridge to Big Eddy, or preferably from right below Boulder Drop to Big Eddy if you are up for it.  The flow level is good for IK's since it's high enough to cover rocks in the slower/lower stretches, but not too high to be too pushy for lower skill levels.

Posted By: sscamaro69
Date Posted: 04 Nov 2013 at 5:21pm
What a great forum!!! Perfect! I'm new to paddling... taken a couple classes from Kayak Academy, and now wanting to go practice. I'm planning to go hit Snoqualmie powerhouse area Saturday 11/9/13. If there are any other new people that would be happy to just go practice going in and out of eddies, it would be great to have company.   

Posted By: thad2000
Date Posted: 04 Nov 2013 at 6:12pm

why not!

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