Chit Chat: SR 520 Bridge Toll Information
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SR 520 Bridge Toll Information

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Topic: SR 520 Bridge Toll Information
Posted By: GHannam
Subject: SR 520 Bridge Toll Information
Date Posted: 23 Feb 2011 at 8:48am
I started searching for the toll information regarding the SR 520 Bridge and thought I'd pass on the information for those who also utilize the bridge, even on a semi-regular basis. Looks like the toll only applies to those passing the floating bridge section, and there are two options to pay: 1) "Good-to-Go" pass; 2) Plate identification to pay by mail.
Currently the cheaper options is to utilize the "Good-to-Go" pass AND there's a special offer going on right now. If you buy the pass and put $30 on it, you will get $10 added to your pass. For details go to: -  
The toll fees change based on the hour of the day... It's a $1.50 difference between those who pay with the pass and those who are being sent a bill. Here's a link for the specifics, detailing the cost difference between using the "Good-to-Go" and plate ID: -
The bridge tolling will begin this Spring, currently thought to be in April. For other information: -
FYI-- the plate identification method sends you a bill in the mail, or to whomever is registered as owning the vehicle. Keep this in mind if you let friends borrow your car, have the car but are not the registered owner, or are the registered owner but have the registration address other than your residence. Bottom line: if you don't get the pass, don't forget to look for the bill & pay it if you cross the floating bridge-- I'm sure late fees will apply, and I'd hate to be sent to State collections for something silly, like a toll fee...
I hope this was helpful!
Watch for those bridge gnomes!!

Posted By: jP
Date Posted: 23 Feb 2011 at 11:31am
Well I never considered 520 "Good To Go" and doubt I will now that I have to pay to cross it.
Next I'll have to pay Seattle to rape me, and if I want Seattle to use a condom, I'll have to pay for that too. That's one of the many reasons I left this place.
520 is a reminder of why this place is fu*ked- and an incentive to not return.


Posted By: irenen
Date Posted: 23 Feb 2011 at 12:41pm

It's all fun and games until someone loses a paddle.

Posted By: Ellingferd
Date Posted: 23 Feb 2011 at 12:59pm
Seattle is one of the final major metropolitan areas in the country devoid of fees for driving around. Roads cost money, and bridges especially so. We are in a budget crunch as a state yet, interestingly, the roads don't stop deteriorating when the state is broke. The solution: pay for the roads you use. Have you ever been to Europe? It costs money to drive on interstates there, calculated based on where you got on and where you get off (talk about getting bent over, 15 Euro for a 2 hour stretch I drove from Italy to France!). Even with the new fees, this is one of the cheapest cities in the world to drive, park, etc. It is only a matter of time before we start seeing more fees on roads, and rightly so. My suggestion? Don't drive so much, take the bus, ride your bike, move closer to your job. Seems that you have figured that out already JP. BTW, you can still drive around on 405, and I90, for now.
If you think Seattle is bad, with one toll bridge that you don't have to cross, I suggest never going to the East coast. Ever.

Posted By: James
Date Posted: 23 Feb 2011 at 1:05pm
I could be wrong but the burden of proof rests on the state to prove who was operating the vehicle. The registered owner can simply declare non-responsibility and then the court is required to determine the responsible party. I know that I have been to court over red light tickets because a car was in my name but I was not driving. The court requested that I tell them who was driving so the fine could be re-submitted and I refused since I was not in the car I could not possibly with 100% certainty declare that a person was driving. - RCW 46.63.075

I know I am messed up but I have half a mind to borrow someones car just to do laps on that bridge so we can go to court over it. If your going to charge a toll put in a booth, NOT a CAMERA.

Posted By: GHannam
Date Posted: 23 Feb 2011 at 1:40pm
jP- your comment reminded me of a quote I've seen:  "The Republican National Committee announced today that the Republican Party is changing its emblem from an elephant to a condom. The committee chairman explained that the condom more clearly reflects the party's stance today, because a condom accepts inflation, halts production, destroys the next generation, protects a bunch of pricks, and gives you a sense of security while you're actually getting screwed." I don't know who it was quoted from, and I am not intending to start a political debate here, but I thought it was funny and applicable to jP's comment  If any of you reading this are offended in anyway, first I have to apologize and say that I'm not intending to offend you. I claim no political interest at all whatsoever... If you prefer the Republican Party, just re-insert the political label to "Democrat"-- you can look at it any way you like, or insert whatever label you want. I still think it's funny.
Anyways, back on topic: I've considered the idea of driving around SR 520 to avoid the toll, but if it is indeed the most direct route to where I'm going, I'd be burning more money by driving around it then just complying with the toll and paying the $1.25 or whatever it is. I don't drive across it during heavy traffic hours anyways, so the higher rates aren't really that big of a deal for me.
James, you're right-- you can declare you're not the driver whenever you get a ticket via photograph. However, some cameras now take pictures of the driver also... I'm not saying I agree with it (in fact, I don't at all), but it's still something to think about and consider. Just be aware of it and don't ignore the bill if it comes in the mail-- that's how they'll really get you   Thanks for the RCW link too-- I'm sure it'll come in handy for those who need it.
It's just good to be aware of these kinds of changes and how it might affect you. You can then decide for yourself how you want to respond, react, or not... I think we all know how jP feels about it *HAHA* I miss ya man!!
If we want safe, drivable roads, we all have to pitch in. Regardless of how you look at it, we all pay for things like this anyway-- out of your paycheck via taxes, on your purchases, your vehicle tabs, or things like tolls. At least SR 520 is utilizing the money from those who use it most rather than a flat fee from everyone in King County or even the State...

Posted By: Travisimo
Date Posted: 23 Feb 2011 at 1:50pm
The east coast has tolls yes, but to say that most major cities are on the coast is not accurate.

Most American cities (even big ones) that I've been to, up and down the west coast, the south, midwest and north... don't have tolls...

I drove in lots of countries in Europe and rarely paid a toll (including Italy).

Anyway if everybody else was jumping off of their toll bridges... should we? 

I am disgusted at the way parks here are managed after being born in Missouri, where national parks are still free. 

How many times have you come to a gate on "public" land and had to walk miles and miles because our state closes off "public" land and tries to keep us out.  There are many parks, I can't even find the name of the one now in the Green River Gorge that the public cannot access legally! (If you boat there you still can, it isn't even shown on Google, but my Garmin has the name there still).

This state is absolutely greedy, wasteful and tries to keep people like us out of wild places.  They do so with NO TRESPASSING signs and blocking off roads.

That stuff doesn't happen in Missouri. 

Rant over for now

H2O please

Posted By: James
Date Posted: 23 Feb 2011 at 2:39pm
I get a double Quote post - Insert Giant Grin - I will make it short though.

Originally posted by GHannam

If we want safe, drivable roads, we all have to pitch in. Regardless of how you look at it, we all pay for things like this anyway-- out of your paycheck via taxes, on your purchases, your vehicle tabs, or things like tolls. At least SR 520 is utilizing the money from those who use it most rather than a flat fee from everyone in King County or even the State...

I agree with you 100% in fact I only was posting because the Camera thing is what gets me really pissed. The more we accept the burden of proof being placed on citizens the closer we move to a massive loss of freedom. In fact the affidavit of non responsibility that the City of Renton revised now includes a requirement to name the party responsible. How do you like that, we send you a ticket, fine or infraction notice with nothing more than a picture of your property and now you are responsible to either pay, or find the actual offender. Where did innocent until proven guilty go.

Originally posted by Ellingferd

The solution: pay for the roads you use. Have you ever been to Europe? It costs money to drive on interstates there, calculated based on where you got on and where you get off (talk about getting bent over, 15 Euro for a 2 hour stretch I drove from Italy to France!). Even with the new fees, this is one of the cheapest cities in the world to drive, park, etc.

Gonna come at this one two directions.
1. What is the largest financial concern in the world right now besides the Fuel pressure in Libya? The EURO. That might be the only thing that is giving our country a break right now. Collecting more money will never solve anything if you don't control how it is spent, IE if we all pay a 90% income tax and it is given to the IMF do you think our roads are going to get better or kids will learn in new schools... maybe not. Bounce back to Gwendolyn - We all pay for these things through tabs, gas taxes etc.. a new charge is needed because we don't have enough money. Fine get your budget out and make a new charge levy that charge only on the users of this new product, - The first sensible thing we have done - if we could make our system work like that all over the budget we would see why were in shortfalls. Oh perhaps it is because there are too many government services being offered while not enough money is being brought in. How do you think this system operates... The more we have our government do the more money is sliced off for the banks and for the tight little group of trustees. The Euro ain't crashing because they have more services or higher taxes than us, it is crashing and the cost of living there is higher because the people long before us were duped into allowing the Banks to Merge with government in control of fiscal policy. Usury is great until you realize that your paying for someone else not to do anything.

Rant over for now

Posted By: Ellingferd
Date Posted: 23 Feb 2011 at 4:10pm

Travisimo: how did you not pay road tolls to drive on the autostrada in Italy? Not possible! You have to go past a toll booth when you exit, unless they were creating these tolls just for me whenever I got on or off a major freeway. There arent tolls on all roads, but if you want the autostrada, you are going to pay 90 percent of the time. They even have something like the "good to go" pass there.

Posted By: Ellingferd
Date Posted: 23 Feb 2011 at 4:14pm

Besides, a toll on 520 is way better than some blanket tax increase that will affect many people who rarely use the bridge anyway.

Posted By: PanchosPigTaxi
Date Posted: 23 Feb 2011 at 4:40pm
The that kills me about the Red Light "Photo Safe" cameras is that they are all about revenue, not safety.

Posted By: BRoss
Date Posted: 23 Feb 2011 at 5:10pm
Originally posted by Ellingferd

Besides, a toll on 520 is way better than some blanket tax increase that will affect many people who rarely use the bridge anyway.


And Travissimo I don't understand your point about Washington National Parks and Missouri National Parks. Most National Parks charge fees, and IMO its a good thing they do otherwise they would for sure be "loved" to death. Can you imagine if Yosemite or Mt Rainier were completely free with no restrictions? The whole point of National Parks is to preserve them in the most "natural" state, while still allowing people to enjoy them. The Ken Burns series on PBS illustrated this quite well.

Gates on national forest roads are totally different... constructed for logging operations once the logging is over the FS can't afford to maintain them, clean up the trash people dump, or regulate illegal activities and so they are gated if the public doesn't express recreational interest in keeping them open. See FS62 Procter Creek road up Mt Persis right by Split Rock. That had a gate for a long time because there was massive trash dumping and people shooting guns everywhere leaving shells etc. Hikers interested in climbing Persis and Index worked it out with the FS and now the gate is open again.

In any case, the public can still access NF land no problem even if a road is gated, just on foot. Maybe the No Tresspassing signs you are thinking of are on private land owned by logging companies?

Sorry for the thread drift off topic....

"That boated a lot better than it looked." "It always does until it doesn't."

Posted By: BRoss
Date Posted: 23 Feb 2011 at 5:30pm
Originally posted by Ellingferd

Roads cost money, and bridges especially so. We are in a budget crunch as a state yet, interestingly, the roads don't stop deteriorating when the state is broke. The solution: pay for the roads you use.

Agree with this too. Interestingly, the 520 bridge was originally a toll bridge from 1963 to 1979 (wikipedia). I've read that return on investments for infrastructure like highways etc can approach 25% annually. It would be a blow if the 520 went down because the state govt couldn't afford to maintain it.

"That boated a lot better than it looked." "It always does until it doesn't."

Posted By: James
Date Posted: 23 Feb 2011 at 5:30pm
Originally posted by PanchosPigTaxi

The that kills me about the Red Light "Photo Safe" cameras is that they are all about revenue, not safety.

The craziest thing is that most of these are Cameras are run through A.T.S. (American Traffic Solutions) which is based in Tempe AZ.  So basically your city is paying a private corporation to install cameras and write tickets which by the cities authority they enforce and collect then pay a commission to ATS for recording, and on top of all that ATS receives the payments and handles processing. Nice, gives me the chills to know that the city pays a police officer to sit and initial these tickets so they seem to be legitimate.

Posted By: Travisimo
Date Posted: 23 Feb 2011 at 5:46pm
I avoided tolls in Italy by not driving on the toll roads... I had a GPS and could program that option in... we wound up driving for longer, but I think we saw lots of cool stuff that made up for it.  We had no real plan, and were just traveling to cities that sounded cool, "camping" and staying at hostels along the way.

I'm not sure who puts up "no trespassing" signs, but they are all over and there's a fence on the access roads to the Green River gorge park right at Mercury on river Left.

I was surprised to see my Garmin call the spot I was i a "park" and looked it up online... sure enough... public park with no public access (other than by boat).

I don't like the mention of a park "being loved to death."  That sets up the type of logic that closes up roads and puts no trespassing signs at the putins to rivers I want to paddle.

H2O please

Posted By: Wiggins
Date Posted: 23 Feb 2011 at 6:00pm

I talk to more WSDOT and WSP guys then most, and have seen all state money dry up for traffic safety emphasis patrols (the ones that look for DUI's and watch over the construction crews, not the rolling tax levy patrols) outside of the I5/I405 corridor. The whole Seattle/Tacoma area is like a giant siphon when it comes to the traffic infrastructure budget. It pulls money away from the entire state and people outside of the greater Seattle area are getting tired of watching the roads around where they live deteriorate because their tax dollars are mostly going to a geographically small portion of the state.

Personally I am not sure whether or not the Seattle/Tacoma area should get as big a piece of the pie as they do, as it is a massive population/economic center and generates more revenue than places like Mount Vernon, Centralia, or even Spokane. I am certain that the toll road concept is, at least in part, an attempt to raise some revenue to complete a needed infrastructure project with a minimal amount of political backlash.
On the subject of toll road penalties and red light cameras. I can dig up the RCW if you really want me to, but the registered owner of a vehicle can be cited for the same civil (non criminal) offense as the person driving the vehicle. Technically whether or not you are driving your vehicle it is legal for you to be cited and for the penalty to be enforced. This law was written because some people (think lazy parents) were providing cars to habitual traffic offenders (think unruly kids), and the ensuing mess was costing the state and its citizens a lot of money to clean up. It is rarely enforced because it is obviously unfair to hold a car owner responsible for every infraction their vehicle is involved in when they are not driving, but if the officer or the court sees a pattern (i.e. if James had been in court five times claiming someone else was driving his car) then this is the last option. It has been used to deal with habitual red light camera violators.
Not paying your toll is a civil infraction. If you don't pay the bill they will send you an infraction. Ignore the infraction and they will suspend your license.
For what it is worth I think that redlight cameras and the law that allows me to cite the registered owner of the vehicle are complete BS. The law that allows ticketing RO's is obviously unjust so I won't go into that one. My issue with the redlight and speed cameras is not that they don't meet some burden of proof because most are being set up now to get a photo of the driver and the vehicle. The issue I take with them is that they are ticket machines and not deterrents. There are three reasons why cops work traffic: increase traffic safety, educate the public, and to take enforcement action. So when I see a violation and I decide to stop someone my intent can be to do anyone of those three things, and only one of them involves writting a ticket. When I work a problem traffic area I make sure I am visible, and if I stop someone they are more likely to get a warning than a ticket. Redlight/Speed cameras by comparision do not stand out as a deterrent to stop people from committing a violation because they are not visible enough, and the only action they take is enforcement. It smacks of being a revenue raising tactic rather than the traffic safety measure.
I have a real problem with the state, municipalities, agencies, and even law enforcement officers who see tickets as a legitimate form of taxation. If you get a ticket it should be because you deserve it, not because you got stopped and the town you are in has a coordination ordinance and needs money. It is crap like that that gives everyone a bad name, and kills our credibillity.

I smell bacon

Posted By: Wiggins
Date Posted: 23 Feb 2011 at 6:18pm
The park is Hanging Gardens State Park. Parts of it were closed after a series of accidents, but the majority of it is still open.

I smell bacon

Posted By: Courtney
Date Posted: 23 Feb 2011 at 6:30pm
Nice post Kyle.  I know people over my way are pretty irriatated that most of our money has been going to Seattle roads and not our own (Hwy 2 to be specific).  That's a long time war that we see no end in sight.  I probably make it to Seattle 2 times a year.  I don't mind chipping in for 520 though when I use it. 

Posted By: Wiggins
Date Posted: 23 Feb 2011 at 9:07pm
I looked into the traffic camera law (RCW 46.63.170). I was not very familiar with it because we don't have them where I work.
When I read this it pissed me off: RCW and e)
(d) Automated traffic safety cameras may only take pictures of the vehicle and vehicle license plate and only while an infraction is occurring. The picture must not reveal the face of the driver or of passengers in the vehicle.

(e) A notice of infraction must be mailed to the registered owner of the vehicle within fourteen days of the violation, or to the renter of a vehicle within fourteen days of establishing the renter's name and address under subsection (3)(a) of this section. The law enforcement officer issuing the notice of infraction shall include with it a certificate or facsimile thereof, based upon inspection of photographs, microphotographs, or electronic images produced by an automated traffic safety camera, stating the facts supporting the notice of infraction. This certificate or facsimile is prima facie evidence of the facts contained in it and is admissible in a proceeding charging a violation under this chapter. The photographs, microphotographs, or electronic images evidencing the violation must be available for inspection and admission into evidence in a proceeding to adjudicate the liability for the infraction. A person receiving a notice of infraction based on evidence detected by an automated traffic safety camera may respond to the notice by mail.

This is completely against everything I have ever been taught regarding building a good case to establish probable cause. If there is a legal reason why the cameras can't take photos of the interior of the vehicle I don't know what it would be. It seems to be a direct contradiction to the open view doctrine.

I smell bacon

Posted By: jP
Date Posted: 24 Feb 2011 at 12:08pm
Originally posted by James

The more we have our government do the more money is sliced off for the banks and for the tight little group of trustees. The Euro ain't crashing because they have more services or higher taxes than us, it is crashing and the cost of living there is higher because the people long before us were duped into allowing the Banks to Merge with government in control of fiscal policy. Usury is great until you realize that your paying for someone else not to do anything.

Thanks James for sparing me the time to type something similar yet probably less concise.
I agree with most of the points raised by everyone, but here's the deal breaker for me: I can't afford to live in these cities with all of the beautiful people here anymore. My whole occupation seems to have been just about eliminated. If I had a viable means to survive here, maybe I'd take it in stride. Instead, looks like I won't be around much longer.
Yall have fun.


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